My Super Estate

Chapter 998 War Demon King

Chapter 942 The War Demon King

"Master Wang Yang?"

On the display, the head of the demon king Niu was shown. At first glance, he saw the true face of Wang Yang.

"Senior Bull Demon King, if the juniors remember correctly, the seniors should be the Celestial Divine Bull family."


"Oh, that's it. On this lost continent, the younger generation encountered a split-day god cow. Therefore, the younger generation would like to check with the senior."

"Ancestor, you are an ancestor!!"

The split-day buffalo has already appeared behind Wang Yang, and even excitedly, he directly squeezed Wang Yang away.

"It's you, Maverick!"

Niu Dewang's face changed, staring at the suddenly appearing split-sky buffalo, Niu eyes glared and exclaimed.

The body of the Thousand Beast Demon covered by the black cloak can obviously feel the great shaking.

"Why are you afraid now?"

"Haha, you can rest assured that Senior Niu Demon may be in a good mood, showing compassion and not looking for your trouble."

Wang Yang smiled gently.

It's just that Wang Yang's words are heartbreaking, and the video over there hasn't been closed yet. If you say this here, it's killing people!!

"What, you are missing, Maverick, is this dog thing taken away?"

What kind of hegemon is the Bull Demon King?

As his clan, he would be taken away by people, and even become the favorite of others. For the Bull Demon King, this is the biggest challenge to him.

"Senior Bull Demon King..."

The face of Ten Thousand Beast Demon changed a lot, and finally, what he was most worried about still happened.

Even if he knew that Niu Demon was actually not likely to come directly to the Tianwu Continent, but the reputation of Niu Demon was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

I would like to ask, how can one of the weakest devil in his area be able to withstand the pressure of such an overlord?

"Old ancestors, the beast demon king did not treat me wrong, don't be angry."

"Huh, if it weren't for him, would you be trapped in the lost Tianwu Continent now?"

Obviously, Niu Demon's heart is still angry.

Finally, Wang Yang stood up and said, "Seniors are assured that since the Split-Day Buffalo has been found, the juniors will naturally find a way to get him back to the seniors."

This is a good time to win over the Bull Demon King, and of course Wang Yang will not let it go.

What's more, Shenshui Manor is already planning to get out of the earth, and the first stop is in this demon world. By then, if there is the support of a big man like the Bull Demon King, naturally, there will be much less trouble.

"Okay, Maverick, the old cow will be given to you."

With that said, the Bull Demon King went offline.

Obviously, there are many things about the Demon King Niu, and the Heavenly Buffalo is handed over to Wang Yang, and he will be relieved.

"Thousand Beast Demon King, come on, where is my disciple?"

Although, relying on his own strength, he can also defeat the Demon King, but Wang Yang certainly knows that his cultivation is the biggest problem.

On the surface, the strength is extremely powerful, but the lasting, or all kinds of magic, will be despised.

However, with the bull demon on top, the problem can be much easier.

What's more, a split-day buffalo, plus a ten thousand beast demon king, the strength bonus is not as simple as one plus one.

"Huh. Even if there is a cow demon king and his old people come forward, you are a human race, you want to ride on the head of the king to poop and piss, it is simply a dream."

It is said that Wang Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and if he knew anyone, he would know that this was when Wang Yang released a dangerous breath.

"In this way, aren't the Beast Masters going to say it?"

Wang Yang looked at it, it was so calm, but anyone could feel that there was a dangerous breath on his face.

"Huh, the face of Senior Niu Demon King, of course, this king is going to sell, but, how dare you, a human race, dare to be so presumptuous in front of this king?"

"Oh, I don't know. Does the Devil want to do it?"

"Beat this king, this king will naturally tell you!"

In fact, the Beast King is famous for his life-saving, and fighting is not his original wish.

However, Wang Yang has been directly rushing into his own Valley of the Beasts, completely stomping on the Palace of the Beasts of the Beasts. Moreover, Wang Yang even took the Bull Demon King to press himself, and was in the presence of all the people in the Palace of the Beasts of the Beasts. In this way, he is not allowed to come to Taiwan, of course, he will stand up, otherwise, he is one of the weakest elders in the area, no tigers or monkeys in the mountains are called kings, and it is difficult to directly take over the position of the main hall of the Beast Demon Palace. Convinced.

"it is good!"

Wang Yang responded loudly, and turned to rainy and sunny.

Without the split-day buffalo, Wang Yang is not afraid of him.

"Okay, take the trick!"

The Thousand Beast Demon King attacked shamelessly.He didn't even wait for Wang Yang to be ready, he made a move directly, and once he shot, it was his strongest trick.

Martial arts magic-Niu Mo tread on the ground...

"Come well!"

Wang Yang's sudden move, Wang Yang was not surprised.

A devil, how high can you imagine his morality?

The Thousand Beast Demon King jumped high and stepped on the ground. The whole person, like a mountain, contained infinite power.

Wang Yang is the monkey that was suppressed by the mountain. No matter how he turned it, it was difficult to turn his palm.

But is it really?

Wang Yang decided to tell him the facts.

Wang Yang thought of the sun in his heart, and the infinite amount of light and the infinite amount of heat turned into an infinite amount of power. With a punch, it seemed like a sun.


There will be a wound in the struggle between the two powers. All of them have their eyes wide open. They want to see who the two are more powerful.

"You think, who is stronger?"

"Of course Your Majesty the Devil!"

"Yes, it must be His Majesty the Demon King. He is a single human race, but he is not a Golden Dan Realm. Where will his Majesty's opponent be?"

In this Valley of Thousand Beasts, many disciples and guardians of the Thousand Beasts Demon Hall, one by one, could have made their own guesses.

They all hope that His Majesty, the Demon King, will be able to assassinate the human race that offends his own beast.

Only, is this really the case?

The infinite amount of light dissipated, and I saw a figure, like a ignited rocket, shooting directly towards the sky.

"Haha, Thousand Beast Demon King, is this your strength?"

Wang Yang laughed, stood up, and chased directly toward the figure that was soaring toward the sky.

"Damn, how could this human race have such a powerful force?"

Ten Thousand Beasts of course knew their own affairs, and they have made a lot of achievements in terms of the solidity of the battle body, but they are far worse in attacking supernatural powers.

That's why, before a thousand years, he would be called the life-saving demon king.

"This Beast Demon King did not expect it, but it is also a way of defense.

However, his defensive path has not yet gone out of the defensive circle, lacking a powerful attack path."

As a master of invincible defense, Wang Yang certainly has the most say in this regard.

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