My Super God QQ

Chapter 1060: Billion Fairy City

Billion Fairy City is a famous fairy city.

Because the trade prosperity of this fairy city is enough to compare with Pangu giant city.

Standing at a high altitude, from afar, you can see the huge protective cover of the billions of cents, and the protective cover is in the sun and reveals thousands of colors.

The protective cover can not only isolate the enemy's sudden attacks and air strikes, but also strengthen the facilities and houses in the city. If you do it inside, if you have a protective cover, it will not be so fragile and extremely strong.

Under the protective cover is the pattern of the city...

Towers rise from the ground, but they are full of carved beams, cornices and arches, and there are hanging gardens, flowers and plants everywhere, like a classic garden from three-dimensional to three-dimensional.

The buildings are connected by a jade road, but between the buildings, there is also a small stream winding and lakes, like a pearl necklace.

Especially in this big city, there is a giant lake. From time to time, there are huge waves in the lake, and it suddenly turns into a waterfall. It is like a jade dragon leaping and the sound of the sound can be heard.

On the top of the mountain in the center of the island, there is a thousand-foot high building. In the majestic condensate, there is the tendency of Lingyun flying. The top is indeed submerged in the clouds. All the buildings are surrounded by stars.

"The cool breeze is faithful, the autumn and the moon are boundless, and the emotions of my spoiledness are like living in the new year. Although, I am not a Yushu Linfeng, dashing and suave, but I have my broad mind and strong arms." Looking at the big city in front of me, Feeling the beauty there, there was a cool wind under the scorching sun. Li Qing simply fell from the sky and sang such a poem comfortably.

Today, he is a little lighter, because the Immortal Kingdom in his palm has been able to develop steadily initially after he has not lost the big threat outside.

Then, as Jie Jie and their sister said, Li Qing can relax well.

"It's such an old word, why are you still reading it~" Jie Yu listened to Li Qingnian's words, glanced angrily, and then laughed and laughed.

"It is indeed a very old-fashioned word, much worse than the city in front of me." Ning Shishi smiled, covering his mouth.

"No, I think it sounds good~" Yan Di said in a lovely way, with a look like a fan watching his idol, looking at Li Qing obsessively.

Even if she is now a husband and wife, Yan Di still likes Li Qing most, and is Li Qing's brain fan.

"Hahaha, or my flute is the cutest." Li Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard Yan Di's words, and she kissed the cherry mouth with her arms around Yan Di.

To say that Yan Di's mouth is really a small cherry mouth, what Li Qing likes most. At the same time, he also verified that some old drivers said that there is nothing wrong, that is, the upper mouth is equal to the lower mouth. Yan Di is very tight in that respect, making Li Qing most comfortable and exciting.

The feeling of being wrapped up and being constantly rubbed and squeezed, really made Li Qing's aspect extremely enjoyable.

"Listen well~"

Eva clapped her palms on the side, not flattering, but really liked it.

Yes, as a foreigner, Eva is a Chinese who only likes oriental culture. This is not the most enviable object of all foreign women.

Of course, she is also very good, especially the young woman's charm after giving birth, that kind of femininity, so that Li Qing really knows the taste.

"You two girls are spoiling him!" Xia Mo Can Yue couldn't help laughing and scolding at the edge, just looking at Li Qing's eyes, full of love.

"It's our husband, don't spoil who he spoils~" Tang Yanyan grumbled at Xia Mo Can Yue.

"Hahaha, yes, Miss Yanyan is just talking. At night, the little brother will spoil you~" Li Qing laughed.

Tang Yanyan's face was ashamed.


This is Li Qing taking this opportunity to take all the women out for public travel.

Because, he thought that he hadn’t brought his woman out for a long time, so this time was a good opportunity for them to understand the fairy world. What's more, Li Qing doesn't like the other people's use of fairies to entertain themselves. It is more comfortable for them to take them out for a trip, accompanied by beauty.

Walking with a smile, they walked towards the gate.

Because Li Qing's six wives each have their own characteristics and their own beauty, they attracted the attention of some big-headed soldiers and fairy soldiers at the gate.

As soon as they reached the gate, they immediately fixed their eyes on them.

"Hey, do you look bad like this? One day, if the dog's eyes were dug out, it would be bad!"

Li Qing doesn't want her daughter-in-law to be seen like this. If it's a normal love for beauty, it's okay, but with colored squinting, Li Qing feels a little uncomfortable and immediately shouted.

He intended to warn the other party, want to let the other party converge a little, and do not want to worry about it.

But he didn't care, but the fairy soldiers beside the gate laughed.

