Chapter 596 The Plague

"This, this is solved?"

The boy blogger, who was already desperately prepared, was a bit dazed.

Obviously, all the mental strength has been propped up, and with a single blow, this terrible meteorite can definitely be broken.

However, one shot has not yet been shot, the meteorite has been shattered by the owner of the Earthfire City, turned into tens of millions of rubble, and even turned into stone powder.

The Lord of the Fire City has supernatural powers. With a single blow, all the huge meteorite will be turned into gravel. Such great achievements make the whole Fire City cheer.

Witnessing the immense magical power of the Lord of the Fire City, the residents of the Fire City City saw their solid backing.

Cheers, like a tsunami, wave after wave.

Thousands of people shouted and turned into waves, but, for no reason, Wang Yang saw a strange smile from the huge bear's face.

Yes, it must be a smile.

The demon's attack was broken, even with a hint of smile. This demon is really worthy of being a demon, and he does not take it for granted.

"No, this giant palm that covers the sky is Yang, and inside the giant palm, it's poisonous..."

Wang Yang's face changed greatly, and he shouted...


Wang Yang's voice contained the Taoism inside him, and it was heard from afar, many people heard it.

"No, Wang Yang, but you can't talk nonsense!"

The Fire Spirit spoke first.

Now the monster army is attacking. In the first round, the Lord of Earthfire successfully broke the monster's attack. This is an absolute victory. Such a big victory can make the Earthfire City excited.

However, if you say this now, it is said that the giant palm covering the sky is a Yang move, and the secret move is a poison. Then, for the entire City of Fire, it is a huge blow.

People will think that the Lord of Earthfire can't stop it. Even, they will be desperate. Finally, when the real demon army comes, many people will be really desperate.

The three brothers of the Tong family turned their heads together and looked at Wang Yang.

Obviously, they also did not believe Wang Yang's words.

The Lord of Earth Fire is a great magician, and even he did not see that you, a little little person who turned Jindan, dared to speak like this. This is not to fight those strong kings or even great magicians. Face?

But, waiting for Tong's three brothers to speak, the city suddenly heard boiling screams.

"Ah, ah..."

Many people scratched hard on their bodies, their faces, arms, and even their clothes were torn off vigorously, all of them turned into screams.

Even some people are already standing unsteady, falling to the ground, rolling back and forth, the kind of miserable appearance, make people scalp numb.

"This, this..."

In this situation, the whole person is scared and numb.

The Fire Spirit can no longer say more, because he knows that the facts cannot be refuted.

"Hey, what is this poison?"

With such a terrible poison, Tong Bo was scared even though he had already cultivated into the Yuanshen and became a Hunyuan Venerable.

Turning his head and looking at Wang Yang's gaze, he was equally uncertain.

However, unlike before, this was a skepticism about Wang Yang's words, but this time he dared not recognize the established facts in front of him.

Wang Yang frowned and said, "If, I am not mistaken, this should be the plague.

Moreover, there is still a plague of corpse poison, I have smelled corpse gas.

Yes, it is the plague, which is generally the same as the plague that was once released by Wanxianjiao on the earth. However, this time the effect is very domineering and also very fast."

Wang Yang's face was very ugly, saying: "The plague with corpse poison is a thing of Wanxianjiao. According to legend, the ultimate goal of Wanxianjiao is to open the legendary Wanxian cave.

Damn, these monsters, they actually united with the evil cults of Wanxianjiao."

In Wang Yang's eyes, there is boundless murder.

On the earth, there was a plague in Shudi, which caused tens of millions of deaths and injuries, among them hundreds of thousands, nearly one million died directly.

These damn monsters, they were so reckless of the consequences.

Devil lives forever and kills the heavens.

This time, Wang Yang really realized it.

In the same way, the entire City of Fire is really in chaos.

The previous cheers are gone, some are just horrified, some are just screams of pain.


This situation, the Lord of Earthfire, was shocked as a whole.

Where did he know that he shot himself and rescued the people of the whole city of Fire, but he never thought that the demon was so cunning, and he concealed the huge palms of the sky, and secretly kept the terrible corpse poison plague in it.

"Urban Lord, what now?"

The white doctor king suddenly appeared in front of the city master.

Such a terrible corpse poison plague, even with the capabilities of the White Doctor King, is a deep headache.

"These plagues must be suppressed as soon as possible.

These damn demons will never control the life and death of the souls. Even they are desperate for everyone, and all are dead.

However, we can't ignore it. Once these plagues erupt and emanate from the City of Earth Fire, I am afraid that the entire spiritual world will be destroyed."

Earthfire City Lord, at this moment also feel the thorny things.

The demon world is full of demonic qi, not the people of the demon world, once they break in, they are afraid that they will be suppressed to about 30% of their strength immediately.

Such strength, entering the demon world, is definitely looking for death.

This is why the demon world has repeatedly entered the heavens and the world, and the strong man in the heavens and the world is also the reason why no one dares to enter the demon world.

For demons, the spirit world is dead, and they will never be heartache, they will only laugh heartily.

However, as a member of the spirit world, the Lord of the Fire City, they must not watch the whole spirit world dead and dead.

The heart of man is the heart of heaven.

As a part of heaven and earth, naturally bear a luck.

Once everyone is dead, so is the luck.

Even if the spirit world was destroyed, even if he was still alive, he would become a homeless person.

"Ben Wang knows, it's just, how can such a domineering plague be solved, this is really a great trouble.

Moreover, it is still just a bear king. This king does not believe that this big operation is just a bear king."

Obviously, Bai Yiwang is also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Bai Yi Wang, you are now going to lead the team to rescue the city dwellers, and the lord of the city will meet those damn demons."

Earthfire City Lord's heart was full of anger.

The demon kills all beings, completely disregarding everything, even though it is not as good as its strength, but for these beings in the world, they and others must absolutely chase them.

This is true every time, and every time is dragged down by these weak people.

However, he and others have to shoot.

Now, these monsters dare to kill their own Fire City, in any case, they must also pay the price.

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