Chapter 650 Saving People

"Fire Overlord, you can't escape."

The sound of heaven is general, and the loud sound reverberates between heaven and earth.

A burly figure stood in the void, like a celestial being.

"Bear King..."

Firemaster's eyes widened like a gong, and there was a gaze in his eyes.

The bear king is the peerless strong of the demon bear family, and is the top strong under the blood demon, conquering the extinct fire clan, the bear king is one of the main forces.

Beside the Bear King, follow two equally burly figures. If Wang Yang is here, they will find that these two figures turned out to be Bear Big Bear II.

"Xiong Da, this is the last realm of the spirit world. This time, your strength has greatly improved. Go, this is your chance."

What is the existence of the bear king, the ordinary Hunyuan Venerable, is simply not in his eyes.

Although Fire Fighter was the last realm, however, it is only in the past 100 years, where can he be strong?

A few days ago, Xiong Da had a sudden increase in his source, and his strength has greatly improved. He wanted Xiong Da to try his hand and also gave him a chance to consolidate himself.


Slashing the Sirius Demon King and taking its roots, Xiong Da's strength increased greatly. At this time, the Xiong Wang gave himself the Fire Overlord to himself, and that is his great trust in himself.

Xiong Da's appearance is honest and honest, but in fact he is cunning inside. Such an opportunity, he should behave well.

"Human boy, your grandpa Grandpa Xiong is here, come and die!"

Martial arts cultivation, starting from Hunyuan, initially embarked on the road of life evolution.

Flying is a major symbol of the evolution of spiritual life.

Human beings are prosperous because of airplanes, and beasts are called demon because of flying.

Xiong Da has entered the Hunyuan Venerable, and turned into a god of the earth in nine turns. His strength is naturally extremely powerful, and flying is only a most basic sign.

"Don't know the devil's life, can't you come to die?"

What kind of character is Fire Overlord?

How can he be frightened by a magic bear who doesn't know what to do, and attacks now.

It is worthy of the name of "overlord", and its strength is extremely sturdy. Even Xiongda's strength is still difficult to resist.


The ocean of flames is roaring, and Firemaster is worthy of being a Firemaster. The flame energy is powerful and unmatched. Even, it causes a huge change in the world, and the world suddenly becomes a flame.

"Wang Yu, damn, this Fire Overlord is so terrible that it can seduce Wang Yu."

The Bear King can’t stand it anymore. The strength of the Firemaster is too terrible. Xiong Da is not an opponent at all. If he doesn’t shoot, Xiong Da will definitely be killed!

"Go, you two brothers, now go kill those damn Fire clan and charge their life spirit!"

The bear king shot, no matter how powerful the fire fighter is, it is naturally impossible to compare with the bear king.

Without the restraint of the Fire Overlord, Xiong Da and Xiong Er can be described as flying eagles. Any resistance is a sheep.


Xiong Da and Xiong Er were overjoyed and quickly killed towards the Huo clan.

"Everyone is ready!"

In the end, Huo Ling is an outstanding disciple trained by the Huo clan. Without the repression of the bear king, he is afraid of never seeing him again. Even in the face of the two fierce demons, he can still summon the courage to lead his own people to rebel.

The people of the Huo clan are all wearing fire suits and all their energy. They contain a very powerful fire, and they all unite in one mind and change the world.

However, no matter how many sheep there are, there will not be much effect in the face of lone wolf.

Moreover, Xiong Da and Xiong Er are not ordinary lone wolves, or two wolves.

Resistance will not have much effect.

Even, Fire Spirit, was only a stroke, and was directly injured by Xiong Da.

"Hey, sheep are sheep. How dare they survive the great Xiongda and Xiongji?"

Xiong Da and Xiong Er will be very happy.

Looking at the thousands of people in front of me, my heart really blossomed.

As long as we collect the essence of all life, our brothers will surely be able to invite the blood demon, and even get the blood demon's instructions alone.

Life Essence is only for those top monsters in the demon world, and only those top demons can get out of the second life with enough life elixir.

In order to stimulate the entire demon world army, those who stand at the top of the demon world have many benefits.

Among them, pointing for the demon alone is the biggest benefit.

Martial arts cultivation, regardless of race, before Grand Master, as long as there are resources, everyone can achieve it.

Moreover, many noble blood demon, they have strong strength when they shot, adult is the grand master.

This is also the basis of the demon so powerful.

Demon qi has the effect of powerful body refining. Demon people are all extremely strong physical existence. Ordinary warriors can't bear their punches and punches.

However, these are just before the Grand Master, and after the Grand Master, they are no different from ordinary humans.

For martial arts cultivation, before the Grand Master, as long as there are resources, everyone can achieve it. After the Grand Master, pay attention to talent, understanding, and follow the world.

Everyone can see when the sun rises every day, but it is difficult to find one person for thousands of years who can truly cultivate into the way of the sun.

The high mountain can be seen from the eye, but the only person who can cultivate the Buddha’s five-finger mountain magical power is the Buddha.

The demon supreme sermon, dedicated to the demon with great contribution, is to draw a chase to the sun for these demon in the void.

Chase is dangerous, but people can see the direction.

This is also the origin of the world's top heritage.

Top-notch inheritance does not mean top-notch powerhouses, but only provides a channel for everyone.

This is true for the Sun War Body, as is the Ziyang War Body.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er collected a large amount of life essence and asked the blood demon, the same is true.

Three fists and two feet beat all the Huo clan down. In the eyes of Xiong Da and Xiong Er, this is a group of life essence.

"Brother Huo Ling, what shall we do?"

Looking at the two demons who were forced towards themselves, the tribes of the Huo clan were horrified.

These days, they have had enough.

Sudden attacks, the entire Fire City, all turned into Hell Blood City, the development of the Huo clan over thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, tens of millions of armies, all overnight, all killed in battle, the entire Huo clan, only These are the remaining people.

The danger is that they can see it as long as they close their eyes.

That was the real disaster.

That kind of horror, even if it has been nearly ten days, they are all vividly remembered. As long as they close their eyes, they will see the despair of seeing all the people and falling to the ground.

Now I want to think about how many geniuses in the Huo clan have always been suppressed due to their origin, and finally disappeared inexplicably.

All members of the Huo clan felt deeply regretful.

The people of the Huo clan did not find out that there were four people coming not far from them.

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