My Super Estate

Chapter 621

Chapter 614 Since we are going to fight, we will fight a happy one

The golden Wuxi falls, the jade rabbit rises east, the heaven and the earth take place day and night, and the earth goes its own way.

However, on the earth, it is already chaotic.

"The earth on earth is the foundation of heaven, earth, and the world, the universe and the vastness of the world meet, and the world's heroes blend together.

At all major interfaces, luck only allows one invincible grandmaster to come into the world, a century-old generation, which cannot be increased, only reduced.

If we want to achieve the strongest in all walks of life and enter the earth, this is our only way out.

Dear brothers, how are you going to enter the world?"

In the martial world, the sharp gun gate has just passed a round of comparison.

Gun Wudao lost the master due to the late entry and lost the qualification for this battle.

Since he was a child, his talent is extremely unattractive, and naturally he is not reconciled.

"My ambition is the supremacy of the martial world, and my way is the invincible way.

The damn sharp gun has no edge. This time, I will lose to you. Next time, I will never fail again.

You wait for me, I will definitely defeat you and become a new generation of world."

"Everyone, entering the world is our only opportunity to embark on the path of invincibility and supremacy.

Even, it is extremely likely that we will enter the Gods List in the future.

Why, you have to give up such an opportunity and be destroyed in the future?"

Looking at the teachers and brothers in front of him, Gun Wudao tried his best and wanted to draw the brothers and sisters into the door.

"But Zongmen has long been rumored that the world is extremely dangerous, but it is the center of the heavens and the world, protected by the Dragon God.

If we go on like this, aren't we afraid to anger the Dragon God?"

Some disciples were worried, so asked.

"How about farting?

Thinking of us as a sharpshooter is also one of the supreme powers. Our brothers and sisters are all self-created king-level divine skills and entered the ranks of the king.

Why, you want to give up?

Huh, what kind of character is Dragon God?That is the first peerless power on the list of Fengshen, that is, the heavens and the world, and in front of a person like him, there is no ability to fight back.

Do you think that with the strength of the Dragon God, will we have the opportunity to provoke it?"

"Okay, let's get into the world.

The second elder brother said that our sharpshooter is the supreme force of the martial world.

As a disciple of the sharpshooter, he should take the path of invincibility.

Brother's strength is extremely amazing, we compete with it, but the glow of fire and the sun.

However, we are the most outstanding disciple of the Divine Gun Gate.

Compared with our brothers, we may be inferior, but, in the world, it will definitely be a character.

As long as we enter the world, without the oppression of heaven and earth, we will surely create our own invincible magic and walk out our own invincible road."

"Yes, we will definitely go our own invincible way."

Grand Master is the last step in the foundation of martial arts, and it is also the most important step.

At the level of Grand Master, where you can go represents what level you can practice in the future.

Without the great chance of peerlessness, it is easy to break this iron law.

They are outstanding disciples of the supreme power. Everyone has created their own royal martial arts, which has laid a solid foundation for the future entry into the Xeon Kingdom.

However, compared with the invincible supreme, it is completely incomparable.

Now that the roads of the world are open, they, as peers and arrogants, do their best to fight hard.

"Roar roar..."

This is the sky monster sky, also known as the sky monster sky, also known as the sky monster sky, one of the eight cave holes opened for the power of the demon race.

The eight demon worlds, together, are collectively called the demon world.

This is the forbidden area of ​​human beings. The demon ally, together with the demon world, is called a demon, and it is the common cause of the world.

In ancient books, the power of the demon world often broke through the door of the realm, broke into the world, and was slaughtered by the world's guardians one by one.

Here, killing is an eternal topic, and all creatures are blood eaters.

The piranha is in full bloom, when the demon once monitored it, and suddenly changed its beautiful and beautiful appearance, revealing its fierce fangs, a mountain-sized behemoth, it is very likely that it will be directly killed by the delicate piranha, all the blood And meat, all swallowed by piranhas.

Finger-sized ants, giant beasts stepping on one foot, are very likely to kill a piece.

However, some great mountains have been hollowed out by ants. When the giant beast fell down and rested, like the ants of the mountain and the sea, the tide quickly rushed over. The giant beast like a hill was directly swallowed by the ants.

Here, terror and killing have been integrated into every corner, even if it is a beast, there are many that can't stand it.

"Ah, I can't stand it, I can't stand it..."

White-fronted tiger, as a king of beasts, in such an environment, he is still unbearable.

It seems that he is always in a terrible abyss and is going to be crazy about it.

"Human roads have been opened, no, I'm going to the world.

Yes, I will go to the world. The world is the root of all realms. It has a very strong Hunyuan ban. With the strength of my tiger roar, it must be the strongest party.

Yes, that's the case. There are so many mortals in the world. As long as we devour more than 10,000 or 20,000 human beings, perhaps, I can break through the current state."

The white-fronted eye-catching tiger turned into a streamer and walked towards the world.

At this moment, it seems that between heaven and earth, Mingming has its own induction, and the major interfaces, strong parties, all come towards the world.

"Damn, you are dying, dying, dying..."

Worthy of being an undead body, he was split in half by Wang Yang's sword, and Blood Wuya was still pointing at Wang Yang, clamoring.

The anxious and corrupted voice did not disperse over Shenshui Manor for a long time.

"No, this blood son is too easy to beat, he is going to lose!"

"what should we do?

There is already an atmospheric carrier born in Shenshui Manor. Do we have to watch the birth of an atmospheric carrier again?"

Any child of luck is a good luck.

Even if it is a qualified breakthrough, the luck between heaven and earth will still come together very quickly.

"Then you say, what should we do?"

Everyone was not far away. They came to Shenshui Manor, not as a gift, everyone came for it.

At present, everyone has not yet obtained great benefits. Instead, it is the Shenshui Manor. Two people have already obtained great benefits.

Such a thing, everyone is naturally unwilling to happen again.

One is already unbearable. Who would like to suffer again?

For a time, many people looked in the direction of the invincible battle platform, and their eyes contained a terrible light, as if the devil was going to eat people.

"Everyone, since this Lord Shenshui wants to fight, may we, all of us, fight a battle?

Quack, he is so lucky, if we can defeat him, maybe we can divide his luck."

Qi sports hearts.

Once Wang Yang once again defeated Xue Wuya, his extremely terrifying and huge luck was suddenly very attractive.

I would like to ask the world, who is not interested?

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