My Super Estate

Chapter 675

Chapter 638 The Demon Has No Way

The thick forests, the tall mountains, and the unbroken continuation, a little blood, dotted between the mountains, so that this beautiful world suddenly seemed so terrible.

City pools, big rivers, flat grounds, RVs, bones, and bloody flowing water flowed out of the city, slowly, along low-lying, crooked, and thin filaments of static flow, possibly because of the presence of ants, Thousands and thousands of people converge into a small ditch.

It may be that the change in quantity caused a sudden change in material, and thousands of bloodspots formed a lovely river. Their existence seems to tell everyone secretly that there have been thousands of souls living here.

The water of the river has been occupied by the smelly blood, and the world is bright. Wang Yang came here and looked at the bright world, as if he saw the solemnity of hell.

"Here, it's too quiet here."

Suddenly, Wang Yang felt a tremor, and somehow he was dressed. In this sunny world, Wang Yang always felt a bit windy.

"Master Wang Zhuang..."

"Don't call me the owner, just call me Wang Yang, we are friends with each other, aren't we?"

The innocence called Wang Yang back to the world from hell and glanced at the people around him. He suddenly seemed to see the best things in the world.

"Hmm, we are friends!"

At this time, probably, there was only the childlike innocence of Chi Zi, who could not feel the strangeness between heaven and earth.

"childlike innocence!"

Tong Bo looked at the flame city, which was more terrible than hell. He only felt the heavyness in his heart, and there was no desire to speak again. Tong Zhan hurriedly pulled Tongxin and instructed him not to speak.

"Brother, let's go look for daddy quickly!"

Tong Zhan pulled the elder brother's sleeves, saying so.


Tong Bo's whole body is full of volcanic momentum and erupted in an all-round way.


The world's vitality fluctuated, burst after burst, like the tide, coming from all directions towards Tong Bo


Wang Yang's pupils contracted for a while.

Tong Bo actually took that out at this time and successfully cultivated Neng Yuanshen.

Grand Master is the limit of Wu, the beginning of Tao.

Between heaven and earth, there is no Tao. If people walk on the earth, they naturally have Tao.

Without comprehending his own way, the Grand Master made a breakthrough to achieve Jindan, and he used Jindan to raise the Yuanshen.

Tong Bo is an invincible grandmaster. Naturally, he used the heaven and earth to support the Yuanshen. Now he has made a breakthrough, and he has naturally become a Hunyuan Venerable.

"Second brother, is this a breakthrough?"

Childlike innocence seemed a bit clouded, as if not awake.


Tong Bo broke through and his strength improved. Originally, Tong Zhan should have been extremely happy, even surprised. However, he couldn't be happy when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Haha, there are people here..."

Suddenly, between the world and the world, a cold and strange laughter sounded.

It sounds like a duck, and the plainness gives a terrifying feeling.

"No, here, there is still a demon in the middle. The elder brother made a breakthrough this time, and the fluctuation was too large, which attracted the demon's attention."

The gloomy magic mist came from all sides.

"No, this magic fog has the magic power of blood demon, which can provoke the restlessness of the blood in the body and suppress it faster."

The child's heart shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, don't let them affect Big Brother!"

Child warfare first thought of his big brother.

"Haha, even dare to shoot, really don't know what to do."

In the magic fog, arrogant laughter came and was enveloped by the magic fog, people could no longer see it, and both Child Warfare and Child Heart could not find the magic shadow.


Wang Yang snorted coldly, like a sharp arrow, towards the magic fog, he quickly killed.


Under the shadow of the magic mist, the blood on the warrior will be fully understood by the blood demon god contained in the magic mist, which can sublimate all the vitality in the soul.

However, all this has no effect on Wang Yang. The refining of Wang Yang’s Ziyang battle body and silver battle body are extremely powerful. The blood is like diamonds. If the blood demon comes in person, Wang Yang is naturally not an opponent, but, With the help of some magic weapons containing blood demon supernatural powers, these demons even wanted to disturb Wang Yang's qi and blood. Where could it be so easy?

Bang Bang Bang...

Wang Yang's powerful spiritual power shines into reality with illusions, and the blood mist everywhere will not affect Wang Yang at all.

"Huh, but even the Hundred Yuan Jindan, dare to be so presumptuous, are you looking for death?"

The magic mist dissipated, and Wang Yang was reborn like the emperor of Ziyang. The purple flames set him apart.

Eyes looked at the demons that fell down.

I saw that few of these people were humanoid, and were basically livestock.

Yes, it is livestock, sharp claws, a greasy wolf head, a brown wolf.

"This, this is the Devil Wolf family?"

Wang Yang frowned gently.

Niu Demon temporarily resides in Shenshui Manor, and also has some understanding of the demon family.

The demon, in fact, is also a demon clan. However, the general demon clan has only the demon vein in the body. The demon clan is generally a race formed by the combination of the demon clan and the demon clan. The demon blood is overbearing and forcibly demonizes the demon clan.

"Say, what other demons are there in this flame city?"

Wang Yang asked coldly.

Tong Bo had just made a breakthrough, and he was shocked by these monsters, indicating that in this hell-like flame city, there are monsters.

"Hum, Lord Blood Demon is not far away, you just wait to die!"

Wang Yang means, can the demon know so?

If the fox is fake and the prestige is strong, they will gain the essence.

"Haha, here is the blood demon?

You are our three-year-old children, blood demon dare to stay in this city, can the supreme people of the spirit world, slap all of you demons?"

Gorefiend is the head coach of this demon army of spirits, can he stay in this city?


Wang Yang stepped on the demon paw with one foot.


The demon's flesh is strong, but Wang Yang's foot still crushes the demon's paw.

"Speak, how many monsters are there in this flame city?"

Wang Yang stepped on the wolf claw again, as long as it didn't say, this paw, I was afraid that it would disappear again.

"I do not know!"

"I don't know, oh, okay, our human race has a saying that it is connected with ten fingers, I don't know, are you demons?

The same flesh-and-blood creatures naturally have little difference from each other.

The demon may have experienced the refinement of the demon world, and it is much more powerful, but the flesh and blood are flesh and blood, and the pain nerves are similar.

"Haha, do you think I am afraid?"

The severe pain made his whole wolf's eyes continually beating, wolf hair trembling.

"Let's say, you Devil Wolf family, like our human beings, but also limbs, now I have abolished one of your paws and three.

You can rest assured, I will play with you slowly, you play dead, there are still here!"

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