My Super Estate

Chapter 992

Chapter 936 Hard Break

"Human race?"

The icy voice seems to be expressing, the host is not very friendly.

Wang Yang was shocked by the cold voice.

In this valley, there are even demons?

"You are the people of the Beast Demon Palace?"

Thousand years ago, Ten Thousand Beast Demon King and Shura Demon King joined forces to break into the Tianwu Continent, directly destroying the heaviest Tianwu Continent, and even broke away from the world, and lost in endless chaos.

However, the Tianwu Continent is not very good, and the forces of Shura Demon King and Ten Thousand Beast Demon King can never be better.

Thousands of years ago, the Tianwu Continent was at its most prosperous time, and even if it was faced with the joint of two devil monarchs, it would never retreat.

In the end, Tianwu Supreme died directly, and the famous Lei Di from the heavens was completely blasted.

The result was so miserable, and the final result turned out to be just leaving the two demon kings, all on the Tianwu Continent.

The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Hall is the power of Thousand Beast Demon King.

"How dare you still show up?"

The disciples of the Thousand Beasts Demon Palace are all covered with a black cloak, which is extremely mysterious.

A black magical energy could not hide it completely.

"It's you?"

The Thousand Beast Demon Palace and the Shura Demon Race are the two major forces in the Thunder Domain. The Shura Demon Race collects Warcraft all the year round, which is in conflict with the Thousand Beast Demon Temple.

The most fundamental benefit is survival.

The Thousand Beasts Demon Temple relies too much on Warcraft and is famous for controlling the beasts. The Shura Demon is powerful and famous for its powerful attack power.

The Shura Demon Clan is eager to go out and conquer the world with its powerful strength, arbitrarily capture Warcraft, and practice magic skills with Warcraft.

Thousand Beast Demon Temple relies too much on Warcraft to increase its strength by conquering Warcraft.

The two forces belong to the demons, but they are in conflict with each other.

From the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Tower, it can be known by the Shura Demon Race.

"You want to block me?"

Wang Yang's eyes were cold, and there was a round of moxibustion in the sun hidden around him.

"Huh, this desire is the site of my Thousand Beast Demon Palace. Even the Shura Demon Clan will never dare to invade hard. Your human race, even thousands of years ago, was beaten into crippled by my demon army. Arrogant?"

"You were given the opportunity because you didn't grasp it. Don't blame me. If you want to blame you, you're indulged in the middle glory of history."

Wang Yang shook, slightly disappointed.

In contrast, these demons who have been imprisoned in the demon battlefield for thousands of years have never been better.

Even if it is the Blood Lord, the precious son of the devil, the world's top prince, when he meets the strong man, he will never dare to stand hard when he runs away with caution.

Just because he knew that in the world of heaven, the water was too deep, and it was really pumped. The pain is definitely only himself.

Wang Yang's shot was very fast, and all the people of the Beast Demon Palace, they all made a name for controlling Warcraft.

The overwhelming majority of strength comes from the strength of Warcraft under his command.

Under this person's command, there is a World of Warcraft in the realm of a half-step Beastmaster, and its status in the Demon Hall of Beasts is definitely not simple.

Such a person may have experienced the cruelty of the battle thousands of years ago. Only when he truly realizes the cruelty of the battle will he be more aware of his burdens. In their minds, it is very easy to produce a kind of thought that is only for oneself.

Obviously, the devil's head of the Thousand Beasts is such a thought, thinking that, relying on a half-king-level Warcraft, you can suppress everything.

Obviously, when he met Wang Yang, his mind was completely wrong.

The half-beast king level of Warcraft is not to say how strong they are. Generally speaking, they are all under the strongest king to save their lives, but there is no successful breakthrough.

This kind of existence, generally speaking, was under the robbery of the Xeon King, completely unsure. When life was about to die, it was a kind of existence that was born by decisively cutting itself.

This kind of existence is stronger than Yuanshen's consummation. However, it is completely incomparable to those who are stronger than humans and demons.

The most important person, such a person, slashed himself, and there was no further possibility.

The sword light flashed, and the half-step Beastmaster's Devil Bear was directly split in half.


This person is indeed a new disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Hall, and his talent is very outstanding, but the early stage of the general demon will be able to control the Half-Step Beast King.

Today, he just took his magic pet and appeared for a walk. He happened to meet two human races. Now, he wants to let his magic pet open up.

It is true that the so-called human race is just the existence of his own devil's taste.

"You fart..."

Wang Yang was completely unkind. He raised his hand and slapped it.


The disciples of the Thousand Beasts Demon Palace are famous for controlling Warcraft. Their strength is really not very good. In the face of Wang Yang’s existence without talking about the road, he has no other way except to be beaten.

"Bring him, let's go in!"


Shenwu Big Fat nodded excitedly.

A demon disciple who can control the half-step beast king has absolutely no simple identity. Perhaps he is the key to rescue the fairy spirit.

"Where did the junior dare to dare to wander in the Beast Valley?"

Just stepped into the valley, and from the valley came a thunderous voice.

"Haha, I have heard the reputation of the Devil Valley for a long time, but I saw it with my own eyes today, but that's the case!!

Today is to cause trouble, then you are welcome.


Angrily shouted, echoing back and forth in the valley.

A magic light suddenly appeared, also a demon who was enveloped by a black cloak, and his whole body was entangled with a strong magic energy.

"Human race, how dare you dare to be my wild beast?"

His eyes swept over the beast and the devil, and there was naturally a layer of power radiating from the coming person.


Um, my disciple of someone of Wang, but not anyone can catch it. Today, those of you, the beast and the demon palace, don’t release my disciple. I believe that you will see more pretentious."

Human strength is also very strong. At least, Wang Yang feels stronger than the half-step Beastmaster.

But what about that?Before, there was a minefield blocking the road.

Now when we reach the door of our house, how can we not rescue the fairy spirit, then, we are not very incompetent?

"Your disciple?"

The comrade's face changed and said, "What disciple of yours?"

Lai Ren thinks that his cover-up is very good, but Wang Yang's mental strength is too strong, where is it so easy to be deceived?

"Sure enough, Ling'er fell into your hands.

In this case, the seat comes to take it by yourself."

Generally speaking, Wang Yang will not say anything about this seat, but in the face of such a demon, Wang Yang feels that it is necessary to raise his identity.

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