My Super Estate

654 Trap on the Ground

Chapter 677 The Trap on the Ground

"Haha, Shenshui Manor is just a new force. The owner of Shenshui Zhuang is extraordinary. Unfortunately, all of his people are straw bales."

Approaching the fish pond smoothly, Dao Yi was very proud.

"This Wang Lin is Wang Yang's clan brother. He is not very young, but his strength is extraordinary. Even if it is me, he must join forces with the thirteenth class to fight it.

However, this kid is a straw bag, although the strength is amazing, the experience is very general.

This is insufficient knowledge.

If it is an veteran martial arts force, such a disciple is also a generation of arrogance, and will definitely not be so laissez-faire.

However, exactly, if he is not a straw bag, how can I get such a big benefit?

If you think about it, you just feel some surprises. Apart from the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang, Wang Yang, the owner of Shenshui Village, has not heard of any great chance.

He can obtain such a powerful strength. The inheritance of Ziyang Emperor must have given him great benefits, but it is obviously impossible just by this.

In this world, there is never a lack of top-level heritage. What is lacking is only top-level arrogance.He can bring the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor to such a degree that must be related to this big opportunity in the fish pond.

As long as I can get such an opportunity, perhaps, the next moment, I will be the owner of Shenshuizhuang."

Daoyi never believed that the sword technique he practiced would be inferior to the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang.

The biggest difference between young kings and ordinary mediocrities is that true kings always believe that they are the strongest.The average mediocre, they always believe that others are the strongest.

Two kinds of people, they look at this world, always two different perspectives.

Young kings, they always look down on this world.

Mediocre warriors, they are always looking up at this world.

The inheritance of the emperor Ziyang was earth-shattering, but for the true young king, they never believed that their inheritance would be inferior.

The same is true for Daoyi.


Just as proudly, suddenly, the knife was startled, he finally felt the difference.

"No, there is something wrong with the knife rain."

I just wanted to sink my mind into the fish pond, looking for that possible opportunity.

However, he was shocked in his heart and immediately remembered that the state of the knife rain was wrong.

I wanted to rain the fish pond to test this fish pond, but it wasn't for him to look for opportunities. How could he suddenly turn aside without paying any attention?

"Yes, this is it."

Thinking of the key point, the knife quickly stood up from the surface of the fish pond.

Turned his head and looked towards the knife rain.

Sure enough, Daoyu has completely entered a deep retreat.

"Sword Rain, you wake me up!"

However, no matter how loud he shouted, it had little effect.

"Damn, what did you do to them?"

Not only did Dao Yu not respond, but Dao 13 and Dao Lang also did not respond at all.

This time, Dao Yi, but realizing the seriousness of the problem, stared at Wang Lin's gaze, as if to eat people.

"This, but can't talk nonsense, this Shenshui fish pond is the biggest inside of our Shenshui manor. I kindly lead you over and send you the chance, how can you be so wronged?"

damn it……

Wang Lin didn't say it was okay. When he said, the knife could be regarded as angry.

"This is what you said, give us a chance?"

"How come there is nothing here, I said, you wouldn't be fooling us!"

On the first hill, Jianjiu finally found the problem.

This No. 1 mountain is not very high, but it is such a mountain, and he waited for nearly three hours.

How is it possible that this mountain, which is only over 100 meters high, can walk all over itself for more than ten minutes.

However, he and others have successfully walked for three hours on this small mountain.

"No, here is a trap!"

After all, Jian Jiu is a great disciple of Jian Zong.


Jian Jiu's words awakened the other two of Jian Zong.

"Damn, where did you bring us?"

Jian Jiu was murderous all over, staring at Mo Jun, as if to eat humans.

"Don't talk nonsense, this hill is not high, and you didn't ask me to lead the way. Besides, this hill is the forbidden area of ​​our Shenshui Manor, which is usually me, and has never been here.

This time, I wouldn't have come in unless you broke in. Now something is wrong, you have pushed the matter to me, even when I was scared!"


Looking at Mo Jun, Jian Jiu eats his heart.

As a disciple of Shenshui Manor, you have never been to this place. You have to follow us strangers?

Damn, do you want to be so pitted?

"Say, what the hell are you doing with Blade 13?"

The knife stared at Wang Lin's eyes, all of which were murderous.

These are all his own cronies, and now they are all like living dead.

"Relax, it's really a good thing. My brother really got a great chance here."

My chance is your mother!

The knife was all green.

Now that everyone can't wake up, you are still telling me that it is a good chance, why don't you die?

"In that case, then you die!"

Finally, Dao Yi couldn't help it. Even if the other party was not easy, he had to rescue his own people.

"Across the board..."

One shot is his own trick.

He had to be surprised and severely wounded with a knife. Only in this way can he let his people out.

As if it was really unexpected, Wang Lin didn't move at all.

"Ouch, don't use force here!"

Wang Lin shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

Wang Lin didn't move at all, but the knife was completely sealed by an inexplicable force.

"how is this possible……"

The knife pushed all the strength, but he couldn't move.

Wang Lin rolled his eyes and said, "Stupid boy, over there, but my dear mom and dad, and, over here, is really my brother and his dear mom, such an important place, if not Do you dare to bring you some way?"


Daoyi first discovered that, in fact, he was very stupid.

When the pie falls in the sky, the ground is a trap.

Immediately, an inexplicable force swept over, maintaining the appearance of the move, and the sword's mind was completely away from the body.

"Haha, here, there are heaven and earth, heaven and earth, all souls, all ideas converging together, how powerful is it.

Between heaven and earth, since you have already come, then, since then, obediently serve the old man for our Shenshui Manor!"

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