Chapter Seventy Seventh

"Come on, today is the day my cousin came back. Let's pick him up."

The two luxury cars drove fast on the road. Luo Jian and Mo Jun sat on Bai Yunfei's car and urged.

"I know, but, in time, it's too late, what's the hurry?"

Bai Yunfei didn't care about a smile, said.

"Nonsense, when the cousin comes back, the Black Dragon Gang also knows. Let's go quickly. What if they are intercepted by them?"


Luo Jian said this, Bai Yunfei thought, too.

Immediately, increase the speed of the vehicle by another grade.

"The car in front is speeding up, let's speed it up!"

Wu Xiaojun and Wu Xiaohong, two younger siblings, sitting on the back of the fierce horse, seeing that the speed in front has been increased, and Wu Xiaojun also speeded up.


The two cars just lifted their speed, and a log flew from the roadside.


A sudden brake, the friction between the car and the ground, brought a strong sound.

"Who the hell doesn't want to live?"

Suddenly changed, Bai Yunfei was furious.

"Humph, get off!"

More than two dozen people sprang up from both sides of the road, and all were bloody.

It was all martial arts masters, the weakest one, and also the level of Mingjin.

"Damn, who are you?"

The five of them got off the car and waited seriously.

These people are all masked in black, holding a mountain knife.

In this era of the rise of martial arts again, the use of thermal weapons is a taboo for martial arts people. Generally speaking, it will never be used.

The main reason is that the martial arts master's speed is too fast. Under the explosive force, many people's speed is faster than bullets. Even, they can't even let the child pop into the chamber, and they have already been killed.

So, cold weapons returned to the mainstream again.


The man in black didn't talk much. After surrounding the five people, he waved his big hand and went directly to Bai Yunfei and other people.

"Damn, these people must be Chen Xiong's people. They are too arrogant to kill me."

Wu Xiaohong's face was full of anger.

These damn things, even daring to ambush themselves and others in the middle of the way, really find death.

Without saying anything, the five men carried their weapons and ran quickly.

For a time, the whole scene was very chaotic.

The men in black are all masters of Mingjin level. Their strength is not weak, and they hold a mountain knife. Their power has risen greatly. Even though Wu Xiaohong and others have been famous teachers since childhood, at this time, they are also handicapped.

However, the five people are extraordinary, and with the support of a sufficient amount of lobsters, the strength of the five people has greatly improved during this period, and they have all reached the peak of Ming Jin. As long as there is a chance to understand the dark path, all will be breakthrough.

At this time, their strength was really manifested. One to four, or even one to five, were completely out of the question. After adapting, it was Luo Jian, who also firmly stood on his heels.


Suddenly, with a gunshot, Luo Jian rolled back and successfully avoided the bullet.

"Damn, these guys want to die, but dare to play guns?"

In this era, the world has returned, the martial arts is booming again, and cold weapons have taken over the mainstream. No one thought that these guys would even play guns.

"Kill him."

Wu Xiaojun shouted.

"it is good."

Bai Yunfei nodded fiercely, rolled on the spot, stood up again, and a stone, like an arrow, shot into the forest.


There were screams in the forest.

"Be careful, there are gunmen in the dark."

Wu Xiaohong has a pair of phoenix eyes, and a soft sword in his hand is like a spirit snake, like a dragon, like an eagle.

I saw the soft sword in her hand sweep across the ground, a stone was taken by her, turned into a rainbow, and shot into the jungle.


But it was her powerful perception, feeling that there was a crisis in the dark, and knew that a gunman had marked himself, and immediately started first to be strong, and first shot to kill the bastard.


Bai Yunfei is also mad, grabbing a handful of stones, using the stones as a hidden weapon, with a strong sense, a goddess scattered flowers, a handful of stones shot.


A series of screams illustrate the brilliance of Bai Yunfei's hidden weapon.


Suddenly, there were dense machine guns in the jungle.

"Damn, these bastards, even heavy machine guns."

Hearing this voice, Luo Jian turned pale.

