My Super God QQ

Chapter 1101: Goodbye invasion

"Fairyworld? It turns out that this is the world you are plotting right now, it is a world of balanced power..."

"Is fairyland? It's good, I like the environment here, but unfortunately, when I'm here, it can't exist..."

"Why are you here too!"

Finally, a figure with bluish skin jumped violently towards the other two figures.

He attacked, and seemed to want to get rid of the two, but they hid, and then they saw the merit pool on the ground, exposing the hungry light like a hungry wolf saw the meat, and rushed to the Buddha.

"Huh?" The blue blood tribe also saw it at this moment, with a suspicious voice: "Nuclear Star Force?"

Immediately, he also rushed to Buddha.

Li Qing didn't understand what they said was the power of the nuclear star, but when he saw them rushing to the Buddha, he knew that the Buddha would be unlucky!

Because even the most stupid people can see that their three space cracks are too coincident.

Actually in the same place, above the Western Buddhist Kingdom.

This is not the ability of the broom star, what else can it be?

The Buddha was unlucky and the identification was completed.

as predicted……

Next, the three sent out horrifying, seemingly destroying the terrifying power of a planet and rushing to Buddha.

That force formed three beams, directly hitting the Buddha.

The Buddha was a little caught off guard. Even if I saw them and thought of something, I still didn't think about it, and they started at once.

Also, what the **** is nuclear star power?

He wanted to block their three aliens, but in this block, the beam could not be blocked directly, and his arm could not directly bear the terrifying power, and was destroyed.


He directly transformed into a future Buddha, even if he became a future Buddha, his face was a little pale, and then he rushed out of the beam of light at a very fast speed.

The beam of light continued to hit the merit pool, and the golden liquid that had overflowed into it was sprayed out.



"Dare to break into my Buddhist shrine..."


One can imagine how angry it was that the Buddha was wounded, so the crowds were angry and the war started.


The world is in chaos!

Countless terrible alien troops above, constantly flocked to the bottom of the Buddha Kingdom, killing the people of the Buddha Kingdom in the fairyland.

But below, the three strongests of the Buddha and the aliens are in a fight.

Even the few Buddhas who locked Li Qing were divided into several to deal with the three figures that appeared.

What about Li Qing?

While the golden liquid was spraying out, it shook and changed into a little undetectable bug rushing towards those liquids.

Someone said, wouldn't the Buddha who chased Li Qing continue to chase?

Will not!

Because, at the time of chaos, all kinds of destruction of the heaven and earth have filled this world.

Li Qing is still relying on the armor worn on his body and is constantly swallowing the liquid. He also figured out why he should directly absorb it, why not directly store it in the storage hard disk.

What Li Qing does not know is that the power of merit cannot be stored anywhere, nor can all kinds of storage treasures, otherwise, will the Buddha expose such precious objects to the air and stay in the merit pool .

But they can’t, but it doesn’t mean that Li Qing can’t!

Li Qing's qq system is definitely against the sky. Therefore, he also hit the ground by mistake and kept collecting these merits.

In this kind of destruction power flying, only Li Qing has such courage and defense, dare to do so!

As a result, all meritorious powers were not destroyed by those powers, and all were continuously plundered by Li Qing.

Ten minutes!

In ten minutes, he stored all the remaining merits in the storage space, and then moved away from the land of right and wrong. As long as the Western Buddhist Congress will not be crushed into horse honeycomb or flattened, he will not care about them. Life and death!


When Li Qing returned to the Immortal Kingdom, he saw Guoguo's great power.

Originally, the Buddha and Arhat who came here were suppressed by them. At this time, Li Qing once, let alone, settled the battle almost immediately.

Then, they killed these guys, Li Qing also obtained some useless zen sticks and a pair of gold scissors.

"Good thing!"

Touching the golden scissors with his palm, even if Li Qing's qq mall has countless magical treasures, he couldn't help but praise the golden scissors in his hand.

"Isn't that a good thing? Even if the strength of the empty Buddha is ranked in the Western Buddhist country, it is also the top ten strong men. It is now wiped out by us. Li Qing, you have a great contribution!" Li Pang Lao Huai Da Laughed comfortably.

"Isn't it? It's a little difficult to do now, what if the matter is spread to the Western Buddhist Kingdom? Doesn't it mean that the fairyland in our palms will tear the face with the Western Buddhist Kingdom?" Li Chuan said with concern. .

"What do you say, it only grows the ambition of others to destroy their mighty bastards. They come to trouble us for no reason and don’t kill them to stand up. Why do they stand in the fairyland and do things that are afraid of fear? "Li Pang couldn