My Super God QQ

Chapter 1007: Migrating people into immortals

Genius remember the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! It seems that the two have exchanged, and Li Chuan also explained to Zhang Min, may be chased by others. The earth left, but Zhang Min still has Yudi, thinking that no matter what, the suffering is the son.


In the end, she stood beside her son.

It seems that this is still not forgiven!

Li Qing noticed this detail, but he didn't say anything and pretended not to see it. Because, he rescued Li Chuan, and finally obeyed his mother's wishes.

In addition, let him call his father, he can't call it.

Maybe, just not used to it, Li Qing thought so.

Li Chuan also has a sense of self-knowledge. Therefore, instead of walking to Li Qing, he walked to the two children and touched their heads, his eyes full of love.


Suddenly, he said this to Li Qing, his eyes turned red.

"It's okay~ Jieyu Jie, did you guys feed me something? My mouth is so sweet, I want to drink some saliva."

Li Qing seems to be avoiding something.

Jie Yu can only get water.

"Uncle, hasn't anything happened in Xianguo recently?" He went on to ask Li Pang without any time.

"Since the vice president was killed, there are hardly any troublesome characters, even if there are, then it is just a little bit of trouble, and it is just a sneak peek."

"That's good~" Li Qing was relieved.

"In addition, the fact that you killed the elder of Yixiaoge has been spread. Fortunately, the owner of Yixiaoge took advantage of this time to start the thunder sweep and did not have time to pursue this matter. In addition, it was also privately Here comes a thank you letter."

"Is this so?" Li Qing smiled: "This fairy, fairy, what kind of fairy is no different from humans."

A ridiculous sentence, but it really is.

Any fairy, as long as there are characters, there are seven emotions and six desires, which is completely different from the fairy in his thoughts.

"Well, since the news was released, knowing that the elders of Yixiao Pavilion died on our hands, many people would not dare to arbitrarily."

"That's good, I want to go to Yuanyuanxing!"

Li Qing decided.

"Really?" Li Pang's expression was complicated, because he had too much hope for Li Qing, so he gave up and let him go to Yuan Yuanxing to die.

However, on the other hand, he also hoped that Li Qing would become stronger. In that case, he could revive the Zunlin tribe.

Very tangled!

"Yuan Yuanxing, it's impossible, how could there be a place where people can go!" Li Chuan suddenly cried, frightened.

"What's wrong, what is Yuan Yuanxing?"

Zhang Min got nervous, almost jumped up, ran to ask Li Chuan, grabbed his clothes and kept asking.

After Li Chuan finished, everyone was stunned. Then, looking at Li Qing, what he meant in his eyes was not to go.


What they heard was that there was no return, and even this was just a legend, because no one had returned.

So, did Li Qing go to death?

"No go!"

Zhang Min threw away Li Chuan's hand and grabbed Li Qing: "If you are going, I must break your leg!"

That stern look is the same as talking to Li Qing before going to school.

Li Qing was a little crying and laughing, but the woman who looked at herself had red eyes, and the few who came in behind, Xia Mojie, Di Di, Eva, Tang Yanyan, Master Ning...

He knew that this time, he was afraid that he would not be able to go. If he could, he would have to watch it later.

Since they promised not to go, they were all happy.

Li Qing stayed in Xianguo and was okay for the time being, accompanying them.

Because those who have been looking around for a long time are no longer a big weapon, Li Qing put the people on the earth part by part into the immortal country in the palm.

"This is the fairy world?"

"Xianqi is so strong and comfortable, how can the sky here be so blue?"

"I suddenly felt that my problems were all gone."

"Are we immortals?"

"Brother, are we really in the fairy world?"

"Well, fairy means, can we get here? Sister, we must repay Lord King well and help him, even if he gave his life, this is what our mother told me when he was dying."

"Okay~ I heard that her husband is very difficult now, we must help him."

"Relax, brother will die in front of you."

When Li Qing got them out, there was a tumult of noise and rush, like waves.

First lamented the fairy world, and then, some people were grateful to Li Qing, and made various expressions, a look of excitement.

A little messy, too many people!

Fortunately, this immortal country in the palm also has the ability to move buildings, so Li Qing asked Jie Yu to move away all buildings, leaving an empty space for them to stay here.

There are so many people!

Hundreds of millions!

Jie Yu later said that the whole fairy city was a bit difficult to move, but the buildings were piled up a bit chaotic. When it was difficult to operate, they could only let them be in the building or on the road.

"Hello everyone, please be quiet!"

Li Qing's voice rang throughout the immortal country in his palm.

Hearing his words, everyone's voice became quiet.

"Now, first of all, congratulations. Now that you have arrived here, you have almost all the qualifications of becoming a fairy. As long as you are not stupid to a certain Just, stupid to a certain degree, you will Stand here? Obviously, not here, so you can all be immortals."


After a pause, Li Qing stood above the fairy palace, looking down from the top. There were countless heads, all with hopeful and respectful eyes.

"Second point, I want to tell you that in fact, I don’t have any crisis, even if there is, it is lifted. The reason why I said that on the earth, saying that if you come may be a nine-death life, just want to know that you are facing me No? Otherwise, it’s awkward, you don’t look at me, why should I treat you well. Then, I said that everyone can come to the fairy world, wouldn’t it mean that the entire earth would have to be evacuated, everyone would come up with me ."

The words fell, Li Qing looked at everyone.

Everyone is stupid.

Because, they were scared by this sudden surprise!

Oh my God!

Many of them are desperately holding their hands, and they don’t want to die, just came!

Now, it is said that there is no need to desperately, not to die for a lifetime, what the news on the earth does not exist, then, a surprise is like an explosion, rushing out of the heart.


It's like winning a lottery special prize, no, it's a bit bigger prize.


Someone cried with excitement and joy.

Others directly blushed their eyes and passed out.

"Oh my God!"


"I want to shout loudly, I want to shout loudly...ah-"

Everyone vented the ecstasy in their hearts. Some of them sang songs and danced, and some embraced each other, regardless of whether they knew or not, regardless of whether they were men, women, or children, and suddenly fell into a sea of ​​ecstasy that was so uncontrollable.


There are so few recommended votes, people, what about my righteous fathers? what! !

(End of this chapter)

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