My Super Estate

514 The role of pig blood

Chapter 518 The Role of Pig Blood

"Sovereign, do you mean that these high-level elixirs themselves need some special energy, and only then can they successfully take root and germinate?"

This was something Wang Yang had never thought of before.

For a long time, Wang Yang thought that as long as there is enough spirit fluid in his body, he can produce in unlimited quantities.Now it seems that this is something I take for granted.

"So, what do I need to do?"

"Look for what kind of growing environment is needed for the continuum.

The environment determines everything. We live in this world. If we cannot change this world, then we must adapt to this world.

In the same way, the elixir is the same. They have a special medicinal property. This special medicinal property is definitely not out of thin air. They also absorb some special energy in the natural environment and go through a series of changes in the elixir body again. Only in this way can we grow."


This is the first time Wang Yang has heard such a theory.

Thinking about it, he makes sense again.

"But, what kind of environment do you need for Xuanmai grass?"

Wang Yang couldn't help but ask himself in his heart.

This is a big problem. If this problem cannot be solved, I am afraid that it is impossible to plant this kind of continuous vein grass successfully. problem.

Thinking of this problem, Wang Yang couldn't help but open his mind again, and he didn't enter the inheritance for a long time.

In that heritage, gathered a lot of elixir planting information.

Bloody place...

Wang Yang stared at his eyes, and he never thought that within the inheritance, he really had the information of the planting area of ​​Cymbidium.

It's just that the message changed his face.

Where can there be such a bloody place in the modern society of the earth?

"Boy, what's wrong with you?"

All the people in the field are all powerful, and Wang Yang's complexion changes, and naturally he cannot escape the attention of the powerful.

The Devil King asked first.

"I, I think, I know the requirements of the planting area of ​​Cymbidium."

"What? You know, you really know?"

You know, all the people present here need Wang Yang to plant elixir for them.

If Wang Yang really knows the information of Cymbidium, does it mean that Wang Yang might know when he planted elixir for them?

"Could it be that there is a record of this in the legacy left by Emperor Ziyang?"

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Yes, in the inheritance, there is such a sentence about the continuous vein grass. The bloody land is full of continuous vein grass.

Before, I didn't know what this sentence meant, but now, it seems to be explaining the information about the planting area of ​​Cymbidium."

"Now that you know it, what kind of face do you have!"

The Bull Demon stared at the bull's eyes, shouting with dissatisfaction.

"Amitabha, bloody place, now on the earth, but there is peace, where are you going to find such a place?"

In the end is the monk, Venerable Dragon first figured out the key.

"This, or else, we entered Dongtian, there is no bloody place on earth, but, in the cave days, such a place is definitely not lacking. Before, your kid didn’t say that Gu Shetian is fighting, so, we Go to this battlefield now and take a walk?"

Niu Mowang thinks the question is always so simple.

It is said that Wang Yang also shined.

The Niu Demon said it well, but it is a bloody land anyway. Since that is the case, then entering Dongtian may also be a good choice.

"Does it need blood, does it need blood? I know, I know where there is blood, I know where there will be blood."

Childlike clapping hands.


Tong Zhan suddenly turned his head and looked at his younger brother, saying, "Child Zhan, can you tell lies, do you really know where there will be a lot of blood?"

"I know, today is not far away. Isn't anyone killing the pig? Wow...when I stabbed in, the pig had a lot of blood, all of it came out."

Pig blood???

For a time, everyone was shocked.

"Yes, it's pig blood, isn't it?

Doesn’t it mean that it needs blood?

That pig blood is also bloody!"

Tongxin's voice is very sincere, and his naked heart prevents him from telling lies.

However, his voice fell in the eyes of others, but it was thunderous bursts!!

"Hehe, hehe, childlike innocence, you are really too smart, really too smart."

Wang Yang grabbed the innocence and laughed at ease.

Hearing the words, it was Tong Bo and two brothers who were fighting children. It was also a great joy to look at their younger brother.

Yeah, it's just bloody, but I haven't heard what kind of blood is needed. Pig blood is also bloody, why not?

Wang Yang came to the Bull Demon King and said: "The Bull Demon King, don't know this pig blood, is it possible?"

This is a kind of respect, and the same is a kind of confirmation.

After all, it's the Bull Demon King, the demon world supreme, and the meeting is really not comparable to Wang Yang and others.

"Maybe give it a try."

Faced with this problem, it is the Bull Demon King, and he is not so sure.

After all, in theory, pig blood is also a kind of blood, if the blood is only needed, it can be poured into the blood.

"Okay, I'll contact now."

The development of Shenshui Manor has driven the vigorous development of Shui Village. The present Shui Village can be said to be a large-scale village and town. For the consumption of some meat, it is also increasing day by day.

For example, pork.

Right now, every time the water village has to consume 30 big fat pigs to barely supply.

Wang Yang came to the slaughterhouse and immediately attracted the attention of several butchers.

"Wang Yang, you big boss, how come you have time to come to this bloody place?"

Zhongwu is the owner of this slaughterhouse. Wang Yang, as the owner of Shenshui Manor, of course, is no stranger.

"Uncle Wu, are you busy?"

"Fortunately, since your Shenshui Manor opened, our water village has really developed vigorously.

Now every day in the slaughterhouse, more than 30 fat pigs must be slaughtered."

"oh, I see.

That's right, Uncle Wu is straight to help me with this."

"It's hard to say, what's the matter with you? Let's just say, do I need to eat some meat? In this way, I'll cut it and send it to your house?"

"No, no, it's like this. I want to suck some pig blood, and this volume is a bit large. I want to ask Uncle Wu, this pig blood is collected, but it's convenient."

"Convenient, convenient. In this way, how much do you need, say a number, I will order people to get it now."

"That's really a thank you!"

Wang Yang was overjoyed and said: "How much money will be required by that time, Uncle Wu, if you say a number, I will let someone call you directly."

Zhong Wu's face sank, pretending not to be happy, and said, "You are hitting me in the face.

My slaughterhouse can have today, all rely on your Shenshui manor, you need some pig blood, just take it directly, where is the money!"

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