My Super God QQ

Chapter 1033: Mystery


Not daring to face it, accepting the reality of his own death, Duan Yue’s fairy baby crawled out of the body and roared angrily.

Fortunately, he still has a fairy baby, otherwise, he will die directly this time.

But now, he is not dead and not much better.

Because the hypothesized body does not have a good body, which fits his body for him to win, so his fairy baby will sooner or later disappear.

"Don't let me catch the man, otherwise, I must let him shatter his body!"

He scolded loudly.

Others gritted their teeth, an angry, as if the volcano's breath erupted throughout the fairy court.

Next, naturally, there was a hurry.

Some have to arrange Jieyu, some have to deal with Duan Yue's body...

The most disturbing thing is the Jade Jade. The Jade Jade has fallen, so the entire Immortal Kingdom has lost its managers. If someone comes to attack the Immortal Kingdom in this moment, the entire Immortal Kingdom protective cover may be shattered. , Was invaded.

"what should I do!"

Watching his granddaughter fall in front of him, Hedingtian is undoubtedly the most angry and most wanted to kill. But now, looking at the dead jade, pale face like paper jade, he was helpless.

Without strength and cleverness, he can only hurry.

"Contact Li Qing and let him come back. No one can control this city, can't it!" Fang Jitian said.

"How to contact, we can't reach him at all. This kid, ghost and spirit, don't know how to go to the realm. It stands to reason that powerful people can't go to the realm, it's really weird."

"I asked Li Qing's uncle, and he couldn't contact Li Qing!"

"How to do?"

The incidents did not end, but one after another, one after another.

Especially the arrow, which is haunted by gods, is absolutely unpredictable, even for Li Qing’s uncle.

In a day, there are always fewer than two or three people injured.

Even if you are hiding in the house, it may be deadly, as if the arrow directly shuttled through the void and shot like a person, it was extremely vicious and terrifying.

Li Qing's uncle couldn't bear it any more, and in a day, when everyone was alert, he disappeared and went to Pangu Giant City.

He walked into a place specializing in selling news, and looked up this image, which person and which group fits this situation.

In the end, he got amazing news.

"It's a ghost arrow?" When Master Li Xing heard the news from Uncle Li Qing, he was very stunned: "It seems that Immortal Realm has never heard of such a powerful person?"

"Xianjie should not only have these strong men on the bright side, but also some people who are low-key and unwilling to be famous. At least, like the top old guys, there should be more than five... to know that the fairy world has existed until now, tens of thousands For hundreds of thousands of years, it is not impossible that some old things are still alive." Xiao Hui came out at this time, squinting and analyzing.

The longer the forest, the more birds there are, and some people like to pretend to be crazy, then they will form forces and appear in people's eyes.

And some people, low-key, like to make a fortune with a mute voice, or only develop their own strength, the reason why they are not famous is also justifiable.

"Just, who will it be? Breaking the sky and ghost arrows? We also have no resentment against him. It is impossible, he wants to get our immortal country in his palm? Now he doesn't want to be low-key, he wants to rise?" Xiaohui continued to analyze.

Suddenly, he looked out to the sky, as if to see a black shadow, fleeting.

He looked at it skeptically again, not knowing whether it was his illusion, and when he looked at it again, it was all right.

"Is it dazzled by yourself?" Xiaohui shook his head and stopped looking: "It seems that during this period of time, there will be hallucinations."

Except for Xiaohui's direction and sight, he could just see it, and no one else found anything.

"The senior, did you find out where the ghostly arrow was?"

"Rumor has it that he has been living in seclusion in Nanzhan Buzhou..." Li Qing's uncle said, frowning: "So I was thinking, did we encroach on his interests, or say, on his territory, before Caused his attack."

"No specific address?"

"There is a place, but I've been there, people are empty." Li Qing's uncle shook his head.

After he finished, he added: "However, when I went to find out about the news, the ghost-broken arrow described by the other party did not seem to be so powerful? At least what they said, the strength of the ghost-broken arrow was not as good as mine. I shouldn’t be able to escape my scope of psychic investigation."

