My Super Estate

Chapter 945

Chapter 903 The Demon Blocks

Huashan discusses the sword. There is a legend behind Kunlun.

However, from the beginning to the end, Kunlun has not been born.

The sword that lasted seven days and seven nights was finally over. When the white clouds dissipated, the Tianmen was no longer, the sky was empty, and the roof was missing.

People only found out that it was already night.

"What a powerful magical power, changing the world forever, has always been a legend. I didn't expect it. Now, I see it with my own eyes."

On the day and the earth, shrouded in darkness, the stars were bright and shining in the vast sky. Everyone in the martial arts from the world of heaven was shocked.

"Look, that's the man of Shenshui Manor.

Everyone prepare, don't let them run away."

The dark night wind is high, is a good time to do bad things.Today's night is no exception, and various masters who are shrouded in dignity and do not see their faces quickly surround themselves.

"Who are you?"

Wang Yang stared at him and shouted loudly.

Between the Buddhist gate and the demon, they are still facing each other. After Wang Yang and Shenshui Manor converged, they received a voice from Jianglong Bodhisattva and immediately planned to retreat.

It's just too late to think about it.

"The surnamed Wang, you fucking less pretend there, you Shenshui Manor, if you rely on cheating, how could you get such a big opportunity?

Exactly, the demon and the Buddha powers are facing each other, there is no free time to control us, then we will deal with your Shenshui manor well."

"What's the deal between us?"

"Haha, what's the deal?

Boy, are you trying to get confused?

Lao Tzu told you that you don't have to dream in daylight. Today, your surname Wang will not give us an explanation. Lao Tzu will let you go back."

"What account?"

"What kind of explanation? Huh, everyone is on the way to the sky. Why do you get the Taoist Pill at Shenshui Manor? Other people just don't.

Now, are you still pretending to be here?"

"We Shenshui Manor are prepared by ourselves, are we not allowed?"

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and sneered.

Of course, he knew that in these four weeks, there were two ways of Zhengmo, and he didn't know how many people were staring at it. Since these people asked, Wang Yang would of course give a statement.

"Fart, Wu Dao Dan, you must have Wu Dao fruit in order to make it. You Shenshui Manor is only one year old, will you have so many Wu Dao Dan?"

Five people, each with a Taoist enlightenment, is really hard to believe. Which force is this, will be so distraught to such a degree.

"Haha, the joke, our Shenshui Manor, lives on planting all kinds of elixir, and focuses on planting elixir. How many enlightenment pills do you have, any problems?"

Wang Yang has already seen how many people there are in the dark, and I don’t know yet, but on the bright side, there are 17 or 8 people, which is exactly three times as much as his own.

Judging from the breath of them, each one is extremely extraordinary. Although there are no kings of the heavens, there are a lot of Hunyuan Venerables or Devil Generals.

"Okay, the situation has been made clear, let us not be polite with them."

Wang Yang waved his hand and said: "Since they dare to stop on the road of our Shenshui Manor, then we will send them back to their hometown."

With that said, Wang Yang jumped up, and he killed him directly towards the current one.

This is a powerful character, at least all of them are above the demon, Wang Yang is worried, Luo Jian they can not hold.

"Courage, I really am a character!!"

The comer was very angry.

Surrounded by so many people, I dare to take the initiative to attack. I just don't take these people in my eyes!

Now, as a Taoist, the whole body is fully exerted.

Good guy, really a master, but with the momentum of the outside, he blew up the space directly, forming a unique ban between the world and the world.

"The Earth Demon General?"

Wang Yang jumped in his heart.

Only when the strength is too strong to reach the standard of the earth demons will the mixed-element ban be suppressed and the banned space will be formed directly.

"Boy, I'm scared and late now."

Wang Yang's expression was already terrified in the eyes of the other party, and was shocked by his own strength.

Before the battle, everyone looked at it, and everyone could see that the one who participated in the sword discussion, the strongest, was only one level.

Even the most powerful person, Blood Respect and Qingfeng Daochang and others, is also a human demon, Wang Yang not to mention, he is directly a six-turn Jindan warrior.


Wang Yang disdainfully sneered and said, "I'm afraid your mother is an egg."

If you don’t leave people in your mouth, you will also be merciless.

Staring at the eyes, Taishan struck the top and directly killed him towards the other party.


It surprised Wang Yang that this person turned out to be Zeng Shendao.

In the face of Wang Yang's attack, he directly roared upward, and behind him, a figure of a violent bear emerged clearly.


Worthy of being one of the most powerful races of Beast God Road.

Exploding the power of the bear vigorously, at this moment, really played to the extreme.

Wang Yang's swordsmanship is the way of the epee sword, and his first priority is strength.The mysterious man on the opposite side is vigorously violent, and the most famous one is the terrible power.

Two powerful forces, face to face, strong to strong, directly dock together.

The shock wave of powerful force directly spreads towards the Quartet, forbidding the space, as if it were a bubble, bursting directly.


The banned space, but not only surrounded Wang Yang.In the same way, everyone in Shenshui Manor, as well as those who pretended to be intercepted, all circled in.

This is the only way to show the strong power of the two of them.

Such a banned space was prepared for all of them together. Who would have thought that the battle between the two of them even destroyed such a banned space.


Not only the bystanders were shocked, but also, as a party, the strong bear clan strongman was also shocked.

"Your mother."

Once you do it, you are endless, and you still have the mood to speak?

Well, at least, Wang Yang is not in this mood.

Was blocked by the strong demon bear strong, Wang Yang certainly can not let him go.

Ironing is harder on its own.

After one after another, Wang Yang directly attacked, stunned the strong bear clan.

"You two bastards, don't step forward to help."

I have been beaten without panting time.

Under such circumstances, he certainly knew that he was not Wang Yang's opponent.

Under such circumstances, he certainly summoned his partner to play.

"Haha, Bear King, how are you having trouble that is difficult to solve?"

It turned out to be two earth demons.

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