My Super Estate

Chapter 484

Chapter 490 The Requirements of Pirate Saints

"You just said, hanging grass?"

Wang Yang immediately grabbed an important point.

The speed of Kongkonger was really too fast just now. If such a speed, combined with his own strength, then Wang Yang was a little afraid to imagine for a while.

The general's breaking the rules and achieving the invincible grandmaster, in fact, is only speed and strength, which is given to him by the zombie war body.

However, his power is far inferior to that of Wang Yang, and his speed is far from that of the sky and air.

That is to say, the strength and speed of the zombie warfare given to the general are far reaching the limit.

However, his speed and strength made him an invincible grandmaster.

The silver war body of Wang Yang has given him absolute power.

His body style is still Jin Yangong learned from the world.

This practice was created by the Chongyang Patriarch.

However, in comparison, Wang Yang's speed is really too weak.

If you really take the hanging grass, what is your speed?

For a time, Wang Yang's heart was fiery and he said, "Do you still have hanging grass?"

At this point of cultivation, Wang Yang knew that he had already encountered a bottleneck.

The Golden War requires 108 drops of silver blood to break through safely.

Otherwise, once a breakthrough is made, it is very likely to explode and die.

Wang Yang is absolutely afraid to be so reckless.That is to say, it is basically impossible for him to practice at this point in practice for a long time before he wants to make another breakthrough.

Therefore, it is imminent that he wants to break through his own strength limit and find another way.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of Kongkonger gave Wang Yang hope.

"Yes, it's the hanging grass, why do you want it?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't want such a speed?"

Wang Yang rolled his eyes wildly.

This question is basically a nonsense. At the speed just now, don't be the invincible grandmaster, but the Hunyuan Venerable, and you must be unmoved.

"Good, empty, do you still have hanging grass there?"

Whether it is the invincible sharpshooter, or Abin, or the three brothers of the Tong family, all of them are brazen.

The speed just now is really terrible.

"Empty sky, what do you mean by hanging grass, is it hanging grass above the clouds?"

Buddhism is worthy of being the most powerful force in the world. The hanging grass mentioned in Kongkonger's mouth has not been heard of by everyone in the room, and night shifts, but the Venerable Dragon King knew it.

"You are, the legendary Dragon Sovereign?"

Kongkonger's eyes narrowed and exclaimed.

This is a big man!

The legend of the Dragon Sovereign has been circulating in the world for more than a thousand years, that is to say, he has been famous for more than a thousand years.

Even if it is empty, he grew up listening to the story of Venerable King Long.

"Oh, the donor is memorable. The monk has not been in the world for thousands of years, but I did not expect that there can be someone like the donor remembering it."

It is also a great thing to be remembered, and Venerable Dragon is naturally very happy.

"The donor Kongkonger, the so-called hanging grass, if I remember correctly, should be a kind of Nine Pinshen grass growing above the clouds.

According to legend, hanging grass, also known as grass without falling, will never fall to the ground.

I don’t know, is there anything wrong with what the monk said?"

Venerable Dragon Dragon looked at Kongkonger and said so.

"This one……"

Kongkonger shook his head fiercely and said, "I really don't know about this matter."

When I was very young, under an opportunity, I occasionally swallowed such a spirit grass, and since then I have practiced light exercise, which is called a rapid advance.

However, this kind of spirit grass, even after I swallow, even I can directly hang in the air."


All shocked.

At a very young age, how small is it?

In any case, at that time, his cultivation will definitely not have the current strength, and he may even have just started cultivation.

If this is the case, the effect of the hanging grass is really shocking.

Let a very young child, or even just start practicing, have the ability to fly in the air.

Who wouldn't like such a magical grass?

Anyway, I like it.

This is the voice of many people present.

The same is the voice of Wang Yang,

"Oh, are you all heartbroken?"

Venerable Dragon King laughed and said.

Wang Yang nodded affirmatively, "That is of course, of course I am moved. Who wouldn't be moved like this spirit grass?"

"Uh um..."

The magic gun is invincible, Abin, Tong Bo, all three nodded fiercely.

"Haha, this kind of spirit grass is really exciting, but you know that this kind of spirit grass has too great a medicinal effect and can be swallowed directly. The huge medicinal effect will directly transform the human body."

Venerable Dragon Dragon pointed to Kongkonger and said, "It's like him. It is extremely fast to practice exercises like light exercises, but to practice other types of martial arts is to get twice the result with half the effort."

Wen Yan, Wang Yang and others looked at Kongkonger together.

For a time, everyone, all with sympathetic eyes.

The speed of Kongkonger was just obvious to everyone, and that one was amazing.

However, that strength is indeed disappointing, even with a dagger, it is difficult to pierce Wang Yang's flesh.

Such strength is indeed desperate.

"Yes, after swallowing the hanging grass, my body has been transformed to practice martial arts such as light skills. The speed is very fast, but the practice of other martial arts is as slow as a turtle."

With that said, Kongkonger was also frustrated.

In the past, he relied on his own speed, he can be invincible in the same order.

However, when he faced a powerful war body, he was completely dumbfounded.

"Wang Yang, do you need grass hanging?"

Kongkonger stared at Wang Yang and asked loudly.

"of course."

Wang Yang nodded affirmatively.

The hanging grass is the ninth-order spirit grass, as mentioned by Venerable Dragon Sovereign just now.

For Wang Yang, any ninth-order spirit grass is a great asset.

"I own the seeds of hanging grass. I can give them all to you, but you have to help me plant several kinds of elixir."

"What kind of elixir?"

"Bi Xueteng, Golden Root Flower."

"You have seeds?"

Wang Yang stared at Kongkonger, so asked.

Wang Yang had never heard of these two elixirs.

"I have got."

Kongkonger definitely nodded and said.


With that said, Kongkonger took two seeds from his arms.

Two seeds, one is azure seed and one is a golden seed.

"What are these elixirs?"

"Rank nine."


Wang Yang was shocked.

Wang Yang stared closely at Kongkonger and said, "Ninth-order elixir is already a top-level elixir. Apart from the immortal elixir, it belongs to them most precious.

If you want to plant them, you must have a lot of spiritual fluids of faith, otherwise, it is impossible."

Wang Yang was also shocked by Kongkonger's generosity.

You know, the last Longmen auction, so many big figures were alarmed, and there was no ninth-order elixir. Now there are three kinds, which is really shocking.

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