My Super Estate

Chapter 547

Chapter 540 The Taboo of Sun Tree Planting

Is this the sun tree?

Wang Yang Mulu surprised.

The sun is the source of all things. It not only divides yin and yang, but also divides day and night.

It can be said that any kind of thing, which is related to the sun, represents his height.

But at this time, what kind of beauty can this little sapling directly named after the sun have?

For a time, Wang Yang looked at this little sapling, and the strange color in his eyes could not be suppressed.

"No matter what kind of wonders it has, as long as I can plant it successfully, by then, what kind of wonders it really will always appear naturally."

With that said, Wang Yang planted it directly on the spot.

If it is other people, planting such a god tree will inevitably collect a lot of god soil. Only in this way can the god tree be planted alive.

However, for Wang Yang, all this is not important, as long as it is planted in the manor, plus the silver blood, basically, it will be almost the same.

"Well, in the inheritance memory, there are really many introductions to the sun tree.


Suddenly, Wang Yang glared, and in the inheritance memory, he saw such a message. Is this true?

For a time, Wang Yang was a little suspicious.

"This, this can't be true!"

Even in the inheritance memory, there are clear records, but Wang Yang still said that he could not believe it.

"The sun tree contains the imprint of the congenital god tree and the hibiscus tree. When planting, it is watered with a large amount of vital spirits. It is very likely to successfully activate the imprint of this hibiscus tree. With a 1% probability, success Plant a hibiscus tree."

Is this true?

Wang Yang stared at his eyes and couldn't believe it.

The hibiscus god tree, the legendary congenital creature that is higher than the immortal medicine, grows on the sun, suppresses the sun, continues to emit light and heat for the sun, provides vitality and light for all things in the world, and makes a huge contribution Contribution.

Such a congenital creature, no matter who it is, as long as he can own one, it will mainly bring great benefits, and even bring luck that will only be possessed in the dark.

Well, no matter what luck is, it is just such a congenital creature that has completely attracted Wang Yang's attention.

"The hibiscus tree, this, but I can own a hibiscus tree. Isn't it that I can quickly cultivate and raise my strength to a terrible level?"

With great anticipation, Wang Yang planted the palm-sized saplings directly on the ground.


The sun tree was planted, and suddenly, the whole earth was shaken extremely fiercely.

"This, this is?"

The sun tree is extraordinary, and Wang Yang knows it too, but he never thought that this sapling had just been planted and it was so extraordinary.

This, but even the earth was driven.

"No, this is not shaking the earth, this is absorbing the massive vitality underground.

Yes, it is absorbing the massive vitality of the earth. My Shenshui Manor, possesses the extremely vigorous god grass brought back from the secret realm. After nearly a year of development, the accumulation of vitality under the ground is already terrible. .

What's more, these days, the world, the major desert areas have been completely covered by the Wannian pine of our Shenshui manor, the entire earth has been unable to see a large area of ​​desert, even the water surface, has also been Covered with a species of ten thousand grass containing the gene of the god grass.

These missteps are not only the peaks of the water quality of the entire earth, but also the accumulation of enormous vitality on the earth.

These days, walking on the earth, together with the air, can also feel a very majestic vitality, even, of course, when planting these, in order to control the vitality, it is to use the developed root system, directly to all the ten thousand years of grass Associate with adult pine and lead into this Shenshui manor.

It can be said that this Shenshui Manor is now one of the most vigorous areas in the Seventy-two Caves, and it is not an exaggeration.

Now this sun tree is planted in such a place with extremely high vitality, I am afraid it has inspired the hidden hibiscus imprint in its body."

Wang Yang's face changed for a while.

Wang Yang of course spent a lot of thought on such a huge project on the earth. Although it was all operated by other people in Shenshui Manor, Wang Yang himself made the big policy.

However, it seems that this accumulation for half a year was originally intended to improve the vitality of Shenshui Manor, which was completely absorbed by the sun tree. For a time, Wang Yang was also somewhat cloudy.

This is a huge amount of vitality. The most important thing is that for the Sun Tree, such a supply is completely a bottomless hole that can't be seen.

That is to say, such a large amount of vitality consumption is very likely, not just such a time. In the following time, such vitality supply is very likely and will have a lot of times.

The most important thing is that this sun tree is not his own, but the Buddha is coming. When the time comes, the cultivation is successful. These things, basically, are all owned by the Buddha.

In other words, if you continue this way, it is very likely that you will consume your own huge resources and cultivate the god tree for others.

How can Wang Yang accept such a fucking thing?

"No, this sun tree has been activated by the imprint of the hibiscus tree. It can be said that it is completely a seedling of a hibiscus god. No matter what, I can't let it leave my side."

The hibiscus tree is too important for Wang Yang.

According to legend, the reason why the sun can burn for a long time to provide warmth and light to the earth is because the hibiscus god tree is providing extremely powerful energy to the sun.

"If I own a hibiscus tree, my strength will never be suppressed."

Thinking of the legend of the hibiscus god tree, Wang Yang's heart is even more fiery.

Sure enough, it took only three minutes. After the earth shook, the sky shook.

At this time, it was from noon to midday, the sun was hanging high above the infinite amount of altitude, just after the sun tree was planted, and the imprint of the hibiscus god tree was successfully activated, but three minutes, in the sky, a terrible kind The vision was successfully manifested.

The immeasurable amount of the sun's rays converged under the magical power at the height of Shenshui Manor, and a very hot beam of sunlight manifested above Shenshui Manor.

This scene was successfully seen by everyone on earth.

It's very magical. The earth is round. It has both sides, even seeing such a scene at the same time.

Even the tall people in the seventy-two hole sky, at this moment, they all saw this scene with their own eyes.

The pillar of sunlight that emits terrible energy gathers in the sky above Shenshui Manor, and then directly injects into the sun tree,

"This this……"

This scene in front of me is really terrible, and Wang Yang was completely scared by such a scene in front of him.

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