My Super Estate

630 Life Space

Chapter 623 Fate Space

"Okay, this black poisonous snake, now seems to have been eliminated.

However, whether there are any monsters in this large mountain, this issue needs further investigation by all of us."

The black poisonous snake has been killed, and Wang Yang has put down a heart disease.

Dao Jundao said: "You can rest assured, as the three monarchs of the dragon group, guard the earth and the people, this is our business.

Now that the black poisonous snake has been killed by you, the three brothers will be responsible for the task of exploring the southwest mountain."

Exploring the southwestern mountains is indeed a chore. The monsters are alive and extremely powerful. In the mountains of the southwest, the mountains are heavy and ordinary people can only be eaten by the monsters.

The strength of Sanjun can indeed be solved.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Okay, this big mountain in the southwest, we can't care about it. If we want to ensure the safety of the provinces in the southwest, we must do a good job of investigating."

However, I think that while investigating, the monster is a major event, but the source of the monster is also very important.

Now that the heaven and earth have returned to life, the once-extinct heaven and earth treasures may also be reborn again.

Perhaps, you have entered the southwestern mountain this time, and you should pay attention to this problem.

Of course, the most important thing is safety."

Daojun nodded and said, "Okay, I will pay attention."

Daojun took Jianjun and Qianjun, and broke into the southwest mountain.

"Brother, they go in like this, there will be no big problems!"

"Who knows?

If it is usually this southwestern mountain, our brothers will accompany them to walk around. However, the Shenshui Manor is still a mess. The emergence of the invincible battle platform has made our Shenshui Manor the center of the world. All of them will be Betting on our Shenshui Manor.

At this time, if we are absent for a long time, I am worried that the invincible sharpshooter and Abing will not be able to hold back!"


Luo Jian nodded.

Before that, Luo Jian would only follow if he was afraid of an accident.

Now it seems that the two of them really have to go back faster.

"Luo Jian, you have dissected this black poisonous snake to see if there is anything we can use.

Just now, I have to see what changes have taken place in this mixed environment?"


The black poisonous serpent, in any case, is a mixed element realm, at least, a mixed element golden pill, but it is indispensable.

Similarly, the black poisonous snake is extremely powerful, and for any warrior, its physical body is an invaluable treasure.

Even such a body, eating a piece of meat, can allow an ordinary human being to directly cultivate into a level of martial arts.

Dissecting the black poisonous snake is also a meticulous work. The black poisonous snake snake gallbladder is a very precious medicinal material. The eyes are blind. As long as it is swallowed, it will resume as usual immediately.

There are also snake tendons, which are even more valuable for those who practice bows and arrows, not only to make their bows stronger, but also to exercise their arm strength.

There are also poison sacs, fangs, venom, etc., which are the treasures of martial arts practice.

Even the scales of the black poisonous serpent are the best treasure for making armor.

The black poisonous snake is very valuable. Many things are invaluable to many people. However, all this has no appeal to Wang Yang.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Wang Yang sank into the body and carefully observed all changes in the body.

Suddenly in a mixed environment, you have not really understood your physical body. During the battle, this situation is extremely vulnerable to attacks by other people.

The first is his own body.

For martial arts cultivation, the physical body is the foundation of everything. To reach the Xeon Realm, you need to cultivate the Xeon Warrior.

To practice the Ziyang Divine Skills, Wang Yang's body has undergone three changes.

Ziyang war body, bronze war body, silver war body.

According to the inherited information, the invincible grandmaster directly breaks through the Hunyuan Venerable, and will naturally cultivate into a golden war body.

Wang Yang did not directly break through the Hunyuan Venerable, but instead cultivated to the Hunyuan Jindan, and naturally did not cultivate into a golden war body.

However, it has not been cultivated into a golden war body, and it is not that it cannot be cultivated.

"Well, there are real elements in the body, and the energy is ten times stronger than the qi. This powerful energy, maybe, I can directly cultivate into a golden war body."

Wang Yang was very excited.

The golden war body is a powerful war body that can fight against the Xeon King Realm. Once the cultivation is successful, perhaps, in the face of the Xeon King Realm, you can escape a life.

Cultivating the war body has a shortcut, swallowing the spiritual fluid of faith, you can directly practice success.

However, Wang Yang doesn't have so much faith in spirits at present, so he plans to practice independently.

If it were before, if you want to get rid of the spiritual fluid of faith, it is impossible at all. When the outside demon invades, the flesh will be torn by the overbearing power directly.

However, to the present point of martial arts practice, Wang Yang can gradually get rid of the spirit of faith.

However, the speed of cultivation is very slow.

After skipping the flesh, Wang Yang turned his eyes to Dantian again.

The silver-white gangue like the vast ocean has disappeared completely, only a fist-sized golden pill.

On the golden dan, there is a layer of dan pattern.

"Jin Dan turned nine times.

In the world of Hundred Yuan Jindan, many people realize the true meaning of their martial arts and directly break through the successful Hundred Yuan Venerable.

In fact, at both levels of Hundred Yuan Jindan and Hundred Yuan Venerable, the energy in the body is true Yuan, Jindan turns nine times, and one turns to one refinement.

After the ninth turn, the true elements in the body can be directly tempered into vajra. At that time, every move and every action contained great power.

Even after the cultivation to the nineth turn, even if your talents are worse, you can still understand a trace of heaven and earth.

Seen in this light, this hybrid golden pill is not without meaning."

Looking at Jindan in his body, Wang Yang had different ideas in his mind.

There is no correct method of cultivation between the world and the world. It can be said that from this state, martial arts cultivation has no real teacher.

Anyone who has reached this level of cultivation must even practice the world if he wants to go one step further.

"It seems that luck is very obvious in this state."

When I think of Jin Dan's nine-turn, there is absolutely no correct way of cultivation, and some are just to teach the world and understand my own way.

Qiyun is the closest layer of contact between the human body and heaven and earth.

Those who have deep luck, with the help of heaven and earth, can directly understand the truth of heaven and earth.

Those who are shallow in luck are disgusted by the world, and there is always a thin layer of tulle between the world and the world.

"Yes, just right, I want to see, how is my luck?"

This is a big event, the luck is not deep, and the distance from the world is a bit too big.

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