Chapter 758 Exile

"Don't you think that if you cultivate yourself as a breakthrough, you will control the sovereignty of victory?"

Dragon Elephant Demon will be standing high, looking down at Wang Yang, like a small earth dog at the foot of the elephant, and shouting loudly.

"Do you think there will be a big gap between the first turn of Golden Dan and the second turn of Golden Dan?"

"Haha, today, I will tell you that reality will always be crueler than dreams.

Even if your magical power is strong, you see Thunder Tribulation as nothing. Under the absolute strength of the devil will suppress you, you have to annihilate from now on~~"

Said, the dragon elephant demon puts his big hand like heaven, under one palm, it is the world reversed.


The sky changed, thunder and lightning sounded, and Wang Yang also saw his own savior.

Thunder Tribulation is like a heavenly prestige, Thunder Tribulation comes, and all beings retreat.

It is not a person who is really looking for death, it is a thunder robbery field that will never break into others. This is the iron law recognized by martial arts.

The strong man who dared to provoke the iron law has already found his way home under thunder.

Naturally, Wang Yang will not be afraid that the dragon elephant demon, who is a demon general, will break through the thunderstorm, because compared to Wang Yang's life, the life of the dragon elephant demon will undoubtedly be worth too much.

The mortal can count the accounts, and the dragon-like demonic general, who is the demon-general, can naturally count.

"This thunder disaster can't really be considered strong."

A golden bell shroud, thunder and lightning flashed around.

Wang Yang is in the golden bell, no matter how thunderously shines, he always feels something is wrong.

'Well, in the legend, thunder and robbery is as dangerous as knocking on the door at Death Night.It's just, why doesn't the owner feel a bit?'

This word, Dragon Elephant Demon will not know, if he knows, maybe, under the danger of being targeted by Thunder Tribulation, he will also break into Thunder Tribulation and destroy him.

In other words, even if the Dragon Elephant Demon would not know, he would not let Wang Yang go.

"Well, damn, this energy of thunder and calamity, for the flesh, is really the best thing to refine."

Admiring the thunder, Admiralty turned a wave of thunder into the body of Wang Yang.

However, even if Thunder's energy is transformed into Tianwei, its powerful energy is difficult to digest in a short time.

"Well, exactly, I seem to have an energy apple in my hand, which can promote the martial arts to quickly digest the energy in the body.

Well, it was such a pleasant decision."

Thinking this way, Wang Yang flipped his hand and took out a red apple.

Yes, this apple is a seven-level elixir, an elixir purchased on Skynet Mall by chance.

So, between heaven and earth, the most arrogant ferocious bastard was born.

Grabbing an apple in one hand and holding a golden bell, he raised his head from time to time to look at the darkened sky, the thunderbolt that scared the dead from paying their lives.

Wang Yang did not know that his shape had already been introduced into Skynet by the Dragon Elephant Demon, and since then, he has been engulfed in the sky and burned half of the sky.

At this time, he just felt that his own body, under the tempering of thunder calamity energy, was a little bit improved.

Moreover, in the True Element, the lines containing the magical power of the golden bell are rapidly condensing and blending into the energy of Thunder Tribulation, bit by bit, all into the flesh.

This is the method of refining the flesh with supernatural powers.

If at ordinary times, Wang Yang wanted to quickly cultivate into a physical supernatural power, it was simply impossible, but with this thunder calamity energy, and that energy apple, he happily fell into cultivation.

"Damn it, Jin Dan Nei, Zhen Yuan is almost unable to keep up."

The true element is a more advanced energy formed by the integration of qi in the body with Dao Yun.

The road is everywhere, the sun is the road, the vegetation is the road, the mountains and rivers are the road, and the rivers and seas are the roads...

The so-called Dao Yun is a kind of Dao pattern born by mentally imagining the world and everything, integrating itself into the world, in the imagination, and naturally in the spiritual power.

"No, my true yuan is about to keep up!"

Feeling that the consumption of true yuan in the body is really a big help, Wang Yang felt a little anxious.

"Well, I still have a sun golden fruit in my hand, okay, now I can't take care of so much, and I'll practice first."

So, in the video, Wang Yang again appeared arrogantly eating watermelon in Thunder Tribulation.

Yes, the sun golden fruit, from the outside, is a huge watermelon.

Wang Yang took out the sun golden fruit, split it with one palm, and grabbed it and ate it.

Perhaps Xu was standing tired, and Wang Yang simply sat on the ground.

Even closed his eyes, a golden sun appeared in the sky, gradually, the sun became more and more condensed, a little golden stripes, little by little was born from the unreal sun, one by one The drops are all integrated into the vitality of heaven and earth, and they are absorbed and refined by Wang Yang bit by bit, and turned into the true sun element that he needs.

That's it, Wang Yangdu thundered once and became a celebrity star on Skynet decisively.

Time is passing, Wang Yang tried the same as "fruit" and "fruit", and the whole process of thunder robbery completely became Wang Yang's process of eating fruits.

Of course, in such a process, Wang Yang's reputation has been greatly improved.

"Quick, desperate, you must contact him."

Poor parents in the world, for their children, many children are already going crazy.

Wang Yang did not know that when he went through a thunderstorm himself, he became a arrogant thunderstorm provocation figure decisively and became the most popular object in the hearts of all parents in the world.

As time passed, Wang Yang finally felt that Thunder Tribulation was weakening, which meant that Thunder Tribulation was about to disappear.

Sure enough, not long, Thunder Tribulation really disappeared.

Wang Yang carried his hands on his back and raised his head slightly, looking at the sky at forty-five degrees.

"A great grandmaster!!"

With such a shape, Niu got a push, even if it was a dragon elephant demon, it seemed that he had been calmed down by him.

The facts tell everyone that this is impossible.

Wang Yang was still there, and the Dragon Elephant Demon would have been killed angrily.

"Don't you think that you have made a breakthrough in cultivation, that is, you're high above, and you have successfully controlled your life sovereignty?"

"Do you think that Jindan is a scum in the first turn, and Jindan is in the second turn?

Haha... I really laughed at me, and even thought I was going through a thunderstorm, so arrogant, that I wouldn’t kill you?

Okay, today I will try it. After you break through Jindan, how amazing is it!!"

With that said, Wang Yang was not given a chance to speak at all. A big hand is like a heaven, and a big hand is suddenly likewise pretending to be covered under Wang Yang.

Such terrible power, even in the thunder, Wang Yang was hard to feel.

However, in the face of such a powerful hand, Wang Yang was not panicking, just staring, and, between heaven and earth, a lot of green vines were rapidly deriving.

"Master, hurry away..."

The sound of the elephant force general came anxiously.

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