My Super God QQ

Chapter 1009: QQ new features: map

This upgrade, I don’t know how much time it took.

It may be two or three months!

In the meantime, the prospector said that he couldn't find it because he could not find a vein above the middle grade, but he said it was good. He must find the vein and continue to search.

"In the beginning, we said that we were looking for good mineral veins, and you didn't tell us that you can only have low-quality fairy stone mineral veins!" Jinyangxian itself is a business expert, and he doesn't understand the meaning of the other party.

The other party just wants to shirk, and may not dare to just look for the Xiapin Ore Vein. In that case, I am afraid that others will doubt that he can only find the Xiapin Ore Vein. No one will ask him to do this.

When this happens, what can he do, can only help them continue to search for mineral veins according to what was said at the time.

He actually thought that when he was looking for mineral veins, he did not stipulate that he must be above the middle grade. But think of so many people in the other party, he is just a heavenly immortal, and he can't help but feel wronged.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the qq system has now been upgraded to level 21! A sun, a moon, a star!"

Finally upgraded, Li Qing quickly entered the cabin of the aircraft from the outside and saw five random qq functions appear, let him choose.

Five random function options.

The five functions are "qq city", "qq map", "qq anime", "qq housekeeper", "qqtim".

It is no different from the new function that jumped out last time.

"Could I use this opportunity to strengthen a function?"

Li Qing also thought of this.

However, with so many functions, he couldn't think of a function to be enhanced in a moment.

qq lottery, qq games, qq movies, qq mall, qq hard drive, bookstore, mailbox, music, qq camera, qq mobile phone, qq avatar, qq screenshot, qq memo, qq pet, qq classroom, qq live broadcast, qq group...

"Used in qq lottery? It seems that all the good things are drawn out?" Li Qing thought about it and left it as a tentative function.

"Qq screenshots are also good, as long as you can see what you can get directly, but there is a difference in level. If you ignore the strength of the other party, it is also good to get the thing directly...I don’t know if you can ignore it after strengthening... …" Li Qing saw this and thought it was very good.

"The qq game is also quite magical. If it weren't for it, it would be a complete waste of time when it was thrown into the prison army."

"The qq mall is good. If it is not the qq mall that occasionally sells what it needs, there are several disasters and it is impossible to spend it safely."

"Qq music is also a powerful ability to increase your own strength."

"The warning and reminder function of the qq memo, if it were not for him, he would have died several times."

"Qq live broadcasts also bring a lot of merit to yourself, and even directly affected the earth, and replaced the technological revolution with this powerful self-cultivation revolution."


Li Qing went over it one by one and found that all the functions were very useful, so there was no difference.

This made him very tangled, and did not know what to do.

Of course, he also analyzed it, it seems that qq bookstore is his most commonly used and most powerful function. It has only been strengthened once, and if it is strengthened, is it still useful?


As Li Qing thought, he suddenly saw the four new functions that jumped in front of him.

qq map? !

This qq map is inevitable, can Li Qing have a map of the whole fairyland?

Then, if you follow the qq map system on your phone, it seems that some detailed information will be displayed, such as a certain location is a store or a high-rise building company, and some are mountain distribution maps.

The more Li Qing thinks, the more he likes this function, because his main goal now is to find fruit and develop the Qing Emperor Gate.

Well, if this map has any effect on his development of Qing Emperor Gate, he will definitely upgrade this.

Anyway, there is a chance to upgrade, and merit is willfulness!

Li Qing thought that he must choose this!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the qq map function!"

Hearing the prompt, Li Qing couldn't wait to get in.

Sure enough, the qq map shows the map of the whole fairyland, and then Li Qing is constantly operating to make it shrink and then shrink.

Shrink hundreds of times...

Hundreds of times!

It is conceivable to know how big the fairy world is. Such a large world is only suitable for Taiyi Jinxian. If it is below Taiyi Jinxian and there is no aircraft, it will fly to death.

"This is the world exclusive to Taiyi Jinxian!"

Li Qing thought so.

Just after he kept shrinking, he finally saw some detailed address information.

First, there are addresses, such as the Pangu Giant City, such as the town in the pit when they first arrived in the fairy world, such as the place guarded by their fairy prison army, such as the victory fairy city...The most important thing is that he saw a series of mountains similar to Things, in these mountains, still seem to carry a little crystal light.

Could it be said that these are so-called fairy stone veins? !

Li Qing was overjoyed, and then he saw that there was a mineral vein about a thousand miles away from him.

"Go left!"

Li Qing confronted Duan Yuedao.

"Good!" Duan Yue responded cheerfully.

But, just now, the prospector, an old man, could not help but shouted: "What are you doing? I'm looking for veins, I want to go north, what do you mean to go east?"

"The north is too far, there are mineral veins there, but I know that from the east, soon, there should be a mineral vein..." Li Qing was not sure about the tunnel.

If you don’t say how old you are, you will become smarter as you grow old.

He immediately caught the loophole in Li Qing's words, and was angry now, because during this time, because of Li Qing's affairs, he wasted two or three months.

"Are you a or am I? If you still need me to help you find it, just shut up, don't make any gestures, and slap your fingers." He almost splattered. Authentic, all suffocated, no venting, just this is an opportunity.

"Go to the east first, if not, then go to the north, it will not be too far away, more than a thousand kilometers!" Li Qing is not sure, but can only say so.

"East, I said north, did you hear that? Also, what do you say about the mineral veins in the north, more than a thousand kilometers? So sure, then if you know, why did you even ask me to come?"

"I'm not sure, but there is indeed a mountain range, much like a mineral vein."

"Hahaha, it's very similar. It seems that you have studied it?" He smiled angrily, with contempt.

I was so angry that I wanted to start.

Li Qing stopped him: "Dare not say research, but have more than 60% certainty!"

"Okay, then we might as well bet!"

"What to gamble?"

"If you can find it, I will give you the head, if you can't find it? Give me three times, no, five times the reward!"

"Okay! Five times is five times! I won't be a leader when that time comes. You can join my martial arts directly and be a helper looking for mines, will you?"

"One word? We swear to heaven?"

"It's a word!"

Li Qing immediately swore with him.

After the oath, the prospector, no, should be called by their profession, the prospector was so happy that he could not close his mouth, and it was about to split to the sides. Because, this means that he is about to get a large sum of money.

"Huh, do you think it is so easy to find ore? It is impossible to find a good fairy stone mine without thousands of years of precipitation and learning!"


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