My Super Estate

Chapter 683

Chapter 646 The Hard Anti-Hundred Yuan Venerable (3)

On the ground, Wang Yang and Sirius will stand against each other.

"Tong Bo, you take care of the two Tong brothers."

His eyes condensed like ice and fire, and in his eyes, there was suspected gold flame melting ice.

Inside the stone cave, Tong Xin is in Jin Yan, experiencing the pain of Jin Yan's burning body, Tong Zhan is usually talented, and only one step away can enter the invincible realm. However, the talents must be more demon, but the voice is not as good The childlike innocence of Chi Zi's heart is on the side. Not only does the opportunity fall into it, but it is actually drawn into the body by the devil qi.

Tong Bo uniformed Tong Zhan's uniform, immobile, and his heart was like water, confronting the two demon bears Xiong Daxiong, the air machine was crushed, and they were entangled.

"Huh, there are two Demon Bear Clan demon will be there, could it be, you think that the boy first entered the Hunyuan, the Yuanshen first knot, what help can you provide?"

Sirius will sneer. In his view, Wang Yang's behavior is actually artificial. Under the restraint of the two Devil Bears, he does not believe that Tong Bo can still make tricks.

"Humph, as long as the Tongbo brothers contain the two demon bears, why bother?"

"Arrogant, do not know the life and death of things, even dare to underestimate the devil!"

Sirius will be furious, and he won't talk anymore, as long as he kills this arrogant boy as soon as possible, and sends him to West Heaven,

The demon will be worthy of being a demon, and his shot is extraordinary. His life is strong, and his vitality will be emitted. The luck in the life will naturally roll over, which will coincide with the world and cause great changes in the world.

The world is divided into yin and yang, regardless of everything.

The magic wolf family naturally matches the heaven and earth to the way of Yin, and the luck rolls down, and the Yuanshen naturally meets the heaven and earth to the way of Yin, and a round of the magic moon hangs in the void.

"To the Yin Demon Moon?"

The dark red magic moon exudes the most yin to evil Yuehua, allowing Sirius to increase its strength in vain.

"Tianshi bashing rabbits is still full of strength, but your kid is just beginning with Jin Dan, but he dares to dock with Laozi Hunyuan Demon. Without a little skill, it is obviously impossible.

However, your kid shouldn't think of playing as a pig and eating a tiger, and Laozi won't let you take advantage of it so easily."

This is an old river and lake. He has heard about some rumors on the river and lake.

Between heaven and earth, it is not uncommon for some legendary strongmen to finally overturn the ship.

Born from a demon roller, he absolutely does not allow such things to appear on his body.

Sky Wolf Claw is the inheritance of the magic wolf family. From the shot, the sky and earth to the Yin Moyue hang in the sky.

Dangdang Dangdang...

A series of gold and iron explosions sounded in the void.

The Sky Wolf Claw is a talent of the Devil Wolf family. It naturally fits into the Yin Way. I saw Moyue but no Claw Shadow.

In contrast, the Sirius of Shenshui Manor is really much different.

However, Wang Yang's body was covered with a golden bell, and the golden flame of the Sun was burning in the golden bell.

No matter how the Sirius will attack, it is difficult to break through the iron wall of Wang Zhong's body.


Pointing at Wang Yang, Sirius' face was a little stiff.

"Why, don't you plan to shoot again?"

Wang Yang sits there like a golden bell. No matter how the Sirius will attack, Wang Yang can always ignore it.

"Huh, don't run rampant, today, the demon will let you know, how powerful is the Hunyuan Venerable?"

Sirius will stretch out his hand, palm of his hand, a bright moon, exuding a bloody light, between the sky and the sky, the eyes are empty, and in a blink of an eye, change into night.

"Here, this is another world!!"

Wang Yang's heart was awe-inspiring.

According to legend, martial arts practiced in the Hundred Yuan Realm, and realized the mystery of the heavens and the earth. Every move can change the world.

"Huh, today, I will refine you with this round of magic moon..."

Everyone who is a Hundred Yuan Jindan martial arts dare to look down upon himself so much, he is really looking for death.

Sirius has a violent breath in his heart, and it is difficult to suppress a madness.

"not good!"

Tong Bo, who confronted Xiong Daxiong and the two devil generals, changed his face wildly.

The magic moon is the origin of the Sirius Demon General, and contains the power to change the world. The Sirius will actually use it to refine Wang Yang. How can Wang Yang, who is the first to end Jindan, block it?

"Huh, boy, your opponent is our brother, what do you want to do?"

Tong Bo just had a change, Xiong Daxiong and two of them stepped forward to block Tong Bo.

"Huh, you kid who first entered Yuanshen, did not consolidate his cultivation behavior, and he could bring dangerous gas to our brother. It is really our brother who is vegetarian.

Exactly, the kid is weird and not very young, but at the beginning of Jin Dan, he can block the attack of Sirius Demon. In this case, it still allows Sirius to remove him. When the three of us join forces, they will not Believe that you, a kid who first entered the Yuanshen, can turn upside down."

Whoever says the bear is stupid, come out and promise to beat you!

Although Tong Bo could not hear the voice of Er Xiong Jiang, but in the end it was the old rivers and lakes, with strong strength and IQ.

From the action of the Second Bear General, he has already noticed his central thinking.

Tong Bo was blocked by the two bears, and he was powerless even though he was willing to shoot.

Sirius will not give Wang Yang a chance to breathe.

A round of magic moon broke the sky and hung above Wang Yang's head. The huge magic moon completely covered Wang Yang.

Suddenly, the bloody Yuehua vented into a magic light, wrapping Wang Yang.

This is that Sirius will want to refine Wang Yang.


The power of Moyue is immeasurable, and the demon's magical power makes the space unbearable, burning out black holes.


Wang Yang's pupils contracted.

The strength of the Hunyuan Venerable is even stronger than expected. Such supernatural powers are probably similar to some supernatural powers.

"According to the legend, the heavens and the earth have a total of thirty-six floors. The big caves are all peerless strongmen who come to the void and open up the world in the void."

Void, darkness and chaos are not supernatural.

Wang Yang absolutely could not imagine that this Sirius demon would have such a supernatural power, and could even open the void space.

"Huh, you have the magic moon, I have the sun golden flame..."

Wang Yang is also a person who refuses to lose. The Sirius Demon will summon the magic moon vision. Wang Yang naturally refuses to lose. When sitting cross-legged on the ground, he closes his eyes and contemplates a round of the sun in imagination.

Suddenly, between the heavens and the earth, the infinite amount of solar energy all gathered and was absorbed by Wang Yang.

Suddenly, a golden flame burned on Wang Yang's body.


The sun golden flame burned from Wang Yang, and the infinite amount of magic moon god radiated, and the sun golden flame competed with each other.


Moyue Shenhui is immeasurable. However, Sun Jinyan is overbearing. For a time, Wang Yang actually blocked Moyue Shenhui's refining power.

"Sirius demon, you want to refine my brother Wang Yang, simply dream of it."

Wang Yang actually blocked the refining power of Moyue, Tong Bo was overjoyed.

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