My Super Estate

Chapter 587: The Old Vampire Prince's Last Contribution

Chapter 580 The last contribution of the old vampire prince.

The battle is fierce.

A total of five angel teams came this time. Each team consisted of one hundred people, for a total of five hundred people.

It can be said that such a team is extremely terrifying.

In particular, these angels basically have a pair of wings, that is, they are two-winged angels.

Such an angel, for the warrior, is basically a grandmaster level.

In contrast, two-winged angels may not be as powerful as the Grand Master, but they also have an advantage, the sky advantage.

Under such advantages, the general masters really have no way to fight them.

On the contrary, although there are many masters in the dragon group, in contrast, the number is less than one-fifth of that of the angels.

In other words, only one hundred people came from the dragon team this time.

However, it was such a hundred people that, in the face of five hundred angels, had achieved a repressive victory.

"Sure enough, the angel is just the Holy Light. Once there is no Holy Light, for the warrior, with one battle and five, there is no pressure at all."

"Fabulous battle..."

Seeing that the angels were repeatedly beaten, Michelin could no longer sit still and shouted loudly.

"Bright and eternal, angels are undefeated.

God said that heretics must be eliminated."

At the moment, the angels all gather together to form a powerful angel battle.

Between Michelin's waves, a holy light spread out.

The horrible sun god fire was blocked by them.

"Grandpa, what should we do next?"

Wu Xiaobing came to the old lady and asked aloud.

"Huh, what else can I do?

He has many angels, don't we have many masters in the dragon group?

Kill them all for me."


"What is this, this time the Chief Instructor pulled out such a large team out of the caves of the main schools. Do you want to tell me, do we want to watch them and escape from here?"


Wu Xiaobing knew that this time the Chief Instructor really paid a lot.

Twenty or so mixed-level people, all of whom are the first-class figures of the inner elders of all major schools, are completely older figures who have been rumored to be sitting.

Now that they have come out, it is natural that they cannot let them go in vain and completely destroy this team of angels, which is the best result.

The old vampire prince was under siege by four invincible grandmasters, even if he was a vampire and had an immortal body, even if he was a vampire prince and had a huge storage of blood gas, but in the face of being beaten by the head again and again, he was still a support Unable to see, when the lamp was dry, the old man suddenly appeared.

"Wang Yang, how are you guys, can you win this old vampire?"


"Okay, don't kill me, leave him a breath.

What this old vampire said, is also a vampire prince, his core is very useful for Dongfu, directly integrated, very useful for your cave."

Wang Yang was stunned, and was almost attacked by the old vampire prince during the battle.


Wang Yang was pleasantly surprised.

"Of course it is true, so you must catch him alive."

"it is good."

Wang Yang's energy was stronger.

Before, it was just because the vampire was so abominable that he even dared to lead someone to his own Shenshui Manor.

Whatever it takes, all these vicious vampires must be destroyed.

Nothing else, just for self-preservation, and just for justice, and what they do, can't make them feel better.

However, it is different now, how to say, there is a good motivation to do things.

Now that such a good thing is happening, we must act on it!

It’s not tiring to work with men and women. Oh, don’t say that. The bigger the benefit, the greater the motivation.

Such a good thing, why not be tired!

For a time, Wang Yang shot more aggressively, and cooperated with the other three more reasonably, and tacitly understood.

The whole battle went more smoothly.

The fighting ethics is also smoother.


Finally, Wang Yang cooperated with the magic gun invincible and mastered the combat ethics better. Under the cooperation, Wang Yang took advantage of the invincible shot of the magic gun to bring great damage to the old vampire prince, and the sword killed the old vampire prince.

"Quickly, the blood gas he has stored has been extremely consumed. I knocked off his flesh. I don't believe it. He still has enough blood gas to restore his body?"

Fighting is like a boat, the water is smoother and the boat is smoother, but the water is harder for the boat.

The whole battle and the morality were completely under the control of Wang Yang. The battle continued naturally, and it was naturally smoother.

Sure enough, Wang Yang killed the old vampire prince with a sword. His undead body never recovered so fast. The other three were all invincible grandmasters. What a powerful fighting consciousness, he quickly shot the old vampire directly The prince's flesh broke.


I'm not willing...

The old vampire prince shattered without dying, shouting unwillingly, still echoing his unwilling cry in the void.

A golden heart was suspended in mid-air.

"Quick, this heart is sealed, this is the core of the old vampire, just take this heart into your cave house.

As long as this heart is integrated into the cave house, your cave house will then be able to make your cave house more stable."

"it is good."

Wang Yang boasted in his heart, this is a great thing, naturally, the action is more rapid.

The so-called seals are generally great supernatural powers, and many people are sealed by array method, but, obviously, Wang Yang and Luo Jian and others do not have this strength.

Fortunately, Wang Yang can only grasp the heart with his hands, and the qi in his body completely seals off the heart, and does not allow the blood gas during the period to escape.

"Grandpa, you said, what to do next?"

"Your cave house, fighting now, those damn angels, for a time, can't be packed up.

Now, let’s go to Dongfu. Now in Dongfu, everyone’s strength is no longer suppressed, and the fighting power is fully displayed. You can also go in and see, maybe you can learn.

You are all invincible grandmasters now, as long as you successfully walk out of your own way, you can cultivate your own martial arts.

At that time, you will be able to jump directly from Grand Master to Hunyuan Venerable.

Take a look now, it is very useful for you."

"it is good."

Wang Yang nodded. The four of them are already invincible grandmasters. It can be said that to truly reach the pinnacle of martial arts, to move forward again, one must walk out of one's own path.

The so-called Hundred Yuan Ancestor, that is to say Hundred Yuan Danjin, is essentially a transition, a transition towards the Hunyuan Venerable and out of his own way.

It is Hunyuan Venerable who can successfully walk out of his own way, and Hunyuan Danjin does not walk out of his own way.

In other words, if you can't get out of your way, Hunyuan Danjin is the limit.

Whether Wang Yang can successfully get out of his own way, Wang Yang still has little confidence.

On the contrary, Luo Jian, he has found his way, for such an opportunity, it is optional.

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