My Super Estate

617 Not afraid of death, come up!

Chapter 110: Don’t be afraid of death, come up!

"Who else is not afraid of death, come up!"

Wang Yang has a serial of palms, and the five masters of the Hengyuan ancestors in Tenjin Palace are all beaten to the flesh.

With a cold snort, Wang Yang looked at the Quartet and said: "Hum, I am a businessman, pay attention to harmony and wealth, our Shenshui Manor is also a place to do business, and all kinds of elixir are also welcome. .

However, if someone thinks that our Shenshui Manor is thin, so bullying, it is an individual, and we want to step on it twice. Our Shenshui Manor has also accepted all the orders.

I want to see if the sword of our Shenshui Manor can drink blood??"

In Wang Yang's hands, I don't know when a long sword appeared.

The long sword is as sparkling as a jade, and when the breeze blows, the sword body shakes like a spirit snake.

"Soft sword?"

Many people are surprised.

"Wang Yang is extremely powerful, but he has never heard that he possesses extremely powerful swordsmanship!"

It's been almost two days since the invincible battle platform appeared. For many people from major forces, two days are enough for them to carry out the most in-depth investigation.

"Ziyang Emperor, in legend, is dominated by an extremely overbearing war body. He won the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor. It stands to reason that his physical body is the most powerful. It should be an extremely powerful war body.

However, I have never heard that Ziyang Emperor, what other swordsmanship!"

People who are interested in Wang Yang’s inheritance are not a minority. Many people have thought about it, and it is definitely not a decimal for Wang Yang’s attention.

However, no matter how I check it, I haven't heard of any powerful sword heritage of Emperor Ziyang!

Wang Yang doesn't care about them.

Seeing those desires, but not dare to move, Wang Yang laughed suddenly.

Pride and laughter

Red blood is better than red sunlight

Bold like iron, bone like steel

Thousands of miles of vision

Vow to work hard to be a good HOO

Be a good man and be self-improved every day

Hot-blooded man beats red daylight


Let Haitian gather energy for me

Going to the ground to dream for me to break into ha

Bibo rises and looks at the vastness of the blue sky

Both men are self-improving hoohaa

Ang Bu stands tall and everyone makes a good man

Use my hundred points to shine a thousand points

Be a good guy

Hot wins red daylight hoohaa hey

Let Haitian gather energy for me

Going to the ground to dream for me to break into ha

Bibo rises and looks at the vastness of the blue sky

Both men are self-improving hoohaa

Ang Bu stands tall and everyone makes a good man

Use my hundred points to shine a thousand points

Be a good guy

Hot win

Be a good guy

Hot win


"This is one of my favorite songs. The song tells us that men are self-improving.

You bastards, on the ground of my Shenshui manor, dare to find the trouble of my Shenshui manor, but they are really bold.

Come and come, Lao Tzu wants to see, in the end there are some things that are not afraid of death, today, Lao Tzu will have to try, is the sword in Lao Tzu's hand really can't kill?"

"Boy, don't run wild..."

Wang Yang is so arrogant, although there are extraordinary strengths, where can someone really back down.

Now, three or four people jumped up again.

His own breath is very powerful, exuding a very strong breath.

Although it is not without enemies, it is definitely an extraordinary master.


On the surface, Wang Yang was embarrassed for a while, but in his heart, he turned over with a smile.

"Haha, here is the invincible battle platform. On the invincible battle platform, the undead people are killed, but they lose once, and they must be deducted by one tenth of their luck.

There is a death, although it will not really die, but for the warrior, it is even more painful to lower the level to kill them than to kill them."

On the surface, Wang Yang was furious, and even pointed at the battlefield and burst into cursing. How arrogant it should be like that.

"Damn, this bastard is so arrogant!

No, I must teach him!"

"Oh, even singing on this invincible battle platform.

Good boy, courageous, well, today, Lao Tzu, you have to teach you how to be a good person."

"Hey, man being self-improved?

This song is good.You sing well, and you educate well.

Men should be self-improving, since they have encountered good things, naturally they must have the courage to fight and dare to fight!"

Wang Yang's strength was once underestimated, but when he really swept through the battlefield with thunder, and serially exploded the masters of Tenjin Palace, many people were secretly shocked.

Seeing Abing's cultivation behavior, he wanted to make a breakthrough, and this day's great opportunity would wipe him out, and many people felt annoyed for a while.

Even, many people look anxious.

At this time, if no one was more excited, they hesitated for a while, perhaps, Abin successfully broke through.

However, Wang Yang was so arrogant that he stood on the invincible battle platform and exploded many masters, even singing.

This is amazing.

The masters from all major forces are all watching there. If you sing like this on the battle platform, do you look down on the big guy or what is it?

Cooperating with the big guys and gathering your Shenshui Manor together, it is to sing for you!

At the moment, there are a lot of hesitations, and there are strong people who retreat in their hearts.

Immediately, some people jumped onto the battle platform.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, come here, our brothers are here, do you want to go head-to-head or fight in groups!"

"Right, right, do you want to go head-to-head, or a group fight!"

It's so popular, you can be treated as a personal concert in a grand place like Invincible Battle Platform.

Damn you, you're so sloppy, we won't beat you, who?

On the battle platform, there were so many figures.

Abin closed his eyes and accepted Tianlei's baptism with all his strength.

Wang Yang was alone, facing the six masters, calmly.

"Huh, we are deliberately irritating us. Are you endless or intentional?

However, regardless of whether you are unintentional or intentional, the emergence of the top six strong players in the top list is the master of the top list, and it is absolutely not dare to underestimate.

Do you really have this strength, I believe they will give me the answer."

"Good boy, the brain is turning fast.

Usually, these guys dare not easily set foot on the invincible battle platform.

The invincible battle platform is always a battle platform without enemies.

Now that kid's luck with the golden cloud shrouded the top, which caused all kinds of Taoism to resonate, and a huge pie fell from the world, but it moved many people's minds.

You have such a stimulus, afraid that a lot of people will all jump up.

One by one, all of them are strong in the Hundred Yuan Realm.

One by one, it is not easy to accumulate..."

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