My Super Estate

Chapter 677

Chapter 640—Bad and Unpredictable


The Hunyuan Venerable, the achievement of martial arts god, proves to the world, one move, one way, represents the power of the world, its strength is horrendous, it is shocking, even if it has the absolute defense of the golden bell cover, the battle body has been established, so under the offensive, even It is difficult to calm down with a bite.

"Wang Yang, are you okay!"

Tongxin's voice was very anxious. Just now, almost, his three brothers had to be slapped to death.

"Wang Yang, are you okay!"

The child warfare was pale, His Holiness hit him, and the sky was uncomfortable. In order to protect his elder brother, he had to stand up to the robbery. Fortunately, Wang Yang enveloped the three with a golden bell and accepted it.

Wang Yang's eyes were red, his face pale as paper, and it was difficult to speak. He could only shake his hand gently, indicating that he was fine.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the inner power is running again and again, Ziyang's vitality has been coming from the nine days.

"Here, this is the magical power of Emperor Ziyang in the legend?"

The purple air is like rain, and the scene is extremely grand. Even if it is under the ground, the ground is still green.

"In the legend, Emperor Ziyang is in charge of human life. It seems that in this world, a certain legend is not groundless."

Looking at the ground, the thick greenness that had emerged out of nothing, the brothers were only shocked except for shock.

"Second brother, where is this place?"

Childlike inquisitive eyes looked around the cave, and children's faces were full of curiosity.


It was only at this time that the child warfare discovered that he and others had been driven into the ground by the wolf demon that day and entered a very wonderful realm.


Looking around, it turned out to be a cave, and strangely, I waited for someone to break into the cave from the ground, but there was no crack on the top of the cave.

"Second brother, here, why can't we see the hole when we came in!"

All around are rocks and there is no exit.

It's just that there is no hole, how do you wait for others to come in?

For a time, not only childlike innocence, but child war also shocked.

"What is the realm here, there is no exit, how did these people come in?"

Tong Xin couldn't think of the reason, he could only turn his head to ask his second brother.

It's a pity that the second-brother who was so knowledgeable on weekdays is now full of doubts.

"Junior, what are you talking about?"

As the head of Songshan Sword School, Han Bingzhen has been scolded by such people?

Looking at Luo Jian's gaze, Han Bing's real life has a hint of cold light.

"what did I say?

I said that all of you, the so-called martial arts of the martial arts, are all a group of animals that are inferior to pigs and dogs.

The demon army has broken the gate of the spirit world, the fire area is already full of sorrows, the chickens and animals are not there, the bones are laying on the floor, no one knows, when the demon army will break into the earth, you are still entangled with our Shenshui manor here clear?

Huh, there is a kind, you just hit the battle platform, the token is on the battle platform, go, why don't you rob?"


Luo Jian's courage was so dare to dare to scold himself as a pig and dog, it was simply...

Pointing to Luo Jian, Han Bing was really anxious.

The cold wind blew through, and between the sky and the snow, the white snow drifted, and the cold wind blew up.

"No, Han Bing is really angry, this is to show his thunder anger!"

Someone was so shocked.

"According to legend, Han Bing was once a young king, and only half a step away, he can step into the invincible supremacy and become the invincible grand master.

Jin Dan has nine turns and nine turns contains Tao, and Han Bing is actually cultivated into the way of ice. As long as the prose is successful, it can be called the ice king.

This kid at Shenshui Manor, who dared to irritate Han Bing so much, really did not know what to do."

Some people from the Eight Gates sent such amazing news.

"This son is the founder of Shenshui Manor. The master Yun Dao has already achieved the status of an invincible grand master. If he can go further, he is not afraid of anything with Hanbing, but now, he is not a great master. It's in the martial arts world, not in the Dao realm, so dare to insult Han Bing so really, really, I don't know what to do!"

Some people are not optimistic about Luo Jian, and even think he is ignorant of life and death.

"Do you want to shoot?"

Luo Jian asked.

Han Bing Zhen Ren is a Han Bing Zhen Yuan, even Luo Jian is invincible Grand Master Realm, it is a bit unbearable.

"Well, you think it's a Shenshui manor, can't you dare to do it?"

Han Bing lived in Luo Jian's gaze, and his killing intentions were not concealed. Since ascending to the position of Songshan's head, he has devoted himself to leading the Songshan sword faction to catch up with the five super martial arts. No one dared to rebel, why was it so insulted?

"Is it, or else, we fight invincible battle?"

Luo Jian was not afraid, and even invited Han Bing to fight on the invincible battle platform.

Han Bing was shocked.

He suddenly remembered that this is the earth, but the earth shrouded by the Hunyuan prohibition. Even if he cultivated into the Yuanshen, on this earth shrouded by the Hunyuan prohibition, he can only exert the strength of the great master of the king list.

"Humph! The kid is rampant, and the head remembers it."


Han Bing's answer surprised everyone.

Ah, the majesty of your master, you, a leader of the Songshan School, have frightened?

At this moment, many people feel that their beliefs are broken.

As a Hunyuan Venerable, even facing the challenge of the Grand Master, he immediately recognized him.


Han Bing, a real person, suddenly frightened, making all the disciples of Songshan Sword School look ugly.

The master is the face of a sect, representing the dignity of a sect. Han Bing is a real person, making all the disciples of the Songshan sword school look dark and dusty. It seems that suddenly, the body has lost its soul.

"How are you awake?"

As soon as Wang Yang opened his eyes, the voice of innocence already sounded.

Feeling the concern in his voice, Wang Yang smiled slightly.

The strength of Hunyuan Venerable is indeed extremely strong.

On the earth, no matter how strong the strength is, in the face of the Hunyuan ban, the strength will inevitably be suppressed to the level of the Grand Master.

As an invincible grandmaster, Wang Yang is invincible across the board. No matter who he is, in this situation, Wang Yang can fight bravely.

However, in the spirit world, the Hunyuan prohibition no longer exists, and the strength of the Hunyuan Venerable has completely exploded at this moment.

Just a slap, the golden bell that Wang Yang claimed to be invincible defense was directly smashed by this slap.

"Relax, I'm fine.

Now, where are we?"

Wang Yang only remembered that he was chased away by Sirius Demon all the way, and suddenly came to a place, Wang Yang didn't even know what mystery this place has, just.With the help of luck, the mind and soul merge with the world, and naturally feel that there is a touch of vitality here.

It's just that Wang Yang doesn't know exactly where it is.

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