Chapter 89—The Wind Rises

"The second son, how about the investigation, who is in the hands of the ancient god treasure?"

Sirius squad is a famous squad of international mercenaries, and its members are all powerful.

The captain Sirius, once a well-known dark master in China, was extremely cruel.

Snow Wolf, military division of Sirius Squad, computer expert, was once a well-known international hacker.

Cang wolf, flower wolf, and grass wolf are all masters of abilities, blasting, sharpshooter, intelligence, and everything.

Snow Wolf responded while operating on the computer.

"It has become clear that the ancient Shenbao first appeared in the Longmen auction house, but it was the Heilonggang masters."

"Because he didn't know the goods, he sold to Wang Yang.

After that, he used to steal stealth, but unfortunately did not succeed, until now, Shenbao is still in the hands of Wang Yang."

It is worthy of being the top hacker in the world, but in just one day, everything has been investigated in a clear way.

"Wang Yang?"


Another place, Snow Leopard, Shura and many other famous squads are famous for coming to Shashi.

At the same time, there are many black and white characters, all gathered here.

For a time, people from Shashi gathered together and dragons and snakes danced together.


"how is the situation?"

Back to his house, Zhuang Rong asked.

He shot a big loss yesterday. Six of his masters were seriously injured, and a Volkswagen car was directly deformed.

As the young man of the Black Dragon Gang, since birth, he has never suffered such a loss. Where can I swallow this breath?

"Looking back to the young master, there is a lot of turmoil in Shashi, and people from all walks of life and many forces are coming.

The Liuhe Gate in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, the Quick Knife Gate in Hubei, the invincible sharp weapon, and the Quick Sword Abin.

Of course, the strongest is also the international mercenary squad, the Sirius squad."

"Sirian Team?"

Zhuang Rong was taken aback.

Such a strong team is too famous, even if he is a black dragon gang leader, facing such a team, it feels tricky.

"Okay, okay, now I want to see, what should he do with Wang Yang?"

In today's martial arts, the master at the level of chemistry is already a figure of Taishan Beidou. Generally speaking, it is easy to move.

It can be said that the master of the dark level is already a column of martial arts.



Wang Yang was walking on the road, and suddenly a bullet hit him from afar.


Wang Yang snorted, his body moved forward quickly, a stone, did not know when to shoot from behind him.


With keen mental power, a deep scream can be heard from a distance.

He knew that his counterattack hit the target.


Luo Jian put down his hand and ran quickly.

"It's okay, it's another thing that doesn't know life or death."

"Brother, this will not work, these troubles will only increase more and more, and it is now the third one."

Luo Jian narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction where the bullet had just fired.

Since yesterday, the tranquility of the water village has been broken. Up to now, there have been three gunshots.

"Otherwise, what shall we do?

If another year, or another month, perhaps those children can still show some strength.

But now, we can only rely on us."

Wang Yang is also helpless. Ancient sacred treasure, such temptation, few people can bear.

People die for money, birds die for food, and as martial arts people, few people can bear it in the face of the temptation of secret deeds.

"I'm afraid that in the long run, they will take action against the villagers in Shui Village."

Luo Jian finally expressed his worries.


Wang Yang's entire face was black.

This is what he has always worried about.

"Go, bring those children up to the age of twelve."

At this time, Wang Yang finally made up his mind.

"it is good."

Luo Jian turned and left.

"Brother Wang Yang, that guy is not simple and powerful. When I went, he had already escaped."

Bai Yunfei quickly ran from a distance, holding a gun in his hand to block the rifle.

"However, his injury is definitely not light, otherwise, he will not leave his rifle."

"Go, let's go back. The big water village is just a few of us. The strength is too weak and must be strengthened."

"it is good."

The two went home.

"Wang Yang, who are these people? It's too lawless. Even though the sky is shining and shooting people, why don't we call the police?"

Just back home, Wang Yang was blamed by his father.

"Father, those people are all middle-aged people.

Now that the world is changing, the vitality is returning, and the martial arts are rising. For some treasures that can enhance their strength, they tend to be like sharks smelling a fishy breath."

"Can't we call the police?"

Less than a day later, there were three gunshots in the village, and Wang Weimin was terrified.

"I will find a way."

Standing on his own field, Wang Yang looked at the mountains in all directions.

Call the police?

It is now a time for dragons and snakes to dance, and the era of change in the times, even the police, is greatly weakened in strength.

"Brother, they brought it."

Luo Jian stood beside Wang Yang with ten teenagers.

Wang Yang turned around and looked at the ten youngsters behind Luo Jian. It can be seen that these youngsters are not very young, eleven or twelve years old.

"Have you heard three shots today?"

"heard it."

Ten teenagers, with a clear voice.

"Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid."

Obviously, these youngsters have been screened, daring and have a full voice.

"Okay, today, I will teach you martial arts, do you learn?"


After listening to martial arts, all ten teenagers were stunned.

They have been taken to Shui Village for nearly ten days. These days, they have also seen the strength of martial arts from Mo Jun and longed for it in their hearts.

"How about Mo Jun?"

Wang Yang turned his head, looked at Luo Jian, and asked.

"He is practicing."

Luo Jian smiled.

"Okay, Tai Yi Zhen Jing, in the end, it depends on his cultivation."

Wang Yang and others have their own inheritance. No one can easily change martial arts. However, Mo Jun is from the beginning to the end, he is all practicing military body boxing. He is also very eager for advanced martial arts.

Yesterday, after Wang Yang brought back the porcelain bottle, he received it and decided the first time that he would practice.

"Okay, after Mo Jun finishes practicing, let him teach these children martial arts.

Now, we must first lay the foundation for these children."

With that, Wang Yang waved out and took out a purple gold gourd.

This purple gold gourd was originally a happy place. Originally, he used it to pretend to believe. Later, he gave it to Wang Yang as Wang Yang took him to receive the gratitude of Ziyang grape.

Then, there was another wave of hands and a pile of bones.

I saw that these bones were piled together, and in the void, there was a sudden burst of tiger roar.

"Brother, this, is this?"

Luo Jian was shocked.

He never knew that a pile of bones contained such a huge power.

"This is a tiger bone, a dragon bone."

"Tiger bone, Jiaolong?"

Luo Jian and Bai Yunfei were completely shocked.

The tiger bone is understandable. After all, Wang Yang also posted a huge piece of tiger skin yesterday.

But, the dragon, such a mythical creature, can ordinary people have?

"Is this a real dragon?"

Swallowing a sip, Luo Jian asked uncertainly.

"Of course, twenty feet long."


The two opened their mouths, making it difficult to close.

As for Wang Weimin, the ten children have long been completely taken by the pile of mountain-like animal bones.

Wang Weimin has just begun to practice, it is unbearable, and his body is sweaty.

Those children, even ordinary children, stood in front of such a pile of fierce beast bones and even couldn't stand up, all kneeling on the ground.

"Straighten up for me. To be a strong player, you must have a strong will. This pile of bones is the best exercise for your will."

Seeing that the children were kneeling down, Wang Yang whispered, and the sound was permeable, so that the ten children, all physically and mentally shaken, even though they were sweating, they were firmly standing upright.

"Sure enough, these children have suffered from childhood, and their perseverance is top-notch. Only by cultivating well can they become top-level strongmen."

"Everything after that will be yours."

Wang Yang turned over his hand and took out a stone ball the size of a ball.

Bai Yunfei recognized that this was what was picked up from the Longmen Auction House yesterday.

"Brother Wang Yang, is this?"

Since yesterday, he has not understood why Wang Yang must buy this stone ball. Even, afterwards, he was asked to check the old man, and ordered to help him if possible.

"Here, is the biggest treasure that was harvested yesterday."

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