My Super Estate

Chapter 957Betrayal

Chapter 955 The Betrayer

Time, in the confrontation between the two sides, flowed away like a running water.

The two sides, therefore, for some unknown reason, did not have the idea of ​​directly fighting each other, and confronted each other.

However, the two sides, more than a dozen strong kings, all the momentum broke out confrontation, but it brought great trouble to Tianwu City.

Shenwu big fat hands support the ground, the whole person is completely on the ground, the sweat on the head, it is not like money, flowing quickly.

"Master, you can't be so biased."

Looking at the fairy who sat quietly on the ground and practiced wholeheartedly without any pressure, Shenwu Big Fat actually had a feeling of grievance.

This feeling is so sudden.

Why, everyone calls you Master, you only care about the fairy, but not me?

Could it be that you have colored eyes and only look at beautiful women, not fat people?

For the first time, Shenwu Big Fat had a feeling of jealousy towards the fairy.

"To shut up!"

Wang Yang sneered with a cold face.


Suddenly, Wang Yang made Shenwu fat and nervous.

Wang Yang ignored him, but just turned his head and looked around the corner.

"Come out."

What, someone?

Shenwu Big Fat sat up hard, staring closely at the corner.

Here, it is the residence of Xianlinger, a yard. Xianlinger is practicing in the yard and swallowing thousands of years of ginseng is to break through the list of people.

And that corner is actually the gate of the courtyard.

"Why, do you want me to invite you out?"

I saw Wang Yang's hand sucked towards the ground, and a small branch was directly sucked into his hand.

"Since you don't want to come out, then don't come out."

With that, I saw that the branch in Wang Yang's hand seemed to turn into a sharp sword, and toward that corner, it was just a sword.

Martial arts practice to strengthen the physical body, transform the primal spirit, strengthen the will, and transform the magical power.

In the eyes of a true warrior master, a piece of grass can also cut through the ninth heaven and cut stars from outside the domain.

Of course, Wang Yang’s current strength is certainly impossible, but his strength is still few in this Tianwu Continent.

Such a sword is drawn, the world and the world will be cut, not to mention a corner?


Sure enough, from the corner, a figure jumped out quickly.

"It's you, Tutor Ma Rufeng!!"

This person, Shenwu Dafa knows, is the mentor of Tianwu College.

Moreover, he is also a very famous mentor of Tianwu College.

"You, what are you hiding there for?"

Suddenly, Shen Wu's fat face changed, even under extreme pressure, he bit the evil, pointed at the person, and shouted.

"He came here, fearing that it was for the millennium ginseng."

Wang Yang really did not expect that in this Tianwu continent, his desire for elixir has already reached such a point.

Two thousand-year-old ginseng, a second-level elixir, caused so many things.

"If, I am not mistaken, the reason why the Demon Race will appear at this place at this time, this Ma Rufeng tutor in your mouth, is out of force."

"What? Teacher Ma Rufeng, you betrayed Tianwu Continent?"

The big fat face is also cruel.

Although, under the pressure of that terrible Xeonwei, he even struggled to sit up.

However, looking at the former mentor in front of him, he was still murderous.

Tianwu Continent, what was the heyday?

It is all because of the Demon Clan, Tianwu Continent, that is where it is today.

"Well, the dean knew that my daughter needed thousands of ginseng to save his life. He even selfishly gave this yellow hair girl.

How can I serve?"

Facing the question of Shenwu Big Fat, this middle-aged mentor was all roaring with anger and resentment.

"Fart, millennium ginseng, was planted by Ling'er himself. Why should the dean give you?

"Haha, the joke, the millennium ginseng is a heaven and earth elixir. It can only be formed after absorbing the essence of the world for thousands of years. You even said that this yellow-haired girl was planted. Could you think that this yellow-haired girl is already overloaded?"


Faced with this problem, Shenwu was fat and was shocked.

Yeah, if this thing is true, how does Linger grow it?

"Oh, the ignorant are the saddest."

"what did you say?"

Wang Yang smiled and shook his head, said: "Did you not hear clearly?

I said you are ignorant!"

"you shut up!!"

As a mentor of Tianwu College, he is still the most promising and most likely to become the mentor of the deputy dean. His Ma Rufeng is known for his knowledge and he will be called an ignorant person. How can Ma Rufeng not be angry?

"Why do you say I am ignorant?

If you can't tell the truth, I will tear you alive today!!"

Seriously, this guy really has this capital. As Tianwu College, he has the most potential and the most likely chance to become the deputy dean. His strength is extremely simple. I am afraid that it is even the ordinary Xeon King. It is also very difficult to kill him.

"Oh, why not admit it?

Just now, did you say that it is almost impossible to grow millennium ginseng?"

"Of course, millennium ginseng is a rare elixir between heaven and earth, which can save lives and save lives. It is recorded in various ancient books, but it is only after absorbing the essence of heaven and earth for more than a thousand years.

Why am I ignorant?"

It is not important to be said to be ignorant. What is important is that even a young man is said to be ignorant. As the youngest mentor of Tianwu College and the mentor with the greatest potential, Ma Rufeng will certainly not agree.

"Shall we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"Just bet on planting thousands of ginseng.

One day's wind, I planted you thousands of years of ginseng, and your life is mine, how?"


Ma Rufeng's eyes widened, and he stared inconceivably at this young young man.

From what actually said, within a day, plant thousands of ginseng?

God, how is this possible?

Shaking his head fiercely, Ma Rufeng said: "Impossible, millennium ginseng must absorb the essence of the world for thousands of years before it can be formed. How can it be successfully planted in one day?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

"Oh, you don't care if I succeed, you just tell me, do you dare to bet this?"

"Okay, I will bet with you, as long as you succeed, after that, my life is yours."

It must be said that Ma Rufeng would not nod so easily.

However, just now Yang Yang swept through four or five feet with just one branch. Such a strength, even Ma Rufeng, was absolutely unsure.

The key thing is that he has seen that millennium ginseng has been eaten by fairy spirits.

His hope has been shattered.

If, this kid, can really succeed, even if this life is given to him?

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