My Super Estate

Question 994

Chapter Nine-Thirty-Eight The Great Haunted Cave (2)

"Who dares to be so pretentious in my demon temple?"

The whole valley is completely a devil's cave, the headquarters of the Thousand Beasts' Demon Palace, and the devil's disciples, I don't know how many.

Before the valley, there was a huge movement suddenly, how can it be concealed?

What's more, Wang Yang never thought of concealing it. Naturally, he moved many people.


I saw the innumerable sounds of fluttering clothes, the space was knocked away by brute force, and the explosion sound caused by it was endless.

In a very short time, around this valley, a large number of masters gathered.

These demon disciples are all wrapped in black robes.

However, after careful comparison, it can be seen that although it is also a black robe, it is obviously different from each other.

On the body of the Bull Demon Guardian, the black robe is embossed with a blood moon, and around these, most of the demons are embroidered with bloody stars.

The difference is that, according to different personal atmospheres, different people clearly embroider a star to the strongest five stars, which was previously picked up by Wang Yang, and is currently caught in the hands of the ten thousand beast demon by Shenwu Big Fat , The body is embroidered with five stars.

What Wang Yang paid more attention to was the tall man in black robe standing on the highest peak. His whole body was completely wrapped in a black cloak, without revealing anything, but his body exuded a kind of harmony with the sky. In the breath.

This is a king of witness.

His body was embroidered with a bloody sun.

According to legend, the growth of Warcraft, accompanied by blood, swallowed each other, and could not be separated from the essence of stars and moon.

"You are the lord of the Thousand Beasts Demon Hall!"

"Indiscriminately, the main hall asks questions, how can you ask questions?"

Beside the main beast of the Thousand Beasts, there are also two black cloaks, embroidered with the same blood moon as the cow demon.


As soon as Wang Yang's face was cold, he didn't say anything, and he swept directly on the face of Niu Mo Hu Fa.

On the rough face of Niu Mo, it turned out to be rare.

"People who don't understand politeness, adults speak, children don't talk, understand?"

Wang Yang said with cold eyes.


The two black cloaks, also embroidered with blood moons, all glared and pointed at Wang Yang, shaking with anger.

Here, where is the bullfighting magic law, this is just hitting yourself in the face!


Wang ** didn't care anymore, but he slapped in the past and said: "Dogs can't change to eat shit. Since this is the case, then this seat will teach you a lesson today!"


Niu Mo protects the whole person's rough cattle face, is all beaten red.

Or, this is being humiliated.

However, he was already defeated by Wang Yang's men, and despite his dissatisfaction, in the face of absolute strength, there was still no way.

"Damn the golden lion, you fucking shut up for Lao Tzu!"

Niu Mo protector can't help it anymore, glaring at the bull's eyes, screaming in anger.

Niu Mohou said that he was really injured. People talked about the golden lion. What do you do with my cattle?

However, his strength is not as good as that of human beings. Even if he is beaten, he can only recognize it.

However, when he saw that damn golden lion still had to speak, he couldn't stand it now.

Hell, you talk about something old and immortal, it doesn't matter if you are flirty, but my old cow is to be abused by someone. Such unequal treatment, no one can bear it!

"who are you?"

Finally, the hall master who had never spoken, finally opened his mouth.

The voice is low and powerful, and the voice is light and fluttering, but Wang Yang feels that his soul has a jumping feeling.

"What a powerful soul power!!"

The so-called soul power, in fact, before the Grand Master, the soul is invisible and immaterial, and only the spiritual power is shown. After the Grand Master, the golden pill of standing up is also a process of condensing spiritual power and cultivating manifestation. In the realm, the spiritual power condenses into the primordial spirit and merges with the soul, so as to truly possess the attacking methods like the soul.

However, in the martial arts, there is also a legend that the so-called spiritual power is actually the power of the soul. It is only that martial arts cultivation is inadequate and the soul is invisible and immaterial.

In short, no matter how, Wang Yang can feel that his own spiritual strength fluctuates violently between the words of the demon in this demon palace.

"That's right, as an elder, you must be brave to stand up, otherwise, only those of your juniors will suffer!"

Feeling that the soul attack power of the Lord of the Demon Palace is strong enough, Wang Yang was secretly cautious, but, on the surface, he was still the ignorant boy.


The blood moon cape was so trembling that he wanted to speak again.

Wang Yang sneered and raised his hand again.

Niu Mohu's pupils tightened.

The current Bull Demon Guardian, his heart is about to jump into his throat nervously.

"what do you want to say?"

With a wicked laugh, his eyes stared at the blood moon cape who was called the golden lion by the demon protector, and asked softly.

However, at this moment, the Blood Moon Captain was afraid to speak again.

He doubted very much that if, only if, he would speak again, perhaps, without the need for this humanoid kid to do it, the mad cow would definitely be the first to desperate himself.

Mad cow, that would really be desperate.

"All right."

The Lord of Beasts said again, "Human race, what are you doing here?"

If it were before, according to the temperament of the Master of the Beast Palace, this damn human kid would definitely be slaughtered.

However, the Thunder Field that shrouded the millennium suddenly disappeared overnight, even if it was the Beast Demon Hall, and it was also greatly affected.

Even, the people of their Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Palace no longer dared to step out of Thousand Beast Valley, otherwise, their own strength was directly suppressed.

Once they were high above, they could not bear it anymore and returned to the time of ordinary people.

Even if it is still a first-class master above the rivers and lakes.

Under such a background, two human races suddenly appeared. Who can guarantee that there is no conspiracy?

With caution, the Lord of Beasts can only stabilize.

"The disciple of this seat fell into the thunder domain seven days ago. Now, hand over her!"


"What are you talking about, that little human girl is your disciple?"

For a time, many of the upper floors of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Hall screamed loudly.

Obviously, Xianling'er must have happened.

"In this way, is she really in your hands?

Hand it over!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!!"

The blood moon cape known as the Golden Lion, screamed loudly.

"what did you say?

Can you say it again?"

Wang Yang immediately froze his face, pointed at the blood moon cape, and sneered coldly.

Everyone can see that Wang Yang has endured to the limit of the provocation of this bloody moon cloak.

But, as a high-level man of all beasts, is he really afraid?

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