My Super Estate

940 Chaos Divine Fire

Chapter 798 Chaos Divine Fire

"Haha, okay, okay, Blood Sovereign's talent is supernatural, it really is the supreme means of group attack."

The battle situation on the rooftop, above Huashan Mountain, is all clear.

Looking at Wang Yang and others, especially the group of Shenshui Manor, under the talents of Blood Sovereign, they actually killed each other. The party of the demon world, but it was broken.

"Huh, he Shenshui Manor, but picked up some of the inheritance of the emperor Ziyang, it seems that there is no one in this sky, really do not know life and death."

Mozun stared at the situation on the stage that day, just sneering.

If the emperor Ziyang faced him, of course he would not dare to underestimate. Even in the face of the pervert, his heart would have to jump three points slowly.

However, if it is only his successor, he does not pay attention to it.

"not good."

Seeing this situation as well, Mo Jun's face changed wildly.

He could not have imagined that the Shenshui Manor, which had been so powerful before, actually killed himself.

In particular, he knew that the owner of the village, Wang Yang, was a person with great feelings. In such a situation, he would never make a move.

This is the biggest dead spot.


The more he thought, the more he became angry, and Mo Jun couldn't even resist, scolding loudly.

"Boy, who are you scolding?"

Mozun turned his head suddenly, glaring at Mo Jun fiercely.

Before this kid, there was no arrogance. Now that Blood Lord is showing his glory, how dare he dare to scold?

Mo Jun turned his head to look at Mozun.

I really dare not scold.

Mozun, that is the real master of the heavens, the master of the gods list.

Baifa Gun King, he dared to scold him directly. Anyway, even if it is the strength of Baifa Gun King, it is impossible to open up the space for prohibition.

However, in the face of Mozun, Mo Jun dare not, such a strong man, even if he does not open up a space for restraint, even the same cultivation, even the same magical power, even the same state, in front of his existence, Mo The army has no counterattack.

In fact, the changes on the battlefield are not only on the top of Huashan Mountain, but even on the Skynet Forum, they also caused a storm.

"God, what's going on, could it be that they are killing each other?"

"The fart kills each other, that is the gifted supernatural power of the blood respect. Among them, it has a great power of confusion, if the mood is not enough, and the will is not firm enough, even if it has the most powerful power, it must be fooled by his natural power. "

"What? So powerful?"

This kind of magical power is really a weapon for group fighting!

"However, how could this world have such a supernatural power?"

Magical power is naturally extremely powerful.

However, the power of supernatural powers is not only the power of supernatural powers, but also the power of cultivation.

The same supernatural powers, different cultivation methods, of course, different powers of supernatural power cultivation.

It is like, the same sword is a weapon in ordinary hands, but in the hands of martial arts masters, it is a weapon, and in the hands of a real grandmaster, it is a flying sword.

The magical power is the same, the same magical power, but in the hands of the Hunyuan Venerable, and in the hands of the mighty king, the power is definitely different.

Even the peerless supernatural power, in the hands of the Hunyuan Venerable, is definitely not a great superpower in the hands of the mighty king.

"You know a fart, a talented supernatural power, but an exclusive supernatural power, just like your own hands, and cultivated to the highest level, not weaker than the peerless supernatural power.

Could it be that your hands are under your control? Are you very difficult?

At that time, in Heaven Realm, Blood Lord relied on this talented supernatural power to go back and forth, otherwise, do you think that in the hands of Tota Heavenly King, can he escape?"

It turned out that this man, who is a realm of heaven, knows very much about Blood Venerable.

In fact, Wang Yang is really very passive now.

Shenshui Manor, a group of five people, walked all the way. At this stage, it can still keep five people. It is really not easy.

Is it because of a gift of blood respect, you have to personally send your friends, even brothers to leave??

Moreover, there is Luo Jian.

Although he is unwilling to admit it, Luo Jian is his own cousin after all. In the current society, a family planning is born. There are really very few biological brothers. Cousins ​​and cousins ​​are already real. My own brother.

"The owner..."

Wang Yang was still wandering, and there was another call of invincible sharp guns.

In fact, Sirius and Abing, the strength is too strong, even, he must resist the erosion of blood mist.

"Mr. Wang Yang..."

Over there, the head of the breeze, there was also an eager call.

In fact, it is really painful to face three people alone.

"Hurry up, or we will definitely be unable to support it."

Both sides are calling.

For now, Wang Yang is the easiest among them, because the flames in his body are really too powerful. As long as the blood mist is approached, it will definitely be incinerated.

"Haha, he can't protect himself. It's really a dream to put your hopes on him."

Blood mist completely enveloped the entire rooftop, and the voice of Blood Lord echoed back and forth across the entire rooftop.

"Everyone be careful!!"

Blood Zun's voice was very dazzling. Originally, he still had some hesitations. However, among the sounds of Blood Zun's voice, Wang Yang's heart was inexplicably anger.

"Haha, be careful, are you kidding me?

Do you think that if they are careful, they will be all right?"

Wang Yang's words were very ridiculous to Blood Zun.

His natural talent is very terrible, and it is much stronger than the average little magic power.

This kid, shrouded in his talents and magical powers, dared to be so arrogant. The simple thing is not to put himself in the eye.

"Well, is there something going on, you wait and see, don't you know?"

With that, Wang Yang stretched out a hand, and saw that in his palm, a terrifying power flashed in it.


Blood Scream came out as if he had seen something incredible.

"Impossible, how could you have such a terrible flame?"

Blood Zun's voice is full of incredible.

"Huh, why is it impossible, if you are allowed to have talents and magical powers, will you not allow us to have some means?"

Wang Yang's face was pale. Obviously, it was very difficult to condense this chaotic fire.

Yes, Wang Yang is condensing Chaos in his hands.

Although it can't be compared to a real great supernatural power, it is enough to dissolve the natural supernatural power supernatural power.


I saw the flame in Wang Yang's hand, and it rose when I saw the wind, and nothing burned.

Blood Lord exclaimed for a while.

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