My Super Estate

810 Great Saint

Chapter 787 The Great Saint

Pan Taoyuan had been to the meeting, and Yan Luo was only promoted to the hall.The throne of the Dragon Palace changed for a time, and I am the Emperor of Jade Realm.

Yaochi's fine wines come and go, and Jin Dantong is more happy.Born to be free by nature, do not sit in the fairy mountain and do not sit in meditation.

Nüwa's colorful stone machine is awesome, and once changed into the world.The six courses and five elements are comfortable, and the three teachings and nine streams are worse.

The fire eyes burned unevenly, and the gold hoop hit the plagued god stage.Good self-cultivation has positive results, and its prestige is the same.


Seeing this Leigong face in front of him, Wang Yang did not know why. In his mind, he first thought of such a comment.

"Bark, Guna people, how brave you are?"

The golden monkey in Lei Gong's face, with golden eyes in his eyes, was like two heavenly pillars, shooting back and forth on Wang Yang. Wang Yang had a feeling that he was inside and outside, all under the watch of this golden light, with no secrets.

"You, who are you?"

Wang Yang was brave and asked aloud.

"Also, how are they now?"

Just now, Wang Yang had noticed that all people except himself were already on the ground, that is, Bai Qingyu, and also on the ground. The five demon generals had already no interest. .

"Gaga, isn't that what you want?"


"Gaga, human boy, do you think, your wishful thinking, I don't know my grandson?"


Wang Yang widened his eyes and asked again.

This time, a deep sense of shock in his tone was completely uncontrollable.

My old grandson?

Is this the existence of the one who intends to call the Great Saint together?

Wang Yang did not dare to talk arrogantly.

"Boy, in front of my grandson, don't think about it.

You need to know that your strength is really too bad, too bad, in front of the real strong, your mind will be unobstructed.

For example, if you take out the peach and seduce my monkey, why don't you want to use the power of the fire monkey family on this flame mountain to resist the demon's pursuit for you?"


Wang Yang almost spit out old blood.

Seduce, I seduce you a monkey head, Laozi's majestic man, how can you seduce three little monkeys?


"Why are you hitting me?"

Wang Yang clutched his head, stared at the golden monkey, and questioned loudly.

"Gaga, why do you say my old grandson beat you?

Your kid doesn't remember long. Don't think about it in front of my grandson. Your strength is too much."

The golden monkey laughed with pride.

Just now, it was him slapping on Wang Yang's head.

"Gaga, this kid has inherited the emperor Ziyang and inherited everything from the emperor.

In this vein, he does not seek eternal life, but ascends to the fairyland. As long as he does not die, he must be a great person.

Quack, now my old grandson is beating him well, and then, when I say it, my old grandson has a bright face!!"

The more I think so.The golden monkey was so proud in his heart.


Wang Yang found that he was speechless.

Also, the golden monkey has already said that in front of him, don't think about it yourself, you just don't listen, are you just a beating guy?

"Quack, kid, you have a little self-knowledge.

Yes, in front of my grandson, you dare to be so cranky, but is it just owing?"

"What's up with him?"

Pointing at Bai Qingyu, Wang Yang asked aloud.

However, Wang Yang is not worried about Bai Qingyu, even if he is unwilling in his heart, or even angry, at this time, he must also figure out what is wrong with Bai Qingyu?

In fact, the three Tong brothers, as well as the Tianlong Demon, have all arrived.

It's just that now they are all motionless, and wooden people are more flexible than them.

"Hey, this kid actually wanted to kill the little golden monkey. Do you think my grandson will let him go?"

"You wouldn't kill him!"

Wang Yang stared at his eyes and shouted angrily.

At the beginning, Elder Tong Yun gave them to himself, but he gave great expectations to himself.

This, in this way, was killed by someone. How can I explain to him?

"Why, dare you to question my grandson?"

The golden light in the eyes of the golden monkey shone like a flame burning.


Under such prestige, the average person would of course say nothing more.

Indeed, in the face of such a mighty murderer, dare to speak, is it a fool?

Wang Yang's eyes widened and said, "What can we do even if we question?"

Why are you killing him?"

Life is in struggle, life is in endless running, and life is in promise.

Since I promised to take them back to Shenshui Manor, I also said that I would wait for them to open the door of the spirit world that is closed today. Naturally, Wang Yang will never lose his promise.

"Now that my grandson has been killed, what can you do?"

The golden monkey stared arrogantly and smiled contemptuously.


Wang Yang was silent.

Yeah, even if he killed Bai Qingyu, what would he do?

Wang Yang had lost his mind.

Revenge for Bai Qingyu?

However, looking at the five monsters who had been killed by the golden monkey, Wang Yang was in despair.

But, really, because the other party is so powerful, don't you avenge him?

For a time, Wang Yang had two different voices in his heart.

Life is advancing through constant thinking and exploration.

In Wang Yang's mind, he has already encountered an unforgiving crossroads in his life. How to choose in the end represents Wang Yang's two different attitudes towards life.

In martial arts, it is a test of his martial arts heart.

Martial arts, perhaps the golden age of standing on the road, cannot tolerate a bit of mistakes. Once wrong, they will surely go wrong, and finally, cut off all their own roads.

"If you kill him, even if you are an idol from caution, when my strength exceeds you in the future, I will definitely find you and make a fair return for him."

After thinking for a long time, Wang Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at the golden monkey with no fear in his heart.


The golden monkeys burst out laughing.

"Okay, it is indeed the heir chosen by the emperor Ziyang."

The golden monkeys burst out laughing.

But, suddenly, the golden monkey's face changed, and a terrifying murderous eruption burst out.

This kind of murderousness is really earth-shattering. It is under this kind of murderousness that the world is distorted, and a huge killing space is shrouded in Wang Yang.

This killing space is so perverted, and the pressure is so intense.

Even if it is the poorest and most fierce murderer in this world, it would be ashamed to see such a murderous space.

Wang Yang was enveloped by such a terrifying murderous space. For a time, in the spirit, the endless demons continued to spawn.

"Bark, the human boy, how dare to offend the Lord, the demon god will eat you!"

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