"It's strange that I swept the entire fairyland and found no trace of anyone?"

Heding Tiandao: "What about the figure we saw earlier?"

"I'm also strange! I don't even think about it!" Li Qing's uncle couldn't hold his face a little and shouted with a raised voice.

He was a little messed up. He said that he wanted to help Li Qing optimistic about this place, but now there have been repeated attacks, even Li Qing's daughter-in-law almost died, which made his anger sometimes uncontrollable.

I couldn't find the ghost-breaking arrow, and I couldn't catch the man who attacked them.

In fact, not only Li Qing’s uncle, everyone is very irritable, but they are trying their best to control it. If they can’t beat Li Qing’s uncle, they will be forced to hold back, I am afraid that they will be in the first place.


Suddenly, there was a scream outside.

Needless to say, it must have been someone who was injured by the arrow without warning, and I don't know where it came from. It takes several times a day.

If it weren’t for the value of the Immortal Kingdom in this palm, Li Qing’s uncle wanted to take them away from here, because, as the place became more and more dangerous, they seemed to become prey, and in the dark, there were a pair of hunter’s eyes. Watching them, will kill them at any time.

"Who the **** is that ghost arrow, or someone else?"

Li Qing's uncle sits at the top of Xianfu, staring at all around. On the surface, he is calm, but there is a anger in his heart that is eager to vent.

That is, when this happened in the palm of the fairy country, a message was also passed into the fairy court and to the master of that fairy court.

at this time……

A middle-aged man in a yellow robe with nine real dragons is sitting on the Lingxiao Jade Hall, looking at the report in his hand.

"I originally wanted to send someone to eradicate your remnants, but I was unexpectedly stared at by someone? Such a weird ability? Could it be someone from Yixiao Palace?" The Emperor Xingting frowned.

To say that the most mysterious fairyland is not the Yuetian Pavilion. Even if the Yuetian Pavilion is still mysterious, the Emperor Xingting also knows where their headquarters are.

The most mysterious, to say this Yixiaodian.

According to rumors, this was passed down from the last great power that ruled the fairy world. Several times the emperor Xingting tried to eradicate them, but they were all taken away by the other party and disappeared.

If the Yue Tian Pavilion is famous for the fortune-telling of heaven, the characteristics of the people who come out of the Yi Xiao Temple are all kinds of strange places with endless capabilities.

"Will it be them? Why would they want to attack that place, could it be that the city that appeared had something they needed? Or was it the origin of that city itself was very mysterious , Is it a treasure?" Thinking about it, the emperor of this fairy court was also a little bit tempted, but it wasn't the right time, it was best to wait for them to lose both sides, that was the best time.


Zhen Luo Yuan Guan...

The old man still floated above the square, like a statue that would not move for years.

"Teacher, Xian Guo in that palm seems to be unable to sustain any more, do you want to support?"

"Put up your careful thinking, I have my own arrangements, don't worry about him first, he should not be a problem."

"Not a problem? But, I heard that the people inside were in a panic, although I was also very strange. I couldn't get into that city, where did the news come from."

"Oh, I want the fisherman to benefit. Now I don't know how many people want the Siskin to be behind, just ignore it."

"Okay, that teacher, do you think it's someone from Yixiaodian?"

"But, not..."

After talking, the old man closed his eyes and did not want to take care of this middle-aged man.

And this Taiyi Jinxian wouldn't ask for it, and shook his head doubtfully and disappeared here.

This happened in the palm of the Immortal Kingdom and spread throughout the ears of all the people in the fairyland. However, when this thing will stop, everyone is guessing who it is, and another big event happened.

That is the Western Buddhist country, and suddenly a woman came, a woman with a beautiful appearance and an unprecedented temperament.

As soon as she came to the fairyland, she destroyed most of the Western Buddhist kingdom and was defeated by the Buddha.

The woman left a sentence when she left: "First, the helper, then, the main person!"

Very inexplicably, many people listened, also confused.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, subscribe... Some people may feel annoyed if I ask so, but there is no way, if you don’t call it, it’s okay. In addition, I wish you all a happy Youth Day~

(End of this chapter)

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