My Super Estate

Chapter 681

Chapter 644 Hard Anti-Hybrid Venerable


The closed stone cave was shattered, the legacy of the great magical power in the stone cave, only the rough sun vision of the wheel was firmly imprinted on the stone wall, no matter what kind of power, the rough sun vision came, It seems that there is an unknowable power of Mingming, which naturally dissolves all kinds of extending strength.

"Brother, this is the inheritance of the supernatural powers, is it broken like this?"

The child war shouted anxiously.

Just now he had some enlightenment. This solar warfare body is an extremely remarkable inheritance. As long as the enlightenment is a little bit, it is only possible for him to take that step.

Now it's all broken!

"Ah, bastard, how dare you bastards break my chance?"

The child war shouted loudly, and his eyes were bloodshot and red, and he gradually became enchanted.

"Child Wars..."

Tong Bo was shocked, his spiritual power was integrated into his body, and a shocking roar was directly poured into the sea of ​​childhood warfare.


The spirit of the child war was shocked, and the gang gas in the body was messy for a while.

"Brother, thank you!"

"Be careful next time, and don't be easily invaded by aliens."


Child fight nodded.

The stone cave has cracked. From the cracks, the air flows for a while. There is no longer the feeling of lack of oxygen. The whole person is much better.

"childlike innocence……"

After taking a deep breath, Tong Zhan turned his head and saw Tong Xin staring at the undestructive sun visualization, not staring at it.

"Childlike innocence, wake up quickly, don't go deeper."

He just ate a dark loss in this sun visualization, he did not want his brother to follow in his footsteps.

"Don't go, this may be childlike."

Tong Bo stretched out his hand and held the child war, saying so.


The child warfare was a bit eager, and I just ate a dark loss just now. If it weren’t for my elder brother, I’m afraid it was planted here now.

"Brother, the stone cave is broken. What is the use of this door?"

"The sun is the road, the mountain is the road, the water is the road, the devil is the road, and the vegetation is the road.

The Tao is everywhere, and the Tao is nowhere to be found.

You can be right, you can be very good; you can be famous; you are very famous.

The Tao may or may not be the Tao. The Tao may be the name or not."

Hearing the words, Tong Zhan was stunned.

"Brother, do you mean..."

Some of the child wars are vaguely understood.

Tong Bo nodded and said, "The so-called inheritance, the so-called divine power, is also just the divine power of others, just the way of others.

The Sun Warrior is the path of great magical power, suitable for him, not necessarily suitable for you."

"Quick, we have to hurry, the chance is inside, we can't be destroyed by them."

Xiong Da said anxiously.

For these opportunities, Xiong Da attaches the most importance to him. As a demon, his talent is not very good, and he has stepped into the invincible realm.

Among the legends, among the demon clan, there are the Devil King of Cows, visiting the Supreme, the King of the Monkeys, the Great Sacred King, the King of the Sea, the God of Heaven, the omnipotent, the Dragon of the Sea, the God of Heaven, and the God of Poke...

These are all the most longing for Xiong Da. He also knows that this time the blood demon lord led everyone to the spirit world, just to plunder vitality, and renew the life for the demon kings of the demon world.

Xiong Da hopes that one day, he will have such a blessing.

All this requires strength.

In his view, chance is strength.

"Well, this, Xiong Da, what's going on?"

Xiong Er's powerful perception ability clearly feels that between heaven and earth, the infinite amount of solar energy is converging, and is converging towards the land under his own feet.

"what happened?"

"Big Bear, the solar energy is converging and converging towards us."


Sirius will also be alarmed.

"Bear two demon generals, you can perceive correctly, the solar energy is really converging towards the earth under our feet?"

"There will be nothing wrong, I am absolutely right, it is really gathering!"

"Damn, there are really cave houses left by great supernaturalists, and there are even supernatural inheritances left by great supernaturalists."

Sirius will be excited and more motivated.

The demon world has never been valued in the demon world. If there is a demon respect building in the demon world, the demon can only act as a cannon fodder in the demon world.

The birth of any demon naturally has a progressive spirit.

Demon Realm kills indefinitely, survives in Demon Realm, killings exist anytime, anywhere. If the demon wants to survive in such an environment, self-improvement is their magic weapon for survival.

They would never be willing to be cannon fodder forever. They even believed that they could be like the demon respect building, and use their own power to fight the upper devil world, kill the king's palace, and occupy a place in the king's palace.

With the opportunity, the three demons will work harder.

"Brother, childlike innocence, why is childlike innocent?"

Tong Zhan pointed to the childlike heart wrapped in a layer of sun and gold flames on his body, and there was terror in his voice.

Sun Jinyan is too terrible. Child warfare dared not touch anything. He was afraid that he would be burned by Sun Jinyan.

However, today is an abnormal day. The horrible sun and golden flames are ignited by Wang Yang, and his third brother is also ignited.

Whether it was Wang Yang or childlike innocence, the clothes on his body were not damaged at all, but their bodies were burned with layers of black mud.

Under the burning of the golden flame of the sun, the flesh of these two people will be layered after layer of impurities, layer after layer of toxins, even some bad blood, and some bone stains, all under the sun golden flame. , Was broken down.

This is a very horrible temper. It can be said that it is a kind of rebirth. The ordinary people are in such a situation.

However, no matter whether it is Wang Yang or childlike innocence, they are all safe and sound, as if nothing happened.

It's really weird!

"It's a powerful vision, and spiritual energy is trapped in it. Even in the golden flame of the sun, it is still calm."

Looking at the sun visualization that can calmly look no matter what kind of strength, Tong Bo shook his heart for the first time.

Take out a long sword in the hands of the child warfare.

This is a magic weapon given to him by the Tong family.

Martial arts practice can never be separated from weapons.

Before the Grand Master, whether it was True Qi or True Gang, the Divine Soldier was enough to bear it.

However, after martial arts practice entered the Hunyuan, Zhengang changed to Yuanyuan.

A strand of true elements is enough to penetrate a one-meter-thick steel plate. The so-called magic soldiers who cut iron and mud are already abandoned.

Magic weapon, born of application.

In the hands of child warfare, there is a human-level magic weapon, a sword, enough to cut off the Baizhang Mountain.

Holding the magic weapon in his hand, he dived into the golden flame of the sun. I saw that the magic weapon had just been melted, and it was immediately melted, or even turned into iron juice.


Tong Zhan's eyes widened and startled: "Brother, this inheritance is really extraordinary. The third brother is in it, but there is nothing wrong."

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