My Super Estate

Chapter 698

Chapter 661 The Corpse Disaster

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

In the end, zombies are corpses, even the strongest king. After death, the corpses are still extremely stiff, and any joint is as if frozen by ice.

From the inside of Hell City, the sound of zombies beating like a drum of war before the gods would send troops.

Bang Bang Bang...

One after another, with the ground shaking.

In the distance, a corpse could be seen, bouncing up and down, slowly coming from the city of Hell.

The pale face couldn't see a trace of blood at all. It can be seen that these stiff corpses have lost all their blood.

This is also the most magical scene of zombies. If a person has no blood, he will die; however, zombies are different. Although zombies also have blood melting the body's frozen corpse gas, they can still move without the presence of blood.

Sharp nails swept over, blocked the stone wall in front of the road, and gently crossed, like a knife to cut tofu.

"Wang Yang..."

Tongxin's strength is definitely not bad, even if it is a fire spirit, if you want to overcome the child war, it must take some effort.

However, in the face of such a horrible existence, he was afraid.

"Childlike, don't be afraid, the second brother is here!"

Tong Zhan hurriedly overwhelmed the innocence and comforted softly.

The childlike talent of martial arts is hard to find in the world, but his heart of the naked child makes him like a child.

Normal children, naturally encountering such an army of zombies are naturally scared.

"Second Brother..."

Tongxin quickly hid behind the child war.

"Wang Yang, what now?

Judging from this movement, there are not many zombies coming out this time."

It's about everyone's safety. Tong Bo couldn't help but ask.

This is not a distrust of Wang Yang, but such a scene is really terrifying.

"Zombies are not afraid, but the talent behind these zombies will be more frightening."

Wang Yang pondered.

"How to say?"

"Zombies have no line of sight. It's useless to remove their eyes.

Similarly, zombies have no hearing, and even piercing their ears will not affect them.

However, the sense of smell of zombies is very powerful, especially the breath of life.

De-flavored powder has completely eliminated the breath of our body.

However, our existence must not escape the gaze of the person behind them."


It is said that everyone is shocked.

Everyone used to think that the de-flavored powder mentioned by Wang Yang could be omnipotent. Now it seems that all of this is our own thinking.

"Then what should we do?"

"What can we do?

For these zombies, there must be a heaven and earth to the sun, you said, what is the sun that is around us now?"

After hearing this, everyone was silent.

However, whatever happened to them, what Wang Yang worried about most happened.

The hiding place of Wang Yang and others has been found by zombies.

In the face of the continuous flow of zombies, including Wang Yang, all of them all tried their best to deal with their own life and death, no one would joke.

Childlike fear of zombies can only be protected inside, the other four people, each occupying one side, fully resist the attack of zombies.

Here, Tong Bo is the most sturdy. Whether it is a zombie or a black corpse, Tong Bo always takes a strong shot, one move and one way, has great power and sweeps across.

Unfortunately, the reason why zombies are zombies is their rigid body.

Tong Bo’s strength is not weak, but his full blow hit the stiff corpses of the zombies, which did not cause too much damage, he could only beat them back.

Bang Bang Bang...

Three consecutive hits, hitting the zombie's flesh fiercely, but besides being able to knock it back, it doesn't bring much effect.

If we say that Tong Bo's strength is extremely strong, he can repel these zombies, but for children's war, these zombies are a real disaster.

One step back is childlike innocence. Childlike instincts are so afraid of zombies that they refuse to take action at all. As an older brother, he must protect his younger brother and vow not to retreat.

"Child Wars!"

Seeing that the child war was invincible and was about to be killed by zombies, Tong Bo quickly shot.

With the help of Tongbo, the child war finally settled down.

If the strength of Tong Bo is strong and the strength of child warfare is weak, then the strength of Wang Yang and Huo Ling is extremely miserable.

Both Huo Ling and Wang Yang are at the same level as Hundred Yuan Jindan. Similarly, both of them are at the same level as Jin Dan.

However, the difference between the two is quite different.

Facing the attack of zombies, Wang Yang's defense is extremely terrible. No matter how the zombies attack, he can calmly, even, from time to time, can still fight back and forth.

However, the Fire Spirit is much more miserable.

He is also the same as Jin Dan's turn. In terms of attack, he may not be much worse than Wang Yang, but his defense is very different.

For a time, Huo Ling was fighting in blood.

"Need help?"

Seeing that the fire spirit was covered with blood all over, he was beaten back repeatedly by three zombies, Wang Yang said.

"No need!"

Although extremely miserable, but how proud is Huo Ling?

How can the Fire Spirit be weaker than the same person as Jin Dan?


The martial arts in the hands of the fire spirit is his own fiery fire fist, punching one punch and one punch, with a strong fire, killing towards the zombie.

This is also due to his fire martial arts, otherwise, facing the siege of three zombies, I am afraid there is no resistance.

However, it's almost the same.

With all his strength, he successfully defeated the three-headed zombie, and the Fire Spirit could no longer bear it.

"I'm dying!"

There was no more power, and the three zombies rounded up again, terrifying the fire spirit.

Even, Fire Spirit has closed his eyes and is about to die.

Bang Bang Bang...

Three consecutive thumps are heard in the ears of Huo Ling.


Fire Spirit widened his eyes in horror, and saw that Wang Yang appeared in front of him, and the three zombies in front of him repelled.

"Okay, I can't stand it, so I speak without anyone else. If you are really scrapped by these immortal things, wouldn't you die injustice?"

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Wang Yang, you..."

Huo Ling's face was blue and red...

Huo Ling's spirit is very high, and he never believes in his life.

However, today's World War I let him see clearly...

Wang Yang's strength is much stronger than himself.

"You fight well, we have to wait for the strongest of the spirit world to shoot, otherwise, we will definitely be overwhelmed by this endless zombie."

"it is good……"

Huo Ling felt a big shock in his heart. He knew that this time he and others were really in big trouble.

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