My Super Estate

Chapter 917

Chapter 875 Attention

Huashan's discussion of swords is huge enough. On the basis of discussion of swords, there is another one million gamble. That is really a lot of attention.

Yes, it's a lot of attention.

In particular, Shenshui Manor, the means adopted before, is even more criticized. Naturally, more people are not accustomed to Shenshui Manor.

"Huh, a guy who relies on cheating and barely passes, even if he can't control himself, he wants to challenge the leader of the breeze!"

People in Earth Fairy Realm admired the strength of Qingfeng Daochang.

"That is, Qingfeng Daochang, he is the Dao child of the ancestor of the earth immortal. Legend has it that the ancestral ancestor of the earth celestial body is most proud of his peerless magical power, which has been directly taught to him.

The ancestor of the earth immortal, the famous people's congress person on the god listHis peerless supernatural power, of course, peerless supernatural power, enough to suppress everything in the world.

"Haha, look, look at all of you, against this guy called Sirius, the breeze is long, even the ancestral ancestor of the earth immortal is not used, just a whisk, and he can be beaten without a fight back. the power of.

With such strength, it is really embarrassing to say that he is challenging the breeze leader."

"Hey, don't you find that the words of Shenshui Manor are the most funny, Sirius has such strength, he even dare to bet against Blood Lord.

How bold is this!"

"Isn't that right? People are a generation. Wealth is self-willed. Unlike our second generation, we can't be self-willed when we have money. We have to report to the old men at home."

Millions of bets made the whole atmosphere hot.

However, in the live broadcast, the strength between the two is too obvious. Under the sweep of the wind of the breeze, the Sirius really retreated, and it has no strength to fight back.

Such strength, even to challenge the breeze director, of course, some people disagree.

In particular, Sirius had just blatantly cheated and relied on such improper means to pass. Naturally, no one would be optimistic about him.

The battle continues, but no one is optimistic about Sirius' strength.

Even if someone said:'He is at least the invincible grandmaster', he was immediately dismissed by others; the breeze of the people is like the invincible grandmaster!

But is it really?

"Ching Feng Dao, your strength is really extremely strong.

It's just that if you don't have a trick, you have already lost!"

Withdrawing from the battlefield, Sirius stared at the breeze leader, saying so.


In Sirius's words, the breeze leader had not said anything, but it caused a thousand waves.

"I really don't take my face seriously, I don't have any strength to fight back, I even said that Qingfeng Dao has lost."

"That is, the one who looks down on the most is such a person.

If it wasn't cheating on Heavenly Road, if Wu Daodan was obtained from Heavenly Road, whether he could pass the test of Heavenly Road was still unknown. He still had a face and said that people lost."

Sirius's words completely stimulated everyone.

We have just said that you have no drama, you haven't made a move, you said that others have lost, are you hitting our face?

Besides, who are you, you don’t have a face, you say that others have lost, do you think you are those big people on the god list?

In short, Sirius was angry with the crowd, and countless people were scolding in the live broadcast room.

Even those on Huashan Mountain, many people scolded.

"The cheating guy is really shameless."

"No, you are wrong, people have no face at all, otherwise, where else can he say that?

Probably, his face is his ass, but his ass is big enough to sit dead!"

I can't seem to be used to you, you still have to pretend to be forced, and people will not scold you as a force!

Qingfeng Daochang lifted his breath and stared at Sirius, saying: "Indeed, Mr. Claw's claw skills are already clear, and his sharpness is enough to cut the space.

Poor power is inadequate and can only be dealt with by dusting.

This game, the poor way, indeed lost."


If Sirius’ words were words that caused public anger, then the words of the breeze wind were shocking.

The leader of the breeze, who prevailed, clearly beat others and didn't have any strength to fight back. He even said that he lost. This is true when all of us are fools!

"It's too much, what does this mean, is it necessary to help others cheat blatantly?"

Being in the fairy world and having a long breeze, the popularity is naturally extremely high.

However, it is too much for you to treat us like a fool in front of us and help others cheat blatantly.

However, those who are truly capable and discerning are serious at this time.

"Claw Skills?"

There is nothing wrong with claw skills, it can only prove that Sirius has extremely powerful claws.However, the latter sentence'It's sharp enough to cut the space', but it's not trivial.

The breeze wind is long and the most famous is that there are only two supernatural powers, and the thirteen types of whisking.

It has just been put into use, and there is no advantage at all in the face of Sirius with its extremely high jumping ability.

If it is really such a long-term battle, the final result can only be one who runs fast and the other does not.

However, if the breeze is long and you can get the realm of the earth fairy world, its strength is naturally very strong, and the 13th style of dusting can only be regarded as his signature, but his superb learning is the flowing cloud iron sleeve. .

According to legend, if you practice to a very high level, you can practice to become a peerless supernatural power-the universe in your sleeve.

Is it sharp enough to pierce the space?

"Oh my god, the long-sleeved Liuyun iron sleeve magical power was actually broken."

Like a thunder, it burst into everyone's heart.

This is really amazing.

Legend has it that if you practice to a very high level, you can cultivate a peerless supernatural power-the flowing cloud iron sleeve in the sleeve of the sleeve, even if it has not been shot, it will be broken directly.

For a time, everyone looked at Sirius' eyes, much brighter than before.


Blood Lord sat up in shock.

There was a sip of blood in his chest and he almost couldn't help squirting out.

You are pitting me. I have just crushed you to win. I bet a million against others. Now you just say, you lose. Are you going to play with me?

Blood Lord was almost not crazy.

"Ching Feng Dao, you are a bastard, are you going to help him cheat?"

It was really irritating, Blood Zun turned his face on the spot.

To deceive too much is really deceiving too much.

The air on the long face of Qingfeng Dao spent a lifetime, staring at the eyes and drinking: "Blood Lord, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Lao Tzu just pressed you by a million, and you now say, you are going to lose, are you a Lao Tzu?"

Blood Venerable also refused to give in, and was really mad.

"Huh, the poor will not admit defeat, it's your fart.

Besides, although the magical power of the poor Dao was broken, when did the poor Dao say he would admit defeat?"

Ren Bai was scolded, and the director of the breeze was angry.

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