My Super Estate

659 Sword Nine's Panic

Chapter 622—Jianjiu’s Panic

"Here, this is the nine-color flat peach.

Oh my god, how could there be nine-color flat peaches here?Impossible, impossible, nine-color flat peach, is an immortal medicine, impossible, absolutely impossible, here, how can there be an immortal medicine?"

"Brother, are you saying that this is Jiu Cai Pan Tao?"

Looking at the pillar, Jian Song was shocked.

"Yes, this is the Nine-Colored Peach Core. I used to see some atlases about the undead god medicine in Jianzong.

As noted above, there is no slight difference."

"But this is just a flat peach core!"

It’s just a flat peach, but it’s not a real immortal medicine, but it’s not a big deal.

"Just a flat peach core?

You think that this flat peach core is easy to obtain, right?

I tell you, Heaven Realm, you know, why is it the ruler of Heaven, Earth, and Human Realm?

I tell you, it’s not because of the strength of the Celestial Realm. Every millennium of chaos, the Celestial Realm must cooperate with the Western Elysium World, the Martial Realm, and other major interfaces to stop the demon army."


As for Jian Jiu's words, Mo Jun was also very surprised. He absolutely could not think of it. There would still be such a story in it.

However, if you think about it, the environment of the Devil Realm is enough to sharpen a real iron-blooded army.

Besides, in the current list of Gods, besides the Dragon God ranked first, the Devil has always ranked second?

If this is really the case, the strength of this Demon Realm is indeed much stronger than that of Heaven Realm.

However, there is no absolute strength, why is Heaven Realm the ruler of Heaven, Earth, and Mankind?

This issue, Mo Jun is also attracted.

"I tell you, Heaven Emperor, is called the ruler of the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Man, only because there are 9,999 flat peach trees in the Heavenly Court of Heaven.

Inside, there are 3333 trees, which is the legendary nine-color flat peach tree.

There is also a saying that, in fact, there is only a nine-color flat peach tree in the heavenly court. In the flat peach garden, the nineteen ninety-nine flat peach trees are all left behind by the undead drug nine-color flat peach tree. seed.

There is even a legend that the ninety-nine ninety-nine peach trees were completely formed by the split of the peach tree."


Everyone in this legend was shocked.

"The so-called immortal medicines also have a saying that they are innate spirit roots born in the world, and are left over by the fairy celestial beings and are not available to mortals.

In the past, there were a lot of Xeons who had attacked Heavenly Court, and even had penetrated Heavenly Court more than once.

However, Pan Taoyuan is still in heaven, and no one can get it."


Jian Jiu's words gave everyone a very shocking message.

What is left by the fairy in the fairy world?

The Heavenly Court was pierced, but the Peach Garden in the Heavenly Court has no one to move so far?

What kind of mystery is there?

"Why? Legend has it that immortality medicine naturally contains a huge amount of luck. Only the life of the fairy can afford this huge amount of luck.

Otherwise, no matter who gets it, the fate will be blasted by this extremely huge luck, and even will lead to a natural penalty.

Some people are born with a huge amount of luck. When they were born, they thundered and killed all their relatives.

It is because this luck is too large, and his loved ones, with whom they are intimately associated, naturally divide part of the luck, and the fate cannot support it, and naturally it will die.

This is the so-called blessing is not enough, died of condemnation."


Everyone was stunned.

Looking at Xiang Jiucai's peach core, no one dared to be greedy anymore.

It is too terrifying, the life is not hard enough, and this thing is a dead end.

"I finally know, you Shenshui Manor, but a new force, why are there four invincible grand masters.

Such luck is definitely not something that ordinary forces can possess.

The supreme level of power, spanning several interfaces, generally speaking, it will be an invincible grandmaster for several sessions.

Your Shenshui Manor is nothing more than a renaissance force. Generally speaking, a martial arts master who can appear on the top of the list is already burning high fragrance.Four at a time, such terrible strength completely broke common sense.

Now, the people who notice your Shenshui Manor are absolutely massive.I can’t believe it before, but now it seems that all this can be explained."

Jian Jiu looked at the flat peach core that exuded nine colors of light, and his eyes had already radiated a bright and firm light

"Hey, do you still add people to Shenshui Manor?"


Mo Jun asked, staring at his eyes.

In the message I have received, it has been made clear that if someone wants to enter the first hill, don’t stop and let them in.

In the past, Mo Jun was somewhat unclear.

Now, everything seems to be understood.


Jian Song's eyes widened in horror, and looked at Jian Jiu's gaze, very incredible.

Have you made a mistake, Jianzong is the supreme superpower that once came out.

As the chief disciple of Jianzong, actually want to join a new mortal force?

Crazy, must be crazy.

"Jian Song, didn't you hear what I just said?

The undead medicine is a congenital spirit root, which can only be possessed by immortals, and ordinary people can possess it. Fate can't bear that huge luck, and will inevitably be condemned by heaven.

Did you hear it?

Ordinary people possess it, and they will inevitably suffer condemnation."


Ordinary people have to be condemned?

So, how does this Shenshui manor have it?

Jiansong was dumbfounded, and the Jianzong junior was dumbfounded, and Mo Jun also had a tendency to be dumbfounded.

Ordinary people will inevitably suffer from condemnation, but is this Shenshui manor already owned?

"Big Brother, Master, you, you would not say that this Shenshui Manor has anything to do with the legendary fairy!"

Crazy, really crazy.

This mortal force has a relationship with the legendary fairy!!

It seems so incredible.

But, think about it, it makes a little more sense.

Why is the Devil Realm once a millennium to start the demon chaos?

Not only because it is once in a millennium, when the interface barrier is the most loose, but more importantly, at that time, it was the time when many great magicians in the demon world collected vital energy from the major interfaces.

There is a flat peach event in the heaven, and every time the flat peach event is a time to share the flat peach with all the great magicians.

The flat peach is divided into three levels, which can extend the life of the warrior at different times.

The West Heaven Elysium has the technique of reincarnation, again and again, it can make the Buddha world powerful and obtain the law of longevity from reincarnation.

There is no such condition in the demon world, they can only start fighting, kill all beings, collect the essence of all sentient beings, and extend their life.

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