My Super Estate

Chapter 970

Chapter 926 The Seeds Are in Hand

"Boss Yang, I just got a message from the demon world."

Sirius quickly walked into the meeting room, looking at the invincible sharpshooter sitting in the first place, saying so.

At the beginning of the establishment of Shenshui Manor, the Sirius team had already been put in order. Even the Snow Wolf and others, even Shenshui Manor, were mainly responsible for information collection and external exchanges.

As the boss of the Sirius team, Sirius is of course mainly responsible for this matter.

Just now, Snow Wolf sent him a message, saying yes, there was a message from the demon world, as if someone was looking for it.

"Demon world?"

The sharp gun stared at Sirius invincibly, and said, "Which force is it from?"

The demon world is one of the ten worlds. Its area is extremely wide. It can accommodate thousands of demon clan. It is the base camp of the demon clan in the whole world.

It can be said that it is really strong.

Even, the demon world has launched more than once the battlefield of aggression, rumors, once, more than once entered the heaven.

It is a world of heavens, one of only a few big worlds that can be compared with the devil world.

The so-called demon, at first, came like this.

It's just that Shenshui Manor has never dealt with the demon world. Who is this time?

"But the Bull Demon King?"

Of course, not only the sharp gun is invincible in the deliberative hall, in fact, Venerable Shenshui, except Sirius, are all present.

"No, it seems to be from Huaguo Mountain."


All the people stood up and looked at Sirius in shock.

That one, but the real tycoon, once used to hit the Lingxiao Hall of Heaven.

"Go, let's go!"

Such a big man, even in the presence of Wang Yang, would never dare to neglect easily.

"Boss, are you here?"

Seeing Sirius and others coming in together, Snow Wolf quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Quick, who is Huaguo Mountain, but still?"

"I'm here."

"You are the principals of Shenshui Manor?"

Just before coming to the screen, in front of him, there appeared a monkey head with Leigong face.

A hair, golden light cold, the most beautiful.


If Wang Yang is here, he will find that this Leigong face, he has seen in the spirit world.

"I heard that you got the inheritance of the emperor Ziyang, but can you grow immortal medicine?"

"This, the planting of elixir, only the owner can make the decision, we can not give an answer, please forgive me."

If it is a ninth-level elixir, don't even think about the invulnerability of the sharp gun, he dare to nod directly.

However, the conditions for planting immortal drugs are extremely demanding. Either they must be consumed slowly with great time, or they must be demanding.

Lei Dihua, in legend, is the strongest foundation medicine. In legend, it can make people directly become the invincible grand master.

However, planting Lei Di flowers requires a large amount of Lei Di Jing Qi. Only pure Lei Di Jing Qi can plant life-like Lei Di Hua.

"Okay, do you need Lei Di Hua seeds?"

"Yes, the owner has sent a message, he found a lot of Lei Di Jing Qi, is the best place to plant Lei Di flowers, he does not need to give up.

Therefore, the information came and asked us to collect Lei Di Hua seeds."

"Okay, my grandson can give you Lei Dihua seeds.

However, after successful planting, you Shenshui Manor must give me a Lei Di Flower!!"

"This one!!"

Faced with such a request from the Dasheng, the invincible sharpshooter dared not answer.

Lei Dihua is too precious, and every seed is impossible to compare with.

What's more, after the planting of Lei Dihua, no one can be sure that several Lei Di flowers will be generated.

Who can guarantee this?

"Return to Dasheng, this request, I am afraid..."

No answer can be given, and of course the invulnerability of the sharp weapon will of course be rejected.

Da Sheng's request, he didn't agree, everything was okay, but if, really agreed, if not, then this joke can really be opened up.

"Our Shenshui Manor agreed!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.


The sharp gun face is angry, who is this, who is so self-assertive and promises such impossible things?

The invulnerability of the sharp gun turned suddenly, and he wanted to see who it was and how dare to claim it.

I saw that in the midair, an illusory figure appeared.


The sharp gun was invincible for a while exclaimed.

He never thought it would be Wang Yang.

"Master, can you leave?"

After exclaiming, the invulnerability of the sharp gun was overjoyed.

Wang Yang’s deity has fallen into the lost continent. Shenshui Manor is when the dragons are headless. All decisions are made by a few of them, and they are faced with the powerful person from the heavens and the world. The pressure is very large.

At this time, seeing Wang Yang avatar appear, of course, the invincible sharp gun is of course overjoyed.


Is this a god avatar?"

With just one glance, Da Sheng's eyesight directly saw Wang Yang's truth and falseness, all through.

"Great Saint, long time no see."

Of course Wang Yang will not forget that this person is the great sage once seen in the flame mountain of the spirit world, the strong man who could beat the heart demon's soul defect with one move.

To be honest, Wang Yang is very grateful to Sun Dasheng. If it were not for him, perhaps, the original spirit world and his party, facing the demons, himself and others, were very likely to be directly enslaved.

"Can you really plant Lei Di flowers?"

Dasheng really doubts whether Wang Yang will plant Lei Di flowers.

You know, this is the real medicine of immortality, and the true treasure of supremacy.

Even if it was the former Emperor Ziyang, it is absolutely not easy to plant an immortal medicine.

"Before, it may not be easy, but after a Huashan debate on the sword, I achieved great fortune, and I made another progress in my own way.

At present, as long as the environment permits, it is absolutely not difficult to plant immortal medicine."

Facing the question of the Great Saint, Wang Yang promised to be very positive.

He knew that at this time, in the face of the question of the Great Saint, he had only affirmative answers, and there was only one such answer.

"Okay, my grandson can give you seeds!"

Said, in the midair, a vortex suddenly appeared.

This, this turned out to be a matter of distance.

Legend has it that the supreme strongman, across a world, can shoot one piece with one palm, and one finger can break a mountain.

Before, maybe I didn't believe it, but now it's hard for people to believe it or not.

The size of a fist, full of seeds surrounded by thunder, fell from the vortex.

"Seed, my grandson has given you, but my grandson hopes you will not forget your promise."

When he comes to such a level, even if he is the emperor of Ziyang, he dares to face up to it. If Wang Yang dares to forget his promise, he will never mind. Through the heavy world, he directly took a slap and took the whole Shenshui. The manor is directly made into history.

"Okay, the seeds are finally available."

Wang Yang opened his eyes, his face bright.


Keeping an eye on Wang Yang's movements, Shenwu Big Fat quickly got up and looked nervously at Wang Yang.

It has been a long time since he was afraid that Ling'er could not support it in case...

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