My Super Estate

661 The Chief Instructor Is Here

Chapter 624 The Chief Instructor is Here

The battle of Shenshui Manor continues, very fierce. One by one, the young kings from all the big caves, in order to prove his strongest, in order to walk himself to the strongest in the future, he lays his life here and forgets death, they fight here Bleeding, they are here with swords and swords.

After a battle, even if it is killed, it will still be resurrected under the rules of the invincible battle platform.

There is a great terror between life and death, and there is a great opportunity between life and death. In the one-time fight, these young kings from all the big caves have their potential hidden.

Here, some people fight hard, between life and death, understand the true meaning of martial arts, some people are invincible on the battlefield, gain huge luck, and under the support of a huge voyage like the ocean and the sea, they fit into the world and break through The last step, step into the invincible realm.

"Look, Tian Can's terrifying strength has successfully entered the invincible realm."

At this moment, the once horrible existence is even more terrifying.

Here is also the charm of the invincible battle platform.

As long as there is no successful testimony, no matter whether it is Grand Master Jin Jin, the ancestor of Jindan Hunyuan, or the Hunyuan Venerable who has become a Yuanshen, they can get huge luck on the battle platform, even The huge luck has turned into an invincible strength.

Among them, Tian Can is the most attractive.

Wang Yang was the first to climb on the invincible battle platform, and he could fight for three days and three nights. No one could defeat the enemy, and the Heavenly Canal could fight against it endlessly. He even repelled Wang Yang more than once.

After Wang Yang stepped down, Tiancan once again landed on the invincible battle platform. Even if he fought on the battle platform, there were once invincible characters who came to power, but he was also slashed by him.

The battle platform is still going on, and Tiancan has successfully entered the invincible battle platform and successfully obtained a token.

"Brother, the second token was obtained by Tian Can."


Wang Yang paused for a moment in his hand and continued to practice.

"Tiancan's strength is extremely powerful. His strength is already invincible among the young kings.

It's just, don't they say that those invincible young supremes have not shot?"

"Where there is no shot, Blood Zun is strong, but Tian Zun is indeed extremely powerful. Blood Zun fights against it. Initially, Blood Zun does not adapt to the strength of Hundred Jindan, but when he adapts, Tian Zun Has successfully taken the last step and become truly enemy-free.

He realized his way."

Comprehend your own way?

Wang Yang is also an invincible grandmaster. Of course, he knows that the so-called invincible young supreme is only because they understood their own way when they were in the grandmaster.

When the Grand Master, comprehending his own way, he can directly cultivate into the Yuanshen, cross the Hunyuan Jindan, and become a Hunyuan Venerable.

If you comprehend your way when you are a golden pill, you can say that it has completely opened up the path of the Venerable.

"Tiancan's strength is extremely strong, and there may be some inferior talents, and he cannot directly understand his own path.

However, on the invincible battle platform, successive battles, even, I once beheaded him once.

There is a great horror between life and death, and there is a great opportunity between life and death. Maybe, it was at that time that he gained his chance and realized his own way!"

Heavenly Canal comprehends his own way, this is the chance of Heavenly Canal.

"The lieutenant just called and said yes, the instructor is coming.

I heard that all the martial arts masters in the martial arts, they all came over.

Originally, they had to come over three days ago. However, the martial arts network broke out, and the demon army appeared in the spiritual world. The era of demon chaos has begun. Whether it is the chief instructor or the masters of the major schools, they All must be arranged and even observed the development of the situation."

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Well, if they are coming, they will come!

Two of the three dragons in the dragon group have already realized their own way, that is the sword king, and it is already fast.

The chief instructor arrived, and when the time came, the three monarchs were also on the battlefield, fighting hard.

It's just that other major factions, what's the use of them when they arrive? On the invincible battle platform, you must have a martial arts master at the top of the list. What's the use of them when they arrive?"

The chief instructor came here, and Wang Yang knew that Huashan's discussion of swords is now the only chance to enter the Kunlun cave. One hundred and eight tokens are the only chance to participate in Huashan's discussion of swords.

It's just that the chief instructor came and there were three monarchs in it, but it was possible to work together, but what happened to the other major schools?

"Chief instructor, we are almost there.

Huashan discusses swords, there are only 108 tokens. This time, we must get one anyway, otherwise, we will have no chance to enter Kunlun."

"Ok, I know."

Sitting in the car, the instructor seemed to be thinking about something.

"Before, Daojun called, Jianjun and Qianjun had successfully entered the level of invincible grandmaster.

You said, is it possible for them to grab a token?

Now the demon chaos has begun, the dragon god has broken the space and entered the Kunlun cave. There is no dragon god to sit in. When the demon chaos, I worry that we will not be able to control the demon army."

"Relax, our earth is the foundation of the big caves. I believe that it is the devil, and it is absolutely not daring to be arrogant on our earth."

The adjutant comforted softly.

"Hey, don't dare, if you don't dare, you won't be a devil."


The adjutant was also shocked.

The earth is the foundation of all the celestial bodies. Except that Kunlun is connected to the fairy world, the connection with the earth is cut off. The other major celestial bodies all depend on the earth to exist.

Once, the earth is really attacked by the demon army.


The adjutants were taken aback.

This result is really too scary.

"Chief instructor, what should we do?"

It was really impossible to think of a way, the adjutant could only hope to the chief instructor.

"Huh, the demon chaos, to put it bluntly, it is the war waged by many powerful people in the demon world in order to have more life yuan, plundering the infinite amount of life essence.

It's just that everything went smoothly. If, once it didn't go smoothly, the West Heaven Bliss World and Heaven Realm joined forces to successfully repel the demon army, then, for the sake of self-preservation, it is very likely that the devil will use our earth to talk about things.

Even, he will threaten to destroy the earth. Once the negotiation fails, he will inevitably explode the earth.""that……'"

Thinking of the instructor's inference, the adjutant was shocked.

If this scene really happened, it would really be the end of the world.

Not only the earth, but also the other big caves, it is not much better.

"We must find the Dragon God back. Only when the Dragon God comes back can we really suppress the Demon King."

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