Although he has embarked on the path of a warrior, he is afraid of hot weapons, especially heavy machine guns.


Luo Jian and others were fine, but the other people in black were injured.

This is also because the firepower is all concentrated on Luo Jian and other five people. Otherwise, such heavy firepower, with the strength of the men in black, cannot escape.

"Hurry, enter the forest."

At this time, the car could not care.

In fact, under the blast of heavy machine guns, the two cars have become shabuzi.


"Brother, you don't have to give it away, I'm going back."

In the mysterious realm, I successfully obtained the young plant of Ziyang grape. Under the leadership of Xiaoyaohou, I hurried back to the place of transmission.

However, Xiaoyaohou didn't know which rib was wrong and even wanted to follow Wang Yang.

"Little brother, this is your fault. As your elder brother, it's difficult. I can't go to see you?"


Wang Yang bit his face bitterly and said: Is this a question to look at?Our world can't stand people like you.

"Okay, that's it. I'll play with you, brother, you won't be unwelcome!"


Wang Yang opened his mouth and finally nodded and said, "Well, I will take you."

With that said, Wang Yang took the Xiaoyaohou into the location of the teleportation station.

"This, this is the delivery station?"

Xiaoyaohou was shocked.

Teleporter, this is a legend. Only the strongest among the gods and demons can be built. Could it be that there is such a terrifying existence behind this little brother??

In fact, the reason why Xiaoyaohou followed Wang Yang was because he was curious.

It's incredible that a kid with a clear level has entered Dragon Elephant Field.

What's more, it's even more incredible that a bright boy can still make friends with the dragon elephant.

However, when a bright boy could actually let Ziyang grape vines send out their young plants, it was really shocked.

In short, at this moment, Xiaoyaohou had made up his mind and went to see it.

"Yes, here is the teleportation station. However, this teleportation station is not under my control. I can't enter it. I don't know."

With that said, Wang Yang has stepped onto the teleportation platform.

"it is good."

Xiaoyaohou nodded, and also stood on the transmission platform,

The energy in the body was pumped away, and suddenly, the transmission platform shone intensely.

When the light was dim, Wang Yang had disappeared, but Xiaoyaohou remained in place.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Xiaoyaohou was taken aback, he did not expect that the teleport station he opened could not transport himself away.

"The little brother doesn't have this ability. In this way, it was the powerful person who originally set up the transmission station?"

After thinking about it, he is no longer entangled.


Wang Yang fell again from the air, and yelled out in the process of free fall.


Looking at the embarrassed Wang Yang, defending all around, he laughed suddenly.

"What's going on, why is it always falling free in the air?"

Wang Yang asked with a black face.

"Boy, the strength is not enough. During the transmission process, it will be free fall."

A captain looked at Wang Yang and smiled.

"Damn, I'll go first."

No longer tangled, immediately leave first.

There is no car, but his speed is also very fast.


"How could there be so many people with these damn things?"

Dozens of people have been killed, but the enemy is still endless, as if it is endless.

"Heilonggang, don't let me go out alive, otherwise I will destroy you."

Bai Yunfei gritted his teeth and scolded with hate.

At present, none of them are intact, and all are injured.

Among them, Luo Jian was the heaviest, with seven shots in a row.

This was impossible in the past. Guns have become a thing of the past, and cold weapons have once again come to the foreground.

However, they did not expect that they were injured again in the hands of the hot weapon that was about to be eliminated.

"We are careless, we are not secret masters, and we cannot completely ignore thermal weapons."

Finally, Wu Xiaohong calmly analyzed.

"How to do?"

Wu Xiaojun asked.


Mo Junjiang has the most experience, and at this time, he has the most say.


"Well, what's going on, how can there be gunshots in this era?"

Walking on the avenue, Wang Yang's keen spiritual power successfully captured the air and the residual gunshots.

"No, this is Wu Xiaohong's Hummer. Wu Xiaohong is in danger."

Turning the corner, Wang Yang was shocked.

On the road ahead, there were two cars that were smashed into brushes.

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