My Super Estate

Chapter 623

Chapter 616 Chaos Has Been Appearing

The sky and the earth are green and blue, and a little white cloud becomes a unique ornament in the sky.

"What a beautiful sky!"

"Yeah, if it were before, such a sky is simply impossible.

However, now that the seals of the gods are broken, the world has returned, and the martial arts are resurgent, once the main sources of pollution have been greatly improved under the oppression of the powerful strength of the martial artists.

Even this world, under the flush of vitality, restored the present blue sky and white clouds.

This is really hard-won!"

"That is, science is good, but not longevity, but it is a great regret.

How good it is now that the martial arts era is open, and science still exists, except that martial arts practice and personal improvement have become the mainstream of the world.

However, speaking, this is also the call for rapid development of this world!"

"Oh, how do you say, Morpheus, do you have any gossip?"

"Hey, can there be any small news?

You said that if Einstein practiced martial arts and achieved a thousand years of life, what would the world be like?

You said, Professor Yuan, if he practiced martial arts and achieved a thousand years of life, could he develop the legendary spirit rice?

This world, so many scientists, they are all in a certain kind of research, and reached a very high peak.

However, to say that they really came to the pinnacle of a certain road, but I do not believe it.

You, if they have an absolute lifespan, will they succeed in this path?"

"that's true!"

The middle-aged nodded.Tao: "This statement is true.

No matter how powerful scientists are, they must face the threat of death.

If this world really has extremely powerful martial arts, you can practice martial arts against the sky and obtain extremely huge lives.

In a long life, they must far surpass others for scientific research."

In the southwest region, there are heavy mountains, so this area has always been known for its poverty.

In the same way, such a region is also the region with the strongest folk customs in the world, with many legends.

Today, Anyang and Yang Zhong walked on the streets of the town to discuss the tremendous changes in the world in the past year.

They discussed the development of martial arts and science, and the quality of the world.

In this small town in a heavy mountain, such a person, many people, they rely on the mountain to eat the mountain. In recent times, it has been a time for rest.


Quiet town, alarmed by the roar of horrible beasts.

Terror, fierceness, depression, bloody smell diffused in the void.


Both Anyang and Yang Zhong were stunned.

How did this suddenly become the way it is now?

"Brother Anyang, what's wrong?

Could it be that this monster appeared?"

He thought of the legend, in this world, there are legends of extremely terrifying monsters.

However, here is the earth, not the legend, protected by the Dragon God?

Panic, panic, confusion, and other undesirable phenomena all appeared on Yang Zhong's body. His contemplative eyes turned to Anyang, hoping that Anyang, who was usually the most creative, would give himself a statement.

"Brother Anyang, you said, this will not be a monster!"

The appearance of Dongtian World completely changed the whole world.

In a year's time, relying on current technology, it has long been able to inform the world.

The current world can always remain calm, only because of the hope of the warrior, the hope of longevity, the warrior absolutely suppresses people, and the layers of strength are suppressing.

However, once a monster really appears, then, chaos has arisen in this world, and it is impossible to suppress it again.

For a time, Yang Zhong seemed to be the last faith in his heart. All of them collapsed, his eyes widened, and he was unwilling to believe that this would be true.

"Come on, let's hide."

In contrast, Anyang had to calm down a lot, and suddenly changed things, which also shocked his heart. However, in his eyes, he did not lose the basic clarity. He clearly understood that now at this time, it is first to promote himself.

"Quick, we have to hide.

This must be an extremely powerful monster. This is a monster that only powerful warriors can deal with."

"Brother Anyang, you said, this monster really eats people?

Doesn't it mean that we have the Dragon God guard in our China Land, and we have the Dragon God Special Action Team left by the Dragon God in our China Land?"

Yang Zhong still lives in a dream.

"In the original world, there were also police officers who inspected the world, but in this world, are there fewer people breaking the law?

I tell you, we are human, a living person.

If you are a person, you must survive.

If you feel that your life is safe, you can leave it to others, and you need someone's guarantee to be safe, then you lose the meaning of survival.

If he is a man, he should strengthen himself.

Hurry up, we have to go back, no matter what, we are a man, we have to go back and hide our wives and children."


Yang Zhong's whole body was shocked, and Big Brother Anyang could afford it.

There are so many policemen in the world, but there are also many criminals.

People are walking on the street, and there are still drunk drivers rushing across.

If we can pay more attention when walking on the street, perhaps, the original car accident will have to be reduced by one point.

After the car accident, even if the police came, what would happen, the suffering should only be borne by myself.

Men become self-reliant.

This is not only a song, but also a piece of truth.

In this world, it is even more so.

The warrior appeared, is the monster still far away?

The monster does not eat humans, is that still a monster?

Yang Zhong was agitated all over his body. He hurried back to his home to hide his wife and children.

From the mountain, a car-sized snake head appeared.

"Ah, monster..."

Seeing the huge snake head, blue sky and white day, all people felt a cold cold in the air.

However, none of this changed.

The snake has a big mouth, and hundreds of people on the street immediately swallowed hundreds of them at once...

"Ah, the monster eats people..."

There was a panic on the street.

Yang Zhong was so frightened that he quickly ran towards his home.


"Damn snake demon, give me the order, you must take this snake demon."

Such a terrifying scene in the town happened to be seen by the Dragon team's personnel through Tianyan and quickly notified the headquarters.

Monsters eat people. This is a big thing. Once it is not handled well, then the earth in the future will inevitably be a paradise for monsters in the world.

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