"Boy, who are you, so arrogant!"

"With these many women, could it be the rich second-generation son? Sorry, come to our hundreds of millions of immortal city, it is the tiger who has to lie down for us, and the dragon who has to cross us!"

"Wow, it's not bad, this kid is lucky."

"We came here, ha ha ha ha..."

A group of fairy soldiers laughed like a ruffian, some were cursing, some were dirty.

They made Xia Mocanyue's face sink one by one.

"How about your leader, the city guardian fairy?" Li Qing took a deep breath.

"I'm not here, I want to trust you? I'm sorry, you are really looking for the wrong person, ha ha ha..." A fairy soldier laughed and got close to Li Qing: "Come, let me see, you are relying on you Does this little white face care? I tell you, except for our city, it is not easy for others to come, except for the emperor!"

In this sentence, Li Qing immediately noticed something was wrong.

It seems that the immortal emperor asked him to check it, and it was not groundless. There must be a problem.

"Okay, then I have to see, when will your general be here!" Then, Li Qing jumped up and kicked the fairy soldier's head like a football.

It was at this time that they suddenly panicked and found that the ancient golden light was shining behind Li Qing.

"It's Taiyi Jinxian!"

The fairy soldier's heart was shocked by waves, but he was too late, because he realized that the scenery in front of him was constantly leaping and tumbling, but he was directly kicked out of his head by Li Qing, and his original body was still in place. .

His movements are too fast!

It was so fast that people could not react, but the shadow flashed a little, and the fairy soldier was in a strange place.

It was not until three seconds later that the fairy soldiers screamed.

"Slay somebody, someone invades, hurry, pull the alarm!"

A fairy soldier shouted.

Immediately, there was a siren sound similar to the air defense in the whole city gate, and it blew sharply.

Seeing this situation, Xia Mo Can Yue was a little flustered.

Li Qing, however, received his anger and breath, and continued to wait. He wanted to see if he came. Was the city lord hanging like these fairy soldiers!

Seeing that Li Qing was so calm, those fairy soldiers were a little messy, but they were still waiting for someone to come, because, they believed that when the city lord arrived, this guy who didn't know where would definitely have to counsel.

Ten seconds...

A general in black wearing armor appeared at the gate of the city.


"It turned out not to be the city master!" Li Qing was originally waiting for their city master to take the initiative to meet him. Seeing that he was just a general, he pouted with little interest.

"Why did you come to our billions of fairy cities to kill? Could it be that we didn't see our billions of fairy cities in our eyes?"

No loss is a general, not a hands-on action, but stared at Li Qing and asked.

"In your eyes? Oh, not to mention your hundreds of millions of immortal cities, even emperor cities, as long as these immortal soldiers dare to dare to ridicule my daughter-in-law verbally, I will kill them!" Li Qing sneered.

"Great tone!"

"It's not a big deal, I didn't know until I tried it..."

"Okay, then according to the rules of the fairy world, you are murdering, you are ready to be restrained, we will punish you with the law of the fairy world!" Then, he flew to Li Qing with a flick of his figure, and he would cut it with a palm To Li Qing's neck.

Where can Li Qing cut him to It can even be said that he is looking for death!

Because he was so entrusted.

"go with!"

Li Qing punched away.

The palm and the fist struck, and the opponent's palm was immediately blown into pieces by Li Qing.


He screamed. Although he said that his palm was growing under the power of immortality, he looked at Li Qing no longer as casual, but endless dignity and anger.

"who are you!"

He roared, like an angry beast.

"Let your city lord come to see me, otherwise, it is just your behavior, I will kill you on the spot, the laws of the fairy world will not control me!" Li Qing said coldly.

With that said, he took out the sign on his waist.

That's how he took it, his eyes narrowed.

Fairy official?

"Which fairy officer are you?" he asked subconsciously.

"This is not what you should ask!"


He was anxious and disappeared in place the next second.

By the time it reappears, another middle-aged strong man has appeared. This strong man is dressed in a golden silk dress, wearing a golden crown, a square face, and has a pair of narrow and long eyes like a knife.

Just look at the power in your body, don't think about it, Li Qing can be sure, this should be the owner of billions of cents.

"Oh, isn't this our Supervisor of Immortal Realm? How come you come, and use such a small door, your arrival really makes us billions of immortal cities flourish!"

Li Qing knew him, and Li Qing had seen him in Seyan House, but that time he was very low-key, and the two sides almost just gave a few words.

Seeing that he even died under his own hands, he didn't look at the wounds. Li Qing suddenly gave him a label, "Old Fox".

The immortal soldiers on the side are shocked!

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