My Super Estate

656 Undercurrent

Chapter 609 Undercurrent

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor..."

Sect Master Sword, King Tianjian drank tea quietly, his eyes glanced back and forth in the direction of Shenshui Manor, and there was always a passion in his eyes.

It seems that there is a peerless beauty there, and this peerless beauty is soaking in a hot spring. There is only a thin layer of tissue in the middle, which can be broken with a poke.

Just when he imagined that he could hold the beauty home, a disciple of Jianzong came quickly from the door.

"What's the matter, how can it be so impatient?"

"Sovereign, brother, they have acted for three hours.

The Shenshui Manor is not very big at all. It is impossible for three hours to fail. The disciple is worried, did they encounter something at the Shenshui Manor?"

"What, no news yet?"

Sky Sword King is also a little anxious.

"How come there is no news yet? Now the main strength of Shenshui Manor is all concentrated on the invincible battlefield. The defensive forces in other directions should not be so strong!"

Jian Jiu and others explored Shenshui Manor, which naturally had a part of his power.

Emperor Ziyang was famous for planting elixir.

This Shenshuizhuang master won the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor, and naturally should have obtained his Ziyang Dongtian.

Within Ziyang Cave, there are countless seventh-level elixir, eight-level elixir, and even nine-level elixir.

My Sky Sword battle body has already practiced the second level, and then I want to practice the third level. I have less than 10%. If there is a ninth-level elixir, I will be able to fight one by then.

The once-in-a-thousand-day demonic chaos is almost approaching. When that happens, it is time for me to slay the blood demon and avenge Master.

However, at the beginning, Master was only a double war body, breaking into the supreme realm, and fighting with the blood demon, the result was still beheaded by the blood demon.

If I want to avenge Master, I must practice triple battle, otherwise, there is no hope at all."

Thousands of years ago, Jianzong was a supreme-level force. Sect Master Sword Master was the supreme of a divine realm.

As a result, thousands of years ago, at the time of the Demon Rebellion, the Demon Realm entered the Wu Realm. Under the leadership of the Blood Demon, it launched an attack directly towards Jianzong.

In one battle, the Sword Sect was defeated, and the Sect Master Sword Master was beheaded by the blood demon.


Jian Jiu and others couldn't detect Shenshui Manor clearly for three hours, but made him very angry.

"Okay, you go on, this matter, I already know, I will deal with it."


The disciples saluted and left.

"Damn, what kind of mystery is this Shenshui manor, every time I want to sneak in, there will always be a creepy feeling?"

Looking at the direction of Shenshui Manor, King Tianjian was very angry.

He wanted to enter Shenshui Manor more than once, but every time he had a bad idea about Shenshui Manor in his heart, there was always a creepy feeling.

This has been tried three times.

"Emperor Ziyang has fallen, could it be, this Shenshui Manor, what other underground cards are there?"

The battle on the invincible battle platform is still continuing. The battle between Wang Yang and Tian Can is over, but Wang Yang always wants to get tokens, and some people will never let it go.

No, the general ran up again.

"Have you heard? This Shenshui manor, legend, has such a powerful strength because he has inherited the emperor Ziyang."

"Cut, who wouldn't know about this?"

"Yeah, maybe you don't know that in the legend, the Ziyang Cave Sky opened by the Ziyang Emperor is very likely to be acquired by the Shenshui Zhuangzhu.

But I have heard that, according to legend, the Ziyang Dongtian opened by the emperor Ziyang, there are countless elixirs, 7th, 8th, and 9th elixir, large and large, as long as you get some, our strength will inevitably be greatly improved .

You think, the once-in-a-thousand-day demonic chaos is about to start. If we can get the elixir in Ziyangdongtian, then our martial arts will inevitably be greatly improved in strength."

"Ah, is that what you said is true!

Legend has it that Ziyang Dongtian was hit by the disaster when the emperor Ziyang passed the robbery?"

"Nonsense, without the support of Ziyang Dongtian, with the strength of Shenshui Manor, how could it be possible to accumulate such incredible strength within a year?"

"Yeah, this Shenshui Manor, the outbreak of strength is really terrible. The four invincible grandmasters felt terrible when they thought about it.

You talk about it, did they really get Ziyang Dongtian!

A thousand years of chaos, but it's not far away. If they really got Ziyangdongtian, we can only ask for some advanced elixir."

All living beings are regarded as long-lived and long-lived. The Emperor of Heaven Realm envelops the supreme circles of all circles with the peach peach event, and the great magicians of all parties.

The demon world collects the essence of sentient beings by initiating the devil.

The West Heaven Bliss Buddha world seeks longevity by the method of reincarnation.

The once-in-a-thousand-day magical chaos is the most chaotic time in the world.

According to legend, there was a demon chaos. Under the leadership of the Heavenless Demon Ancestor, the entire Xitian Bliss World was completely broken, and the Buddha died directly.

Think of the terrible day of the chaotic day, many people are trembling in their hearts.

"Okay, all of us collectively addressed the Shenshui Manor. The Ziyangdong Heaven is the living beings of the world. The owner of Shenshuizhuang inherited the Ziyang inheritance. It is already a blessing of the heavens. He wants to occupy the Ziyang Cave, but it is really not. should."

With the encouragement of some interested people, it was already a lively Shenshui manor, and it was undercurrent.

"Brother Luo Jian..."

All the five hundred children have entered the cave. Now the Shenshui Manor is completely patrolled by security personnel composed of veterans.

Yang Jun is one of these security personnel.

"Yang Jun, do you have anything?"

"This is the case. We just had a team member to report, saying yes, there are already many martial arts people flowing in our Shenshui Manor, as if looking for something."

"Well, my cousin has arranged this matter."

Shenshui Manor is so amazing, it is impossible to make people curious.

"However, among those people, there seems to be another saying.

It seems that it means that the owner of the Ziyang Dongtian has obtained one, and they asked us to hand it over."

Hesitating for a moment, Yang Jun said so.

"It's no secret that my cousin won the inheritance of the emperor Ziyang. It's not a secret, even if he got a Ziyang Dongtian, what does it matter?

What's more, my cousin never got a Ziyangdongtian, what do they want my cousin to give them?"

Shenshui Manor was formed by him together with Wang Yang. Of course, he knows the foundation of Shenshui Manor the most.

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