My Super Estate

Chapter 915: Sirius Battle

Chapter 873 The Sirius Battle

He looked at the gun with surprise.

Sirius strode forward and said: "This first battle, let me come!"

He is a silver token winner, and besides the gun, he is also one of only three silver token winners.

At this time, he felt that it was better to take the initiative to fight.

"Friends from Earth Fairy World, here, it seems that the three of us are silver winners.

The friend from the martial arts has no desire to play for the time being, otherwise, let's go for a fight first?"

In the field, except for the gun without the road Sirius, only the leader of the breeze road from the earth fairy world is the silver token winner. In the first game, the Sirius certainly wants to have a game with them.

The breeze director was stunned.

Sirius wants to fight against himself, but he is not surprised.

However, he always had a sense of surprise in Sirius's eyes.

"This Shenshui Manor is really too weird. They played a total of five people, and all five passed directly.

Is this, they knew in advance that they could only pass five people and intentionally let the captain stay?"

Shenshui Manor is so brilliant.

In the worlds of the world, only 13 people passed in all, and their Shenshui Manor even occupied five seats.

Simple is no reason.

"Alright, I want to see, what kind of good means is this Sirius?"

Qingfeng Dao is a Daotong who does not seem to be very old. He has a Dao crown on his head, a Dao robe, and dust in his hands.

The most authentic Daotong dress.

"Sir is polite."

"Haha, the master is polite."

In the face of such a polite guy, Sirius must not be rude.

"Shenshui Manor is really extraordinary, and the poor people also want to ask for advice."


The breeze is long, Sirius is afraid to carelessly.

From the land of immortal world, even with the immortal side, no one underestimates.


Qingfeng Dao was too polite, and brushed the dust gently in his hand, actually swiping a false gesture, unwilling to seize this opportunity.

This kind of breeze is long, Wang Yang is all throbbing.

This is true virtue and true cultivation, not only polite but also bottomed.

"Be careful!"

Sirius shot decisively.

One shot was his trick, Sirius Claw.

This is an extremely powerful exercise that has been practiced by Sirius to a very high level, and even has been cultivated into martial arts magical power.

It can be described as leaving a mark with a paw.

This claw method is really too cruel. It can't bear even the space with one claw. I want to leave my mark in this space for a long time.

"Good exercises and supernatural powers!"

Such a supernatural power, without a very deep understanding of the Sirius Beast Road, is determined to fail to cultivate.

Even, this kind of magical power, cultivated to an extremely profound state, that is, this heaven and earth space can be directly destroyed under such a claw.

The strength of Qingfeng Daochang is naturally extremely strong, but he found that he had a very powerful magical power, and he even felt a sense of restraint.

At the moment, he decided to directly use his own whisk 13th shot.

This handle in his hand is not an ordinary object. It can even be said that this is a powerful treasure. Although it is not his magic weapon, his current magic weapon is not as good as it is now.

Yes, this is a treasure made of thousands of years of silk and then refined by various means. The dust handle is also the undead-the branch of the hibiscus tree.

Even as long as the complete Tao is incorporated into this dust, then this is an artifact.

It can be said that this is a semi-finished product of an artifact, as long as he breaks the Tao, he can directly integrate his own Tao.

It can be said that even if it is not integrated into one's own way, this handle is a treasure.

I saw the dust sweeping lightly, and thousands of snow silks, like sharp blades, swept through this space.


Even if the Sirius claw is fierce, it is through various secret methods. It has long been very terrifying for its own hands to be hardened by layers.

However, in the face of such terrible silk, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Sirius's body method is very agile, and has the ability to jump. It is very strong. The white silk is swept across the fan, completely blocking all of Sirius's attack routes. In the face of this situation, Sirius resolutely retreated.

"Hum, the dust is soft, the power is swept through, there is a certain inertia, there is a short period of spare energy, this is my chance."

Martial arts confrontation has never been more powerful than power. Just like the art of war, it has never been more general, and war belongs to you.

There has never been such an argument.

Thirteen wipes of dust, this is a powerful magical power method is not false, but, Sirius practice is Sirius Divine Beast Road, jumping vertically and horizontally, is also one of his abilities.

Concession, avoiding its edge, and then with a powerful jump ability to move closer and closer to each other, is also a powerful way to win.

In fact, this fight, Sirius did indeed plan so.

If it is someone else, it may be very strong in the vertical and horizontal movement method, but it is just the breeze, he is the boy of the ancestor of the earth immortal. Although he has the method of driving the cloud, he has no battlefield to move and dodge Law.

Generally speaking, the far-off attack, his thirteen styles of whisking, can solve all his troubles for him.

In close combat, his Liuyun iron sleeves are definitely not vegetarian.

What's more, in the legend, the Liuyun iron sleeve, cultivated to a very high level of attack, is the legendary peerless magical power-the universe in the sleeve!

I would like to ask, who are they so fearful of?

It's just that there is no absolute in the world and Qiankun is terrible in his sleeve, but his lack of realm is also a reality.

From the beginning, the fight between the two seemed to have a sense of restraint.

For example, the cool breeze is long, that is the magical power of the flowing cloud iron sleeve that has never been used to him.

"Wang Yang, how about we gamble?"

Seeing Sirius was whisked by the breeze breeze, and hit with no rebound force, Xue Zun sneered out loud.

He turned out to be a bet against Wang Yang.

"How do you gamble?"

"Haha, let's just bet on the battle in front of us, how?"


Wang Yang smiled coldly and said, "Who are you going to suppress?"

"Haha, the wolf that day, since you belonged to Shenshui Manor, of course I have cleared the air."

"Hey, Sirius belongs to Shenshui Manor, but the breeze is long, it seems that it is not your demon side 1"

As far as the current situation is concerned, Sirius has plans, but, at least, he has no ability to do anything under the wind of the breeze.

Blood Zun actually wanted to suppress the head of the breeze, of course Wang Yang couldn't let him be presented easily.

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