My Super Estate

Chapter 640

Chapter 633: Stepping on Hero Heirs, Punching the Unicorn Demon

"I let you stop, have you heard!"

Wang Yangyin looked at his face, his hands fell, his eyes glared, and he also had a special style.

"Who are you, if you let us stop, we will stop, then we have no face!"

Who is the broken wave? That is a natural anti-bone. In the world of China, he is able to turn over even the Emperor Shi Tian, ​​and finally became a generation of kimonos in Qilin Demon.

"Don't you dare to be so arrogant in my place, I think you are owed to clean up."

Purple flames burst out on Wang Yang's body.

"Huh, are you also a golden pill?

I thought that you are a Hunyuan Venerable!What a big-tailed wolf you are here, you are a mixed dollar Jindan?"

The invincible grandmaster, once suddenly mixed, is directly supported by atmospheric transport, and breaks into the Hunyuan Venerable to achieve the Yuanshen.

Wang Yang, a Hundred Yuan Jindan, in his opinion, is a young king.

Everyone is also a young king. You, a little young king in the world, dare to command yourself this young king from the martial world. I think you are a guy who does not know life and death, and does not even know his surname.

"Xiongtai, you should pay attention to the tone when you speak. It is not anyone, you can make people shout casually."

Jianchen also spoke.

Hero successor.Jianchen is absolutely proud, the myth of the Tianjian martial arts, in the martial world, it is also a giant, even if it is not a supreme level.However, the general supreme is absolutely unable to withstand the attack of the sky sword.

A glance at the sword in Jianchen's hands.

"Heir of the Hero Sword?"

Wang Yang shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at Wang Yang shaking his head, Jianchen seemed to have taken gunpowder as a whole, "Bang", it would explode directly.

As the successor of the heroic sword, this is Jianchen's greatest pride.

In the martial arts world, even the inheritors of the supreme forces have absolutely no advantage in facing themselves.

"I have no other meaning.

It's just for the hero to be dusty and feel heartache."


The sword refers to Wang Yang, and Jian Chen's body gathers sharply.

"Dare to point me at me with a sword, I folded this heroic sword, do you believe it?"

Wang Yang's angry temper, staring at his eyes, seemed to eat people.

"Unpretentious, heroic, is a symbol of my master, do you dare to disrespect?"

"Oh, in my place, I dare to be so presumptuous. If you don't teach you a lesson, you don't know why Hua'er is so popular."

Wang Yang couldn't hold it anymore, with a suction in his hand, and on the ground, a dead branch leapt out of the palm of his hand.

"I call you arrogant, I call you arrogant!"

With a dead branch in his hand as a sword, he directly pulled away the hero sword in his hand.

"Look at me stepping on a hero successor today."

Speaking, it was directly kicked out.

Wang Yang's swordsmanship is brilliant, and has been spread all over the Shenshui Manor in the past two days. Although he has just arrived, Jianchen has heard about it.

However, where did he know that Wang Yang did not play cards according to the routine and took the dead branches from the ground, but in the end he made a mistake.

This is also Jianchen's inexperience. He didn't expect Wang Yang to make a move without following the routine. He was kicked by Wang Yang and then sat on the ground.

"Huh, even with your strength, you dare to come to my Shenshui Manor for wantonly, I think you are looking for death!"

Wang Yang was disdainful and disdainful.


Jianchen's face was red and white with anger.

"You are a rogue."

Jianchen shouted loudly: "You are a rogue, I'm not convinced, we will fight again!"

Everyone is a young king, who is afraid of who?

Even if he was attacked by this shameless thing, this account must be recovered.

This is the truest thought in Jianchen's heart.

"Cut, give me a rogue, do you think this is Martial World, do you think your Master Tianjian is nameless, can you still be guaranteed here?

Do you know how many young kings are gathered here?

Do you know how many young supremes have gathered here?

Despite your strength, you dare to come here arrogantly, pointing at people with a sword, who do you think you are?

I tell you, the invincible battle platform was killed by someone to exploit it.

Do you think how much luck will you have?

Do you think that when your luck is exploited, can you inherit the hero sword?

I am also a rogue. Do you think if I had a sword in my hand just now, a sword cut your head, can you still live?"

Wang Yang looked at Jianchen's eyes, full of disdain.

"Haha, well said, this little white face, relying on himself as a hero sword successor, is always the second child, and my third child looks like it makes me sick."

The broken wave laughed out loud.

"shut up!"

Wang Yang stared at his eyes and looked at the broken waves, with a murderous intention in his eyes.

"Who made you wanton in front of my Shenshui Manor?"


This time, it was the turn to break the waves and become a chameleon.

"You what you, bastard, when Lao Tzu is not at home, you can be arrogant, daring to be arrogant around my Shenshui Manor."

"what did you say?"

Duanlang stared at Wang Yang fiercely and said, "No one dared to scold me, you dare to scold me!!"

"I'll scold you, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Yang stared back.

"Your mother's, at my Shenshui Manor. I dare to be arrogant in front of me. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you think I have no one at Shenshui Manor!"

With that said, Wang Yang shot directly.

Sure enough, the broken wave is worthy of being anti-bone boy, under the situation of strength, his vigilance is much stronger than the second generation of swordsman like Jianchen.

"Captain, what's the matter with the owner?"

Wang Yang and others came back, but Sirius was excited once.

But, without saying these two words, you are directly tempted, it doesn't look like Wang Yang's personality!

"Don't you think there are a lot of people's breath fluctuating around these four weeks?"

Mo Jun's gaze swept around randomly, meaning something.

"You mean, this is killing chickens and monkeys?"

"Hey, we know it, just don't say it."

"Okay, but these two days are indeed not ridiculous, and they really need to be shocked!"

These two days, Shenshui Manor was not quite flat.

The martial arts strongmen from the big cave worlds, and even various humanoids from the western world.

What angels, magicians, werewolves, bears, dragons, etc. all came.

The Xeon Realm of those powerful players, they are very honest.

However, none of these younger generations are fuel-efficient lamps, all of them are my boss and the second.No.3, no matter who it is.Dare to be disrespectful to yourself, it is a direct blow, as if it is to cover my eyes this day, I will collapse this day.

Such a situation has caused great trouble to Shenshui Manor.

In particular, Shenshui Manor is the most famous sacred place for the elderly. In Shui Village, there are a large number of elderly people from all walks of life, which bring great pressure to Shenshui Manor.


Duan Liang’s strength is not bad, but Wang Yang’s strength is even stronger. Even if Duan Lang is under Wang Yang’s fist, it is difficult to support, and he is directly suppressed by Wang Yang.

Sure enough, the broken wave just fell to the ground, and there were faint fluctuations around Shenshui Manor.

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