My Super Estate

Chapter 56 God Blessing

Chapter 57—Blessings of Gods

In the main hall, Nobita was injured, guarding Chen Bing, two males and three males were grimacing, clenching their fists, and struck Wang Yang's chest.


Luo Jian was very anxious and helpless. His own injuries were too serious and he couldn't move too much.

"go to hell!"

Two males and three males, each grinning, with the legs as the origin and the waist as the axis, through the whole body, hit the chest of Wang Yang fiercely.

These two punches have already focused on both of them, and they are full of strength. They believe that under this punch, Wang Yang, who was already seriously injured, will definitely be seriously injured and fall to the ground. By then, he is the dead soul of his two brothers.


Seeing that cousin had nowhere to escape, Luo Jian was more anxious, and he could no longer care about the serious injuries on his body. He raised his last breath and rushed towards Wang Yang.

When Cousin's life is in crisis, he will use his physical body to block these two punches for Cousin, which is impossible in Bona.


Watching Wang Yang being scared and stupid, he couldn't move, watching Luo Jian was very anxious, and the two males and three males grinned more.

They believe that under their fists, this young man will definitely die.


Just when the two fists of the two males and the three males, Shen Ruojin, fell on Wang Yang's chest, and the grin of his mouth was about to bloom.

In the main hall, there was a sudden strong wave, like a calm water surface, sinking by a boulder, the water ripples were undulating, and the main hall air was undulating layer after layer, making it difficult to stand firm.

"This, this is--"

Luo Jian stood unsteady and fell to the ground.


Two males, three males, and two brothers, like an electric shock, the whole person was subjected to a strong impact, flying three feet backwards, and also standing still and falling down.


In the end, Nobita had rich experience. He dragged his severely injured body to Chen Bing in the first place.

However, this kind of turbulence is too strong, how can Daxiong be seriously injured?


This is a seriously injured body, which is even heavier at the moment.

However, he still minimized the damage for Chen Bing.

"Master, are you okay!"

Nobita climbed from the ground and visited Chen Bing for the first time.

"You, you waste!"

Being knocked down by Nobita, Chen Bing of Caobao not only did not appreciate it but also did not pay attention to his injury, but cursed at Nobita instead.


When Chen Bing scolded him, Daxiong didn't care. He just inquired nervously, wanting to know if he had Qiang.


Not waiting for Nobita to get the answer, the mysterious wave rang again in the main hall.

For a time, everyone was like an enemy.

However, this time, it was surprising that the terrible shock wave did not appear. On the contrary, from the void, where the waves of waves passed, a golden cloud layer filled the void of the main hall.


Looking up at the top, Wang Yang saw the scene better, and he felt a sudden shock.

I saw that the golden clouds, wave after wave, emerged from the void, and finally, the entire cloud turned into a huge vortex, and from the center of the vortex, a beam of gold color light was emitted.

"Faith, the blessing of the spirit??"

Wang Yang was shocked.

He never imagined that in the legend, the wonders that have been hard to come by for thousands of years would be encountered by himself.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this time, the lucky one selected by the gods will be himself.

However, the entire golden cloud of faith, with Wang Yang as the center, formed a huge vortex. From the center of the vortex, a yellow beam of faith was emitted and fell directly on top of Wang Yang's head.

Suddenly, the injury caused by the seventh stroke of the fist was just forcibly restored immediately.


The sudden change was so vast that for a time, everyone was shocked.

They never thought that between life and death, such a huge change happened.


Luo Jian was most anxious.

Before, his cousin faced the siege of the two masters. He was already anxiously accelerated. This time, he was suddenly'attacked' by a huge layer of yellow clouds. He was even more anxious.

However, all this was too sudden, and then impatient, at this time, he was helpless, even, even the movement of the bomb was so difficult.

Suddenly, with Luo Jian's eager attention, Wang Yang Ru got the help and no one else, so he practiced martial arts alone.

This piece of faith is so vast that Wang Yang has been practicing martial arts, and he has no alternative to practice his fists over and over again.


Luo Jian stunned.

He has seen this scene.

Before, at the night market, Wang Yang met a fat man, a dilapidated Yuanqinghua, and even, in order to get this dilapidated Yuanqinghua, their two brothers also broke through the Tianlong Casino.

At that time, I got the dilapidated Yuan blue and white, and gained three drops of faith from it. My cousin was so persistent in cultivation.

"This is the power of faith?"

Finally, Luo Jian reacted. This piece of golden clouds is the belief that cousin has been looking for.

Not only Luo Jian, but also Mu Xiong and Chen Bing were stunned.

In the decisive battle between life and death, regardless of enemies, he practiced boxing.

Is this, grind the gun?

Mujia Sanxiong is not sure.

"Quick, go kill the bastard."

Mu Xiong is uncertain, but Chen Bing is furious. Before, he was attacked by an inexplicable shock wave and was seriously injured. For unknown reasons, he only counted the cause of the crime on Wang Yang's head.

"Come on, you two, go kill him soon!"


Nobita was shocked and anxiously said: "This is a strange thing, and it will not act rashly."

The previous turbulence was too strong, and it was definitely not something that the three brothers could bear. At this time, the situation was unknown, and if they stepped forward, they would only die faster.

He could bear Chen Bing scolding, but he could not bear his brother to die.

"I said, go and kill him."

Chen Bing looked terrible. He was seriously injured on the land boundary of Yang City. This is something that he absolutely cannot bear. This person must die.

Must die!


Nobita is in a hurry. The situation here is strange. Nobita must not let the two brothers take risks.

Chen Bing rushed to the top of his skull, grinning his face, said angrily: "Do you want to violate my orders?"

"Brother, don't say that, this kid is just the end of the crossbow, let's kill him."

Seeing that Nobita had to say, the second and third hadtily spoke.

Looking at each other, Erxiong gritted his teeth and said, "Youngest, let's go together, I don't believe it, I can't kill him."

"it is good."

Sanxiong nodded his head.

The two stepped forward and killed Wang Yang.


Seeing this, Luo Jian was in a hurry.

The situation with his cousin is unknown. How can he be assured, but he is helpless because he is seriously injured.


The two males shouted in unison and exerted their strength together, as if the tyrannosaurus was born, with the legs as the origin and the waist as the axis, the fists came out together, and they ran through the body.

This is their full blow, which is the peak of Ming Jin. In the face of such double punches, they must also be seriously injured. What's more, Wang Yang, who was previously seriously injured and the situation is unknown?


The buzzing sounded again.

This time, there was no terrible shock, only Wang Yang's fist, with inexplicable fist, like a double dragon going to the sea, coming straight to the two males.

"Good job."

"Send you on the road!!"

Suddenly Wang Yang punched his fists, his eyes widened, his whole body strenuously, and he killed Wang Yang.


Four fists docked, in the imagination of the two males, Wang Yang was blown up by his brother’s powerful power, and did not appear. On the contrary, in Wang Yang’s double fist, the power was overbearing, and the powerful force made them two males. .


Unexpectedly, the bull's eyes widened, the two males did not retreat, but also double fists, running through the whole body, calling Wang Yang.

Bang Bang Bang...


In the incredible sight of the two men, Wang Yang attacked one after another. The powerful force became stronger and stronger, and he directly played the two men without backhand.

Bang Bang--

The Shuangxiong couldn't bear it anymore. He was struck by strong force and directly hit the ground.

"This this……"

Chen Bing's eyes were dull. He couldn't believe that such a victory would be brought by the young master who was suppressed in the audience before.

"You, you waste, why didn't you kill him!!"

In the end, Chen Bing seemed to find the reason and scolded the two men.


In the end, Shuangxiong is younger than Nobita. Where can I stand it?

Seeing this, Nobita said in a hurry, "Master, here is weird. For safety's sake, let's leave quickly!"

"Yes, yes, we have to leave, we have to leave."

Chen Bingcao, however, valued his life the most, and was nodded repeatedly by Nobita.

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