My Super Estate

503 No matter who your background is, you can't escape

Chapter 508 No matter who your background is, you will never escape

"How to do?"

Magic Gun looked at the dead knife III and asked.

"If what he said is true, what stands behind Qiankun Cave is the Devil Realm.

If we intervene again, once the powerful forces of the Devil Realm are bounced back, I am afraid that we will all feel bad."

The invincible magic weapon in the heart can't wait to kill all the bastards who disturb the security of the Northwest, but he knows more about the terrifying power of the demon world.

According to legend, the ranking of Fengshen Ranking is the dragon god, and after the dragon god, it is the devil.

The Dragon God has entered the Kunlun world, and the Devil is the first person in the seventy-two hole sky.

Backed by such a terrible character, who would dare to provoke?

"Huh, I don't care what kind of people are behind them. I only know that the earth is the home of all of us. Whoever dares to be wild on the earth, I will take his life wild.

No matter who your background is, you can't escape death!"

In the end, Wang Yang's tone was very heavy.

He knew that Devil's strength was terrible, and once provoked, he and his Shenshui Manor could suffer fatal blows at any time.

However, he knows that the earth is more important. Here is his own home and his own root. His family, friends, love, and everything are all here.

"Yes, no matter who is your backstage, dare to pretend to be on the earth, we will dare to take your life!"

The invincible sharp gun laughed loudly.

"As a member of the earth, how can we allow others to be so pretentious on earth?

As a member of the earth, how can I watch my home be so presumptuous?

As a member of the earth, how can you let your fellow citizens be so presumptuous by others?

Only a member of the earth is his own compatriot. He can scold him, beat him, or even kill him. However, others are absolutely not allowed to be so arbitrary on his own territory.

If you don’t have power, you may be powerless, but if you have power, can you just let the enemies do so wildly because they are too strong?

If this is the case, then, why did my generation practice martial arts?"

At this moment, the invulnerability of the sharp weapon is very high.

Even if it is known that Lord Qiankun Cave is a Hundred Yuan ancestor, even if it is known that Lord Qiankun Cave has two guards with terrible strength.Even if he knew clearly, behind his Qiankun Cave Master, stood the Devil Realm.

If you don’t have power, you can’t do anything, but if you have power, you can’t watch it.

This is the invincible attitude of the sharp weapon.

Despite being bullied and hard, he hasn't lost his blood.

Here is the earth. As a member of the earth, he absolutely does not allow others to come here and wantonly.

"Well, since the two of you have such pressure, then Zhang Yun is definitely not a person who is afraid of death.

Now that the two are determined to Tianshan and his party, I Zhang Yun should go all out.

My brother is willing to die for me. How can I let my brother's wife and children live in the hands of outsiders?"

Stimulated by the invincible atmosphere of the sharp gun, Zhang Yun was also arrogant.

"Let's go, Qiankun Cave is not on the ground. Ordinary martial arts masters, no matter how much they die, is the case. The three of us may wish to join hands and explore."

"Okay, like Mr. Wang Yang, although I have a lot of staff, but there are really few martial arts masters. They usually deal with ordinary masters, maybe they have good strength, but, for Qiankun Cave is indeed worse."

"Boss, the third son was caught, what shall we do?"

Settling in a good sword respect, Dao Jiu immediately found Dao Yi and asked aloud.


Lao Jiu, what did you mean just now?

The third one?Isn't the third son taking the task, beside Xu Ping?"

The owner of Qiankun Cave is a owl, how can he be assured of the safety of Qiankun Cave House, all on an outsider?

Sending Dao San to Xu Ping's side to help Xu Ping against the King of Blades, but secondly, the main thing is to let Dao San monitor Xu Ping and prevent him from being out of line.

"The damn thing Xu Ping actually put the youngest man in a desperate situation and was even taken down in the end."

"What? The third son was taken down?

Where is Xu Ping this bastard, I am going to kill him."

The eight sword guards were all angry, and five or six sword guards clamored to kill Xu Ping. Others did not clamor, and they even got angry.

"Xu Ping has let me kill it."

"What? Killed, it really cheapened him."

"Yes, if it were me, I must kill him for three days and three nights!"

"Yeah, Nine, you are too kind."

Dao Jiu said that Xu Ping had been killed by him, and many people were immediately dissatisfied. He thought it was too kind to kill him directly.

"Okay, Lao Jiu, you called all of us, did you find the whereabouts of those bastards?"

Asked the knife loudly.

"Since Xu Ping has been killed, this matter will be put on hold for a while, but we must absolutely report the third enemy's hatred."

"Boss, don't worry, I have inquired clearly from Xu Ping. The third is to go to the trouble of Zhang Yun, the great northwest sword king. Now that the third is caught, it must be caught by Zhang Yun."

"Well, let's find Zhang Yun now.

Second child, you will lead the team now. I will look for Jianyi. In any case, the safety of Qiankun Cave must be put first."

Knife made this arrangement.

"Okay, I hope the boss will go back quickly."

The double point of the knife that has been talking all the time, said: "This time, we must break Zhang Yun's king and bastard into pieces."

Eight swords down Tianshan.

Wang Yang and others did not know, even they did not know that Xu Ping had been killed by Dao Wei at this time.

At this time, Wang Yang and others sought to enter Tianshan.

"Xu Ping entered the Tianshan Mountains and never appeared again.

Earlier, the information obtained from the knife three has also shown that Qiankun Cave is in this direction, and you may have to be careful.

According to legend, Qiankun Cave is a cave house and cannot be underestimated."

Everyone has to be careful when entering Tianshan.

"What a powerful imprisonment force."

Just entering Tianshan's realm, Wang Yang was exclaimed.

In normal times, Wang Yang's mental strength can be diverged by about 100 meters, but after entering Tianshan, he was shocked to find that his mental strength could not even be separated from his body by half.

This is really shocking.

"What should we do? Here, the spiritual power is greatly suppressed. It is too difficult and difficult to find a Qiankun Cave in the vast mountains."

After entering Tianshan, everyone realized that things were more difficult than they thought.

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