My Super Estate

Chapter 904 Ten Steps

Chapter 862 Ten Steps

"Okay, okay, they all have a chance to succeed."

To say, who is in the best mood is of course Wang Yang.

The six invincible grandmasters of Shenshui Manor have five tokens. Although Sirius is only a silver token, it is enough for Wang Yang.

What's more, the sky road is covered with people, and the local tyrants have a Taoist Dan, which is a luxurious outfit.

Under such circumstances, if they are not successful, then, as their invincible grandmaster, he must wonder if it is the back door.


Gun Wudao was the most angry, thinking about himself, in order to pass the test, relying on immortality, the body was beaten three times.

That's it. After coming in, you have to be bullied.

Where does he justify such suffering?

In fact, on the Huashan Mountain, it has already turned upside down.

"Say, what kind of means do you have in Shenshui Manor? Why did you get Wudao Dan on this heavenly road."

"Roar, damn king bastard, Wu Dao is my sharpshooter, how dare he bully?"

The elders are the most angry.

His own disciples boarded the heavenly road, which was the supreme honor. They shot at the gate of the weapon, and they also wanted a great scenery.

Even under the guidance of Wu Dao, in the future, the sharpshooter door is definitely not without further possibility.

But what is going on now?

That damn bastard, how dare he threaten him so much?

At this moment, the elders really broke out and killed Mo Jun directly in front of him. A huge palm shadow enveloped Mo Jun before and after.


At the critical moment, it is still the shot of the Dragon Bodhisattva, otherwise, Mo Jun is indispensable and will be directly injured.

Only, this big elder from the sharpshooter door.Looking at Mo Jun's eyes, it was still so gloomy.

"Jianglong, I respect your Buddha three points, and don't shame your face!"

The Buddha gate is powerful, but the Dragon Bodhisattva has just broken through, and the great elder of the Divine Spear Gate is not afraid at all.

Before, it was indeed the fault of the master, that was no way, but now, the kid with the surname Wang of Shenshui Manor, even daring to start his hopes for the future of the Qiangmen, he will never let it go.

"Amitabha, monks want faces, monks want faces.

It's just, are you sure that you really shot him?"

Hearing the words, the elder of the sharpshooter's face was sullen.

Taking a serious look at Mo Jun, there was a strong murder in his eyes, and even the other surroundings, because of the strong murder, the temperature dropped by more than a dozen degrees, and the original low temperature directly snowed.

"Grey Hair Gun King, this kid, you really can't move."

Unexpectedly, Mozun even helped to speak and spoke.

"Mozun, what do you mean?"

The white-haired gun king is the name of the elder of the sharp gun door. Because of his natural white hair, he has a very strong body and is a real big man.Although it is only the supreme king, but he is very deep in this realm, and ordinary gods and deities are not his opponents.

There are even rumors that once he breaks through and succeeds in breaking the road, he will be directly qualified to challenge the Gods List.

"Their Shenshui Manor, on the road of Yun, was enlightened by the Taoist Dao from out of thin air. This matter is not trivial. What's the matter? Their Shenshui Manor must also give us an explanation."

Mozun didn't speak, but the demon stood up.

"Our Shenshui Manor, why should we give you an explanation?

Do you think this cloud road can be decided by us?"

Mo Jun's neck stiffened and refuted loudly.

"Hey, these two years, you Shenshui Manor, the movement is not small, who knows, what conspiracy?

Don’t forget, there are ten steps in front of that door.

What do these ten steps mean?

Everyone must be very curious, then, we are boldly guessing, are these ten steps representing ten places?

Otherwise, why, he Wang Yang stood on the first step, and the kid at the sharp gun door couldn't stand?"

Worthy of being a demon, well-understood, it is just a sentence that directly provokes a shock in all people's hearts.

Everyone looked at it. Sure enough, at the end of the cloud road, in front of the Tianmen, it did indeed have ten steps.

And, now, Wang Yang, the owner of Shenshui Village, is standing on that first step.

Even, everyone will not forget that before, the disciple of the Divine Gun Gate just wanted to climb to the first level, it would be suppressed directly, and even, in the face of the deadly sword of the Lord Shenshui, there was no resistance at all.

This is really weird.

Then, the speculation of the demons may be the only explanation.

For a time, all the people looked at Mo Jun, his eyes became even more awkward.

"Everyone will not forget that before, it was because of the Wu Dao Dan who appeared out of thin air, and his Wang Yang, he would go all the way to the present.

Well, their Shenshui Manor is now one man, does it mean that they want to wrap up the top five of that step?

In other words, did they receive any news from Shenshui Manor, knowing that there are great fortunes on that step?"

The heart sneered yinyin.

However, his voice is like a pig-killing knife, cutting everyone's weak hearts bit by bit.

"Damn Shenshui Manor, cheating blatantly, we must ask them to give us a statement."

"Black box operation, this is a naked black box operation, kill this bastard!!"

"Kill them, kill them..."

For a time, the heroes were excited.

In the legend, how many people have attracted the attention of Cheng Xian?

However, now some people cheat so blatantly, stepping on everyone underfoot nakedly, I would like to ask, who will be willing?

For a time, the entire Huashan has been boiling.

In fact, the impact is too bad.

Of course, the huge temptation is also an important reason.

In particular, those strong men who have not stepped on the cloud road are even more jealous.

If, if you wait for others, you can also get Wu Dao Dan, perhaps, you will also have the opportunity to get that great fortune.

Yes, you can.

For a time, before these, people who were afraid to go on the road because of the horror of Heavenly Road were all excited at this time.

It seems that as long as you get it, you will surely get a good fortune.

Correspondingly, as a member of Shenshui Manor, Mo Jun is the focus of everyone's attention.

"Say, what is the secret of this cloud road?"

"Yes, say it quickly, otherwise I will break your bones."

"Everyone must let this boy say it. There must be Wu Dao Dan on this cloud road, but they don't know what the reason is, and they already know it.

Everyone must let him hand over."

Very wonderful, Mo Jun turned out to be the enemy of the entire Zhengmo.

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