My Super Estate

Chapter 626 Dare to mess up, kill again.

Chapter 619 Dare to make chaos, kill it and talk about it.

"what happened?

What happened to the cousin and the invincible sharpshooter?"

Although he was on the battle platform, Wang Yang's spiritual power was too great, and he had already enveloped Shenshui Manor.

This is also a fear of someone daring to take the opportunity to mess up.

However, no one has dared to take the opportunity to make a mess, but instead, he found that Luo Jian and the invincible sharp gun were somewhat wrong.

Panic, confusion, blinking eyes...

No, something happened, absolutely something happened.

"Damn it, could it be that there has been a big accident?"

Struggling to resist the explosive power of the fire cloud evil god, Wang Yang thought to himself.

"No, the battle must end soon."

Wang Yang felt that the invincible Shen Jian and Luo Jian, looking at the direction of the battle platform repeatedly, were in a hurry.

It seems that they have something very important to find themselves, but it seems that they dare not disturb themselves.

"Fire Cloud Evil God, we should end the battle for so long!"

"It's a big talk, under my attack, you have difficulty resisting, why, are you going to admit defeat?"

Fire Cloud Evil God looked at Wang Yang's gaze and despised it all over.

"Dare to despise me?

Hey, see I don’t shit you off!"

Wang Yang's spiritual power was shrouded on the battle platform, and he waited.

"Mental strength?"

Fire Cloud Evil God exclaimed.

Such a huge spiritual force made him feel a moment of oppression.

Damn, how can this bastard have such a huge and powerful spirit?

Fire Cloud Evil God's look remains the same, but his heart is already overturned.

Although the technique of tortoise can extend the time of breathing, the most explosive energy is the most explosive energy.

"In three minutes, within three minutes, he must change his breath.

Well, for three minutes, I only have to resist for three minutes, and after three minutes, it is the time for me to attack."

Under the hood of spiritual power, Wang Yang controlled the rhythm of the battle.

The Fire Cloud Evil God attack is extremely violent, and the energy consumption is extremely huge, and it is the top priority for breathing.

In three minutes, the Fire Cloud Evil God’s method of tortoise breathing is extremely good, but the consumption of oxygen is also extremely huge. Such a method of tortoise breathing can only support him for three minutes. After three minutes, he You must change your breath.

In other words, at this time, he must not launch such an offensive offensive.

Wang Yang's calculations are correct.

After three minutes, the Fire Cloud Evil God's offensive continued, but the air must not be exploded.

"Huh, you have been attacking for so long, you should let me attack too!"

Wang Yang sneered, and the white jade soft sword brought Tianhe's upright sword, sweeping across the fire god.

Do not……

The method of the fire cloud evil spirit turtle breath is brilliant, at this time, his body consumes too much oxygen and still needs oxygen very much.

Three minutes have passed, the oxygen has been exhausted, Wang Yang calculates the time, where can the Fire Cloud Evil God afford it?

Was swept out by Wang Yang Yijian directly.


The golden cloud of eleven feet above Wang Yang's head surged again!

A gust of wind swept through, and the golden cloud of luck above Wang Yang's head exploded, reaching twelve feet.

"What a powerful fire cloud evil spirit..."

Wang Yang felt the change of his luck gold cloud, and looked at the fire cloud evil spirit defeated by himself, shocked in his heart.

The luck of the golden cloud, ten feet is a stage, after ten feet, the luck of the golden cloud can rise by one foot, it is already terrifying.

"Break me!"

Feeling that things have changed, Wang Yang has no chance to take advantage of it, and forcibly controls himself to break through and promote to Hunyuan.

There are two levels of Hunyuan: Hundred Yuan Jindan, Hunyuan Venerable.

Hundred Yuan Jindan, all the gangue in the body is condensed, forming a Jindan.

Hundred Yuan Venerable, Jin Dan is broken and becomes the Yuan God.

With the support of huge luck, the invincible grandmaster can directly cultivate into the Yuanshen.

Wang Yang may be able to make use of his huge luck and his true sense of martial arts to cultivate his unique Yuanshen.

Obviously, Wang Yang did not have this time.

Can't wait, Wang Yang can only use luck to make a breakthrough.

"Damn, as long as it breaks through, the life will expand, and Jinyun Jinyun will be included in the body.

Yes, that's it!"

With the help of the golden cloud of luck, direct achievement of the Hunyuan Venerable is a shortcut, but now that the look of the invincible sharp gun and Luo Jian has changed, Wang Yang can't wait.


The fierce vitality fluctuations dispelled the golden clouds above Wang Yang's head.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

The changes in Wang Yang's body caused many people to exclaim.

"Hey, is this a direct mix, is it a golden pill?"

"How could this be, how could he be like this?"

Many people exclaimed.

In the eyes of many people, Wang Yang's enthusiasm is one of their hopes.

However, Wang Yang's sudden move made all their hopes broken.

"Damn, how can you do this?"

Many people exclaimed.

Wang Yang actually gave up using the power of luck to break through the level of Hunyuan Venerable, but directly broke through Hunyuan and formed Jindan.

"Luo Jian, what's wrong with you?"

After Wang Yang broke through, he went directly to the battle platform and came to Luo Jian.


"Wang Yang, you are like this!!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I ask you, what happened to you just now, Luo Jian, what call did you just receive?"

"Brother, Lieutenant Li called just now and said yes, in the southwestern mountain, there are black poisonous snakes eating people."


Wang Yang glared and said, "Damn, didn't the Dragon team shoot?"

"How could it not be shot?

I heard that the three kings have already shot, but this giant snake has a talent and magical power to form an enchantment. Within the enchantment, he will not be interfered by the power of the Hunyuan prohibition, and he can fully break out of the Hunyuan level. the power of."

"Could it be that the Dragon Group has no Hunyuan power?"

"No, it's just, I heard that now many powerful people from other big cave worlds have come to the earth one after another.

They want to use the particularity of the earth to cultivate into an invincible grandmaster.

Now the power of each boundary of the Dragon Formation is very tense, and it is necessary to monitor each boundary."

"Okay, exactly, I just broke through the Hunyuan and formed Jindan, but I want to see who is so bold and dare to be so arrogant on earth!!"

"Brother, you..."

Wang Yang waved his hand and said: "It's okay, invincible grandmaster, directly break through and cultivate into Yuanshen. Although it's good, there are some basic deficiencies.

The way I understand now is not the same. Give up one, and I feel unwilling.

Exactly, I am just right, step by step, maybe, I can merge all the roads into a unique road.

Now, our most important thing is to deal with the sudden giant snake.

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