My Super Estate

Chapter 996

Chapter 940 Devil Race is used to step on

"Do you want to save him?"

Wang Yang did not feel surprised when the Lord of the Beast Palace came forward. The Golden Lion Guardian shot was even the default of the Lord of the Beast Palace, otherwise, where the Golden Lion Guardian came so boldly, in front of the Lord of the Beast Palace, Regardless of the life and death of the cow demon protection law, just shoot directly?


Yes, the purpose of the Master of Beast Palace is for temptation.

"Young man, this is the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts. You are in front of me, the master of the Thousand Beasts. Do you think that I should not come forward?"

Lord of Beast Palace, also known as Lord of Beasts, is the old man who experienced that battle of extermination a thousand years ago. He was the elder of Hall of Beasts 1,000 years ago. Very strong, but his life-saving ability is extremely strong. After a war, the beast and demon king have fallen. All the elder demon kings of the beast demon hall have been destroyed. Only him, his life-saving ability is powerful. Although he didn't have great strength, he survived.

One day ago, the Thunder Domain, which had been unchanged for thousands of years, changed dramatically. Although the Thousand Beasts and Demon Palace had not undergone a devastating blow after thousands of years of transformation, the people of the Thousand Beasts and Demon Palace were also afraid to lose their protection. Then wanton out of the Valley of Beasts.

Now, Wang Yang suddenly appeared, and directly hit, as a beast demon king with life-saving ability, he naturally acted very cautiously.

Yes, before, most of the series of acts of Golden Lion Guardian were from the hands.

Wang Yang stared coldly at the Beast Demon King, stepping on the golden lion protector, his cold eyes, and looked around.

"What's the matter, don't try it now?"

Seeing what he meant, it didn't mean to loose feet at all.

Indeed, Wang Yang's spiritual power is too strong. As soon as the Beast Demon King has taken action, Wang Yang has noticed and acted quickly, stepping on the golden lion protector.

The purpose is to prevent the Ten Thousand Beast Demon King from saving people.

"Dare you provoke my demon?"

No matter how good the temper is, the Beastmaster is also angry.

Every human race, dare to step on the head of my beast demon palace?

"Haha, provocation?

Isn't the Mozu all used to step on?"

Wang Yang smiled coldly and said.


The head of the Thousand Beast Demon King was covered with a black cloak. On the unclear face, a substantive glance swept faintly.

What a powerful soul power.

Capturing the substantive eyes, Wang Yang was surprised.

Some people like to brag, I want to kill you with my eyes.

In the world of ordinary people, this is just a bragging statement, but in the world of martial arts, the so-called killing you with your eyes is definitely not a joke.

The spiritual power is strong enough to affect reality, so-called turning virtual into reality is absolutely not impossible.

Isn't the Mozu all used to step on...

Isn’t it all used to step on...

Used to step on...

The Thousand Beast Demon King felt that he could no longer suppress the flame of anger, or that his reason, his calmness, was completely ignited by the flame of anger.

"Boy, some things can't be eaten, some words can't be said at the same time, it comes at a price."

At this point, the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts could still bear, and Wang Yang admired him a little.

If the Shura Demon King had reached this point, it is estimated that he would have already fought already.

However, it seems that it is almost the same now. Everyone can feel that the mountain-like momentum of the Beast Demon King is depressed. It is a substantive force of oppression.

However, for this, Wang Yang didn't care, and the big men saw much more. A half-waste beast demon king, Wang ** didn't pay much attention to it.

"Do you think the Demon Race has been stepped on?"

Wang Yangxie laughed and asked quietly.

At the same time, under his feet, he stepped hard twice from time to time. Even if he was not willing to protect the Golden Lion, under such circumstances, he still moaned once or twice from time to time.

"Boy, you are dead!"

No matter how good-tempered, this time, he is about to explode.

Really when I have a good temper and will not kill people!

Shen Sheng ranted, although he didn't do it, but his voice contained his martial arts magical power.

Yes, it is sonic supernatural power, although it is only martial supernatural power, but under his cultivation, it is a general small supernatural power, and it can't stand it.

For example, the moaning golden lion protector was immediately stunned by this sound.

It's just that it was affected, and the powerful golden lion protector was stunned. It is really unimaginable. How much pressure Wang Yang must bear as the main force.

"Okay, supernatural!"

Wang Yang is of course uncomfortable with all the sonic supernatural powers. No matter what, he is a demon king. He is also the most bizarre sound attack type of sonic supernatural powers. Although Wang Yang has a good strength, he can bear it with all his strength. .

However, it is just sad.

"Are you okay?"

The Beast Demon stared at his eyes and exclaimed.

Although he was enveloped by a black cloak, Wang Yang still captured the change in the look of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Do you think such a martial arts magical power, will I have something to do?"

Wang Yang sneered.

In fact, Wang Yang suddenly suffered such sonic supernatural powers, which was somewhat unbearable.

But who is Wang Yang?

He himself is a powerful way of defense. For defense, of course, he is not afraid of anyone.

What's more, Wang Yang's road has reached the point where he is now. He has begun to use external force step by step to generate some powerful vibrational forces to cultivate himself. Of course, he has no facts.


Sonic supernatural power is the mastery of the Beast Demon King. In order to cultivate such supernatural power, he spent a lot of time thinking about staying with Warcraft all the year round.

Now it's useless?

The Thousand Beast Demon King can't stand it, of course.

Gently snorted softly. If it is an ordinary person, it may be considered that this is just a hum that represents dissatisfaction, but when you hear Wang Yang’s ear, it is really earth-shaking, in your own mind. Tumbling back and forth.

This time, the soul attack was actually performed.

As the Beast Demon King, he made a surprise attack.

"It is not rude to come and go, since the Ten Thousand Beast Demon King is so enthusiastic, then today the kid is welcome."

Wang Yang was of course dissatisfied after being recruited by the Beast Demon King.


Since this king of beasts likes to use magical powers, Wang Yang certainly doesn't have to be polite.

Suddenly roars of thousands of beasts came from Wang Yang.

All the voices came together and gradually formed a majestic dragon chant.

Wang Yang actually showed his magical powers.

This is a kind of supernatural power that Wang Yang once took Hualong grass to obtain the sound of Longwei, and then explored it himself. After that, he also obtained supernatural powers such as the dragon claw hand, and naturally became more sophisticated.

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