My Super Estate

Chapter 923 Two different swordsmanship

Chapter 881 Two Different Kinds of Kendo

"Mr. Wang Yang, your kendo realm is very deep."

God will be knocked down by Wang Yang, and Jianxin will jump out immediately.

At least, the joint removal of demons, this matter for a time, but no one mentioned it.

Shenshui Manor is so strong, if you can't get rid of them, in the end, the last great creation is Shenshui Manor, but also these people?

In the face of Chengxian Dazaohua, it will not calm down.

"Mr. Jianxin praised, in front of Mr. Jianxin, how dare I claim to be Kendo?"

The so-called'Tao'.It is the warrior's knowledge of the world.

"One way to do everything" is about specialization.

However, specialization is definitely not to cut off others. A person’s staple food can be white rice. However, when you eat some pasta occasionally, no one will say that you are not doing business.

I know kendo, but his way is invincible defense.

However, he has made a deeper understanding of the invincible defense, which is regarded as a fundamental breakthrough in his own "Tao".

The strongest defense in the world is always offensive.

The so-called, defending the enemy outside the country is the best explanation.

Passive defense is always the last resort. A powerful attack will block all damage from thousands of miles around you. It is always the strongest defense.

Based on this understanding, Wang Yang naturally attaches more importance to the means of attack, and some ideas naturally have a precise understanding.

Therefore, it should be said that Wang Yang's swordsmanship is very advanced, and it is entirely possible.

However, it must be said that Wang Yang's kendo will definitely be stronger than Jianxin, but it is actually impossible.

Jianxin's sword is a pure attack. Even if he can attack with his own life, Wang Yang is impossible. His fundamental way is invincible defense and protection.

All his actions can be understood as that he is just to achieve this goal.

Therefore, you can see that two completely different kendo.

Jianxin's sword is even more unscrupulous, and he may even be able to see it in exchange for injury. Even in order to attack Wang Yang, Jianxin uses the body as a sword, or perhaps the sword is controlled by Qi, and Or use the god to control the sword.

It can be said that the sword in his hands already represents a kind of life, which is ever-changing and has no limits at all, just like his name, with sword as the heart.

Kendo attacks of this intensity are truly terrible, and they can be dazzling. Many attack methods are simply impossible to think of.

However, this kind of Kendo attack that would be impossible for ordinary people to think of was completely manifested in Jianxin.

Wang Yang truly fully realized the horror of controlling the sword with his heart.

"Sky Sword..."

With a loud shout, the vitality fluctuated fiercely between heaven and earth, and the boundless vitality was controlled by Jianxin and turned into endless sword rain.

It is impossible for Wang Yang to think of such a method. In his understanding, the so-called sky sword, that is, using the sky as the sword, integrated into his own sky sword, contains the kind of magnificent coercion, directly slashing people with momentum.

However, Jianxin is different. His Tianjian obviously incorporates his understanding of the rain and the mystery of the rain, making the entire Tianjian more terrifying and endless.

Every drop of rain may be a heavenly sword, with a magnificent heavenly prestige.

This kind of sword rain, a single one, may not be comparable to the real power of the sky sword, but in the face of that endless quantity, everything can be diluted.

Compared with Jianxin's Kendo, Wang Yang is obviously different.

The main thing of Wang Yang's swordsmanship is to defend his enemies from outside the country with powerful attacks.

In other words, Wang Yang's kendo is the most powerful attack, only because he needs a strong defense.

Defense, in fact, is his most important foundation.

Facing the sword attack with a tremendous variety of sword hearts, Wang Yang had only one sword in his hand.

Holding the purple Microsoft sword, the whole person is like the unstoppable mountain, no matter where the attack comes from, he can immediately use the attack instead of attacking, and attack all the people, completely blocking the door.

There is one more thing to say here.

What is the most powerful defense, and the latter is the core thing of Wang Yang.

Often, Jianxin made a move, and Wang Yang immediately made the move, and he resolved it directly halfway.

Jianxin has made big moves more than once.

For example, Sky Sword.

A sword was cut out, and the vitality fluctuated between heaven and earth, and turned into a Zhitian giant sword.

The so-called slashing people with power is the most perfect explanation for the sky sword style.

In the face of such tricks, the replacement is an ordinary person and can only be blocked. Under the pressure of the sword, it is impossible to avoid it.

There is nothing more than so-called pressure.

Under such a sword style, Wang Yang also couldn't avoid it.

However, for Wang Yang, to block himself is not the most appropriate trick.

At this time, the first time he thought of it was definitely not resistance. In his understanding, this is the most inappropriate move.

The so-called defending the enemy is outside the country, instead of staying in your own home, waiting for others to fight. If the enemy is strong, you are dead, and if the enemy is weak, it shows that your defense is strong.

In the past, this was Wang Yang's invincible defense. He always thought this way and did the same.

Supernatural powers such as the golden bell are based on this kind of thinking, which he succeeded in practicing.

In fact, this path, he has gone very perfect, and the so-called invincible defense is definitely not about playing.

However, it is different now. On the basis of his original invincible defense, Wang Yang made a breakthrough in invincible defense and gained a deeper understanding.

Why should I wait to be beaten?

You come to beat me, why can't I cut your hand with a sword when you shoot?

You have to kick me with your legs. Why can't I cut your legs with a sword before your legs hit me?

In the past, Wang Yang would not think this way. He would only hold it with a golden bell cover. If he couldn't hold it, he would have to hold it. If he couldn't hold it, maybe he would be killed.

However, it is different now. In the face of such Tianjiandao, he quickly sensed the support point of Tianjiandao with his keen mental power and directly cut it out.

A purple piece, like a rainbow, leaves a perfect arc between heaven and earth.


There was no doubt at all. The huge Sky Sword didn't cut to Wang Yang at all. He was cut off by Wang Yang halfway.

The second time, Jianxin once again used the way of the sky sword to blend into the mystery of the rain.

The sword spread into the endless raindrops, and the sword slashed out, and the endless rain showered.

It is easy to block a drop of water, but it is more difficult to block the endless rain.

At this time, it was the time to test Wang Yang's kendo.

It's okay to stop it, everything is fine, if it can't be stopped, Wang Yang will definitely be shot out of Jianzi by Jian Yu.

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