My Super Estate

Chapter 985: Sky Thunder Rolls, Retreating the Demon King

Chapter 939 The Sky Thunder rolls and retreats to the Demon King

"Sura Lord, I can go one step further today. I really really want to thank you. In order to thank you, I will kill you!!"

With that, Wang Yang stretched out his hands like a Dapeng who wanted to spread his wings.

"You, you want to go one step further and dream!"

He was taken advantage of, and the Shura Devil regarded it as a shame.

Yes, it is shame.

He is a dazzling Shura Demon King, Tianwu Continent, and the only Shura Demon King, no matter what he is, he can directly occupy it. No one has ever dared to say a word "no".

However, today, he was borrowed by a human race.

This kind of behavior is a shame for the only Shura Demon, and it is definitely a shame.

"You want to go further, impossible, this king absolutely does not allow!!"

The Shura Demon King has some crazy trends.


As the saying goes, if the enemy is not happy, I will be happy.

The Shura Demon King is so crazy, so angry, Wang Yang has, but is absolutely happy.

Yes, just happy.

"Come on, let me accept Thunder's baptism!!"

Stretching out his hands, the whole minefield seemed to be shaken.

A vast world, showing a corner above the sky.

It was a world composed entirely of Thunder.

"You, are you going to go through thunder?"

Seeing this scene in front of me, how could the Shura Demon King not know?

"No wonder, no wonder your strength will be so powerful. It turns out that you are so deep in the way of Jindan!"

The blood of the Shura Demon Race contains huge information. Although it has been isolated for thousands of years, there is still some relevant information in his heart.

It's just that the millennium has passed and he has never encountered such a situation. He has become rigid. Even when he sees such strength as Wang Yang, he hasn't even remembered it.

However, when Lei Jie came out, he finally remembered it.

"Haha, you actually want to cross the thunder robbery, haha, this king depends on how you cross the thunder robbery!!"

Thunder Tribulation, haha, really help me too.

The Shura Demon is so happy.

"Exactly, since you beheaded my two Shura demon generals, then the king will simply give them all to you."

The Shura Demon King laughed and directly sent thirty-four Shura Demon Kings into the Wangyang Thunder Tribulation area.


Greater shocks were produced.


Wang Yang stared at him.

He never thought that the Shura Demon King was so cruel. Thirty-six Shura Demon will obviously have a high status in the Shura Demon Clan, otherwise, he will not be killed by himself, even the big Asura Devil will It was also beheaded by the Shura Demon King.

However, now, obviously, because two beasts were killed by himself, thirty-four of the Shura Demon Generals, their status greatly decreased, and their role in Shura Demon Generals was greatly weakened.

In order to kill Wang Yang, he decisively sent the thirty-four Shura demon directly into Thunder Tribulation.

The terrifying Thunder Tribulation has been integrated into the whole Thunder Domain. The whole Thunder Domain was originally a great loss of Lei Di’s spirit, and it was supported by Lei Di Flower. Now that Thunder Tribute is coming, Thunder Domain is naturally greatly affected. The impact, even, was directly absorbed and melted by thunder.

Obviously, because thirty-four Shura demons will be thrown into the area covered by Thunder Tribulation, the power of Thunder Tribulation has increased more than ten times.

Although the power of thunder robbery does not increase by multiples, the power of thunder robbery has been increased by more than ten times.

"Haha, go die!!"

The Shura Demon laughed wildly.

Feeling the terrifying thunderstorm, he believed that the human race boy was dead.

Yes, it is dead!!


The more I think about it, the more excited the Shura Demon smiles.

However, the Shura Demon King did not find that before that, there was no moving magic medicine. Suddenly, it quickly shrank and moved, and finally, Wang Yang directly recovered it.


The Shura Demon King, who laughed a lot, suddenly felt a strong murderous opportunity, and rushed directly from the world.

This is the power of the ban.

"Do not……"

The Shura Demon King finally discovered that the Lei Dihua, who had been there before, was gone.

Losing the support of Lei Dihua, the entire Lei Yu was completely transformed into the Thunder Tribulation, and there was no more Lei Yu between heaven and earth.

Losing the protection of the thunder domain, the power of the ban from the Demon Battlefield directly acts on the Shura Demon King.

"Huh, you dare to indulge me, and I will never give you a better life!"

Wang Yang was in Thunder Tribulation, watching the sudden and severely injured Demon King Shura, with a sneer.

He has long discovered that the Shura Demon Clan, no matter whether Shura Demon General or Shura Demon King, one by one, absolutely did not step out of the scope of the minefield.

Immediately, Wang Yang had such a guess in mind.

Perhaps, Thunder Domain is a refuge for the Shura Demon King.

At that time, Wang Yang had already paid attention, which was where he dared to fight the Shura Demon King without any fear.

"Since you dare to indulge me, then don't blame Laozi's bottom draw."

Waiting quietly for the arrival of Thunder Tribulation, Wang Yang was in a good mood watching the asura demon attacked by the power of the ban.


Finally, Thunder Tribulation came down.


The horrible thunderstorm seems to be unbearable even in space. Directly under such thunderstorm, the space produces a cracking sound.

Thunder Tribulation, space, black cracks.

It turned out to be a space crack!!

Wang Yang's face changed wildly.

It turned out that Wang Yang was very confident about Thunder Tribulation. He believed that with his own strength, there was absolutely no problem.

However, at this time, his body was already covered directly by a layer of cold sweat.

"In this case, you all die!"

In this case, Wang Yang will never keep his hand.

Before Thunder Tribulation came, he directly grabbed the ground. The Shura Demon, who had been imprisoned by the Shura Demon King, would grab it and throw it directly towards Thunder Tribulation.

He turned out to be using these Shura demons as shields.

"Ah, how dare you?"

Even if you have already made a plan, you will give up all of these Shura Demon.

However, seeing that Wang Yang dared to take the child's son of the Shura demon clan, it was used directly to block the thunder. In the heart of the Shura demon king, he still felt extremely angry.


Facing the roar of Demon King Shura, Wang Yang just sneered.

Thunder Tribulation was indeed extremely powerful. A Shura demon, even resisting it, was impossible, and was directly exploded.

"Come again!!"

Thunder Tribulation is coming, naturally the speed is extremely fast.

However, Wang Yang's speed is also extremely fast, although it can't be compared to Thunder Tribulation, but it is still more than enough to throw the Shura Demon King.

A series of three Shura demon generals were directly blown away by thunder robbery.

Finally, the first thunderstorm came.


Facing such a terrible thunderstorm, Wang Yang did not dare to carelessly, and immediately gave the golden bell at the first time.


The powerful Thunder Tribulation hit the Admiralty, producing a terrifying and terrifying vibrating force. Wang Yang, with such a powerful body, couldn't bear it and vomited blood directly.

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