My Super Estate

667 The tragic war in the spirit world

Chapter 630 The tragic war in the spirit world

The spirit world is also a big cave in the sky, with five parties of supreme forces, one party in each town, and many king-level forces, among them.

The Tong clan is one of the king-level forces. There are five kings guarding it, and each has its own vein. According to legend, there are still high-level kings hiding in it.

This kind of strength is a group of king-level forces, which can also rule the roost, and cannot be considered weak.

Shuiyuedong Mansion is a cave created by the Tong clan. It contains a profound mystery, which can help people to more easily understand a certain martial art mystery. , Is where the Tong's tribe learns.

As the millennium approaches, the Tong family is also preparing.

"Tong Bo can seize the position of Jiezi, but it is really the ancestors blessing.

However, childlike innocence is the heart of Chizi, and child warfare is already the pinnacle of the leaderboard. They stay in the spirit world again, it is difficult to enter, enter the world, is the best choice."

The Tong family, all the elders, gathered together to hold a meeting.

"Now, the millennium has come, the gate of the spirit world has been broken, and the demon army has been killed. Yesterday, the Huo clan has been broken. Now, the imperial family calls on all parties to form an army and vows to destroy the demon army. Blocked in the fire, what is your opinion?"


The spirit world was too big and too large, and was divided into thirty-six major domains.

The domain of fire is guarded by the line of the fire, and it is also the gate of the spiritual world. On weekdays, anyone who wants to enter or leave the domain of fire must hand over treasure to the clan of the fire.

Nowadays, the demon army breaks through the gate of the spirit world, and the fire domain bears the brunt. The Huo clan is the first to bear the blood of the demon army.

This morning, the Huo clan has been slaughtered up and down, and the Huo clan, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has been cut off from it.

"Everyone, who wants to go to the Huo clan, start talking now!"

The demon grows in the killing all the year round, the battle body gets the battle to be tempered, the strength is generally stronger than the spirit warrior, leading the team to the front line, it is very likely, never going back.

"I go!"

Tong Yun stood up first.


Tong Yun is the oldest master of the Tong family.

"Everyone, the three brothers such as Tong Bo are the hope of our Tong clan. However, it is an indisputable fact that they left the Tong clan at the time when the life and death of the Tong clan were the most critical.

As the hope of the Tong clan, but to escape, we must give the clan a statement.

This time, the army of monsters is coming, no matter what, I must help them to give a statement for the clan."


Tong Yun's words, everyone is stunned. The weakest person present is also the Hunyuan Venerable. He is the strongest of the Tong family and is extremely powerful.

Of course they know what it means to the three brothers Tong Bo.

However, what Tong Yun said was true and the war broke out. As the hope of the Tong family, the three carried too much hope.

At this time, the three people are not there, and it is indeed necessary to give the tribe a statement. Otherwise, if one escapes from the battle, then it is very unfavorable for the growth of the three such as Tong Bo.

"Master Yunmai..."

Some people can't bear it. The three brothers of Tong Bo are all unanimously agreed by them. Now, it is necessary for Tong Yun to stand up.

"Don't say more, everything is for my Tong clan."

"Everything is for the Tong family."

The Tong family, everyone, all stood up.

"Everything is for my Tong clan."

The Tong family, many high-ranking people, screamed together.

In the thirty-six domain, the fire domain has been destroyed, and all the creatures have been chased by the demon army.

Under the call of the five supreme-level forces, the thirty-five party king-level forces all sent their own men and women to gather in the fire area, and formed a defense line to comprehensively defend the demon army from breaking through the fire area.

When Tong Yun came with many masters of the Tong family, he discovered that the weakest soldiers here were already a Grand Master level.

Obviously, in the face of the demon army, this time the major forces of the spiritual world took the bleeding originally.

"Sure enough, no one wants to be the next Huo clan."

Tong Yun took a deep breath and took his clan, then drove out of his defense zone.


As soon as he arrived, Tong Yun discovered that the fighting here had already begun.

In the defense area, the war flag fluttered high, but now it has been burnt by the war.


With a command, thousands and thousands of broken gang arrows formed an arrow rain, killing them towards the front.

The army of demons looted and wiped out all living beings, only to gather the essence of life. The major forces of the spirit world had no choice but to guard against the city.

However, in order to block the demon army in the fire area C, around some fire areas, the forces of the spirit world have to arrange a heavy array method.

What the Tong family needs to guard is a formation joint.

"Don't be afraid of the Zhan clan, my Yin clan is here!"

Before reaching the war zone, Yin Yun has seen that under the attack of the demon army, the defense line is already in danger. Tong Yun has to shout out loudly to defend the heart of the warfare generals on the defense line.

The demon army, the number is not very much, similar to the war clan generals, but the strength of the two sides is extremely disparate.

"Warlord, how is the battle?"

Tong Yun, the person in charge of the Zhan clan, knew exactly that he was an extremely terrible king of the Zhan clan, proficient in the way of formation.

"Tong Yunmai Lord, you are here, but it is really good.

This demon army is so powerful that it is not only proficient in battle formations, but also powerful individuals. If I had already arranged the formation, I am afraid that this line of defense has been broken."


Tong Yun was shocked in his heart. Although he saw some things just now, Tong Yun was still extremely shocked when he really understood the situation.

The formations are all converted from supernatural powers. The formations are very powerful superpowers.

However, it is almost impossible to defend now.

Such strength is really terrible.

"Hurry up and get your people into formation 1"

The grim situation shocked the army king.

"Relax, my people have entered the formation."

The formation of the formation, the formation of the formation, the more powerful the formation, the more the formation of a large number of formations, therefore, a large number of people must be guarded.


The demon army is worthy of the demon army.

The kobold, with a folding fan in his hand, as a military division, and as a kobold, has extremely fierce power. Even with the formation, under their absolute strength, they still cannot resist. Send someone out to block them.

The extremely terrifying strength of the ganesha is revealed at this moment.

With one dozen and three, they can still defeat the warlords.

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