My Super Estate

921 I am the weakest?

Chapter 879 Am I the Weakest?

"Wang Yang, on the spot, all of them are Hunyuan Venerables. One level of the general will be yours. It is the Hundred Yuan Golden Pill. In Heaven Realm, your existence can only be regarded as a heavenly soldier.

Now, do you want me to take action, or do you have self-knowledge and step back yourself?"

After deliberation, the first thing is to drive away the two.

However, whether it is Blood Lord or his own first-class person, all are Hunyuan Venerables. What is the matter? That is also the existence of a general at a level.

You Wang Yang, a soldier, between us generals, what's the matter?

Fighting against soldiers, fighting against generals, this has been the case since ancient times. In any case, Wang Yang must be cleared first.

"Oh, who is this, so much breath?"

Wang Yang sneered, looked at the god, and said, "Hah, I don't speak. This is a weak person!"

Who is that you intend to shoot?"

"Huh, you can't control yourself. Since you don't recognize yourself, let me ask you to leave."

The word "please", God will bite very hard.

God will, that is synonymous with arrogance, they will be a confrontation between the levels, how can a ants pick up cheap?


God's arrogance made him not to take Wang Yang into his eyes.

In his eyes, Wang Yang, that is the role of a killing, so once he decided, he would not allow Wang Yang to speak more, and shot directly at Wang Yang.

God will deserve to be a god, and he is famous for killing the powerful in heaven.

With a palm shot, black clouds converged between heaven and earth, and the endless breath of destruction transformed into a big hand covering the sky, photographing towards Wang Yang.

A proud god general, he is going to take Wang Yang to death, so he can't talk more.

This is the God General, because his arrogant personality makes him act more aggressive.

However, Wang Yang said that your personality is arrogant, that is your business. However, if you are overbearing, then I disagree.

"Haha, it seems that I was really looked down upon by someone!"

The strength of the god general, but the demons of the demon world will be at a level. In other words, I have even dealt with the demons. How can you be a proud person in front of me?

Although, once once, to deal with the dragon-like demon-level of the demon-level, more, only by virtue of the prisoner dragon.

However, the present self is not what it used to be. The original self was just a golden man at the beginning. No matter how powerful it is, without the support of cultivation, it is difficult to exert its power.

However, it is different now, and now, it is the six-turn golden pill. Such a cultivation practice, if you break through the Yuanshen, it will be a level of human and demons!

Even if there is a difference between Jindan and Yuanshen, it is more than enough to compare a Yuanshen to perfection!

In addition, Wang Yang himself went one step further on the path of once invincible defense, realizing that the strongest defense is offensive, turning invincible defense into an invincible attack, and his strength has improved.

If, together with the purple Microsoft sword in his hand, Wang Yang really wants to say aloud: Who, who else?

The Purple Microsoft Sword is an artifact, containing a mystery of breaking the mystery of the Dao.

The extinct palm of the god will be truly extraordinary. Such a strength, even if it is a general general's demon general, will also be extinct.

However, this level of extinction is really not too bad in Wang Yang's eyes.

A sword.

Yes, such a good palm method, in Wang Yang's hands, is just a sword, huge palm prints, all are wiped out.


For this palm of his own, God will have great self-confidence, even if Wang Yang cannot be beaten, but it is definitely not difficult to beat him to death.

However, beyond his own expectations, his own palm was actually slashed by the opponent with a sword.

"This, this is not possible. You are no more than the Golden Warrior. How could it be so strong?"

"Cut, with little knowledge, go back and read more.

It’s not your fault to have less insight. However, if you have less insight, you will come out to be embarrassing, that is, you are not right. Jin Dan is in the stand-up stage. The Tao has high depth and strength.

The difference between Dao Yun and Dan Jiu Jindan, Dao Yun's prestige is thousands of times, can the strength be the same?

Lao Tzu is now a six-turn golden pill, and Yuanshen is below perfection. Who is not convinced that Lao Tzu can't cut it?"

It is too much to be regarded as a weak person.

Yes, Wang Yang feels that he is the master of Shenshui Manor and he has five masters of invincible masters. As the master of Shenshui Manor, his strength cannot be weaker than them.

It’s better now, and when you get up, some people look down on me.

Isn't this hitting my face?


God will be in a daze.

He is the Celestial Realm and the Invincible Grandmaster. In his eyes, after the Invincible Grandmaster, he can directly become a Hunyuan Venerable and form a Yuanshen, and where will he pay attention to the strength of a five or six turn Jindan?

This is the god general, and his proud personality makes him look down on people who are weaker than himself.

Even if the nine-turn Jindan, rumors of heaven are long, but in his stubborn understanding, Jindan is Jindan, no matter how strong he is, he is also Jindan, he is an invincible grandmaster, once a breakthrough, it is Yuanshen, heaven will.

In his eyes, there are only the realms of all circles, and only those terrifying demons will have one level of existence.

He always thought this way, but suddenly, he found out that he knew something wrong.

"Impossible, Jin Dan is Jin Dan, the warrior Jin Dan, how is the opponent of Hunyuan Venerable?"

Annoyed and angry, God will be as crazy as a violent attack towards Wang Yang.

"Hum, hit, hit, seriously I am afraid you will not succeed?"

At the moment, Wang Yang is also welcome, and a soft sword in his hand actually uses the meaning of a heavy sword.

The heavy mountain shadow, under the sword front, will be cut towards the god.

"Indestructible Divine Body!!"

Such a sword mountain is terrible, not only the weight of the mountain, but also the sharp edge of the sword.

The pressure of a sword, even the space, seemed to be unbearable, and it immediately splashed layers of ripples, as if the space could not bear it, and it was directly oppressed or even squashed by the heavy mountain.

Such a terrible sword mountain, the god will also be unable to bear it, and he has no choice but to show his strongest magic power.


Jianshan is extremely terrible, but God’s indestructible body is also extremely strong. Jianshan is transformed from Wang Yang’s invincible defense. It is the sublimation of Tao. Although cultivation is inadequate, it can destroy everything.

The immortal body is the strongest body that God will practice. It is a martial art similar to Wangyang Ziyang War Body.

Such martial arts, when placed in peacetime, is the strongest magical power to suppress an era. However, in the face of Wang Yang's Jianshan, it can't bear it.

First of all, there was a collision between the two strong forces, and the space was extremely compressed, resulting in a powerful explosion. In the space, a black hole actually exploded.

Among the black holes, there is an endless stream of time and space.

Then, it was the god general who couldn't bear Jianshan's chopping directly and directly retreated seriously.

This is also that God will be strong enough, otherwise, this is just such a sword, enough to destroy everything.

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