My Super Estate

Chapter 685 Escape

Chapter 648 Escape

"Ah, two brothers of the Demon Bear Clan, get out quickly. That damn human, wants to refine my Demon Moon!"

The appearance of Xiong Da Xiong Er, so that Sirius Demon will see hope, hastily urged his second demon to take action.

"Boss, you shoot faster, I block the Tong disciple!"

The Tong clan is a clan of the spirit world, and one side of the forces, as a demon army, one side of the general, it is naturally impossible not to know.

"Okay, Xiong Er, you will stop him for a while, and I will come when I go!"

Xiong Da nodded and agreed with Xiong Er's proposal.

With a roar, Xiong Da waved a big slap like a door and shot towards Wang Yang.


The huge bear's paw contains extremely overbearing power. With a slap, the void is broken, revealing a void.

"Haha, damn human, let you see the power of Grandpa Bear in your house today."

Xiong Da shot, powerful, and Sirius was overjoyed.

"It's worthy of the demon bear family, such a huge power, this damn human race boy will definitely be shot to death by this slap!"

After the shot, Sirius will naturally be very many, and he is not afraid of Wang Yang's own source of the magic moon.

"Well, this devil bear has such power?"

When Xiong Da shot, Tong Bo naturally saw it, and his huge strength was himself. It was also very difficult to catch it.

"Hugh will hurt my brother!"

Tong Bo shouted and ran towards Wang Yang so quickly.

"Huh, your opponent is me!"

How can Xiong Er let Tong Bo get involved?

"Step aside!"

Tong Bo's eyes were red. He looked at Xiong Er who was standing in front of him and shouted. At the same time, another pair of fists smashed towards Xiong Er, who was extremely tall and powerful.

This is Tianlongquan!

According to legend, the Tong clan, once born of the Shenlong clan, is a true supreme power.

In this generation, only Tong Bo has inherited the dragon skill.

With a punch, Tong Bo deserved to be a Hunyuan Venerable, and his thoughts changed the world.

With a punch, the fist was attracted, and the vitality of Jinyang from the heavens and the earth came from all directions, and a high dragon chant came out in the void.


As the sound of Long Yin came out, the extremely domineering illusion naturally immersed in Xiong Er's mind.

This is the most bizarre and unpredictable place of Dragon Divine Skill.

Before Grand Master, everything is fine, and there will not be a big difference between them. However, once the Dragon God practice breaks through Grand Master, the same end point, different people, but can walk out of different paths.

Someone's Dragon Yin can change the time flow rate and has extremely terrible power.

Someone's Dragon Yin can change the daytime into darkness, with a terrible magical power that changes the world.

Some people are born with fire, others are born with water, and some even spit fire to melt the iron.


Different people have cultivated different magical powers. Tong Bo's talent is extremely anti-nature. He has just broken through the mixed element, achieved the elemental spirit, and naturally understood the spiritual illusion together.

This is a very terrible magical means, even for extremely powerful masters, as long as a look, you can let people die in bliss.

"No, this is a mental illusion, damn, this kid actually realized it was a mental illusion."

Xiong Er exclaimed for a while.

The same as the Devil Bear family, Xiong Da comprehends the extremely terrible power together, but he comprehends the vitality fluctuation induction together.

In the same way, Tong Bo belongs to the Tong clan, and has the same dragon magic skills. The guardian of the dragon clan of the Tong clan a thousand years ago realized the power of fire.

Xiong Er's response was extremely fast.

However, Xiong Er's speed is not very good, perhaps, this is the defect between their races.

Bang Bang Bang...


Tong Bo's boxing strength attacked Xiong Er in a nod.


This time, it was Xiong Er who couldn't stop Tong Bo's punching power, and was directly knocked down by overbearing punching power, and finally, even directly hit the ground.

This is the terrible place of mental illusion, which can make people's mental powers psychedelic, and finally, they have completely lost their ability to act.

However, in the same way, spiritual illusions can only make people lose their actions. If you want to let people die naturally in the illusions, it is a little harder.

In other words, Tong Bo is still in a hurry.

It's just that Tong Bo's practice of dragon magic is not only a supernatural power with spiritual illusions, but more importantly, it is an extremely powerful form of fist.


Tong Bo faced Xiong Er's attack, but Wang Yang had already encountered Xiong Da's strong attack.

"Human tribe, let you see how great Grandpa Xiong is today!"

The door-sized slap was slapped hard on Wang Yang's body.

The golden bell cover is like the golden bell cover body, even Xiongda's slap, directly shot on Wang Yang, just like on the golden bell, the clang sounds constantly.

"Damn, what is this skill, how can it be so resistant?"

Xiong screamed loudly and raised his hands in unbelief.

However, the golden bell is really worthy of the Xeon defensive skill.

Of course, the most powerful thing is because the golden bell has long been integrated into the Ziyang war body.

This is a very strong war body, and the integration of the golden bell jar of refining and refinement is even more powerful.

"Roar, boy, I don't believe it, I can't break your turtle shell!"

Repeated failures made Xiong Da's heart furious,

A moment of anger erupted in the heart, stimulating the potential of the blood within the body, and for a time, great power.


In the end it was the Hunyuan Venerable, Xiong Da's palm was too strong, and finally caused Wang Yang to oscillate in his body. Zhenyuan was in short supply, and the golden bell cover was broken, and a crack appeared.


For a time, the great solar golden flame erupted, even Xiong Da, had to retreat again and again.

Sun Jinyan exploded quickly, and also converged quickly. When Xiong Dazhan timed, all Sun Jinyan all converged. At that time, the golden bell cover on Wang Yang's body returned to its original state.


Xiong Da was dumbfounded. He had just inspired his blood potential just now, and he could only break a crack, so it would be easy?

Xiong Da is a little crazy.

"Xiong Da, let's go faster!"

The sound of Sirius Demon suddenly came.


Xiong Da looked at Wang Yang. Sure enough, his attack just now was not completely useless. The magic moon locked in the golden bell had disappeared.

"Sirius demon, you have nothing to do!"

Xiong Da quickly came to Sirius Demon and looked up and down.

"I'm fine, but this source has been refined a lot by this kid."

Sirius will stare hard at Wang Yang.

"Really? That's just right, let me have your source!"

Without any call, Xiong Da suddenly shoots towards Sirius.


The Sirius demon who had just regained the source of the magic moon was killed by Xiong Da.

"Go away!"

The sudden change made Wang Yang stunned.

Tong Bo's voice came quickly. At this time, he brought the two brothers of Tong Zhan and Tong Xin, three steps and two steps, and came to Wang Yang, saying so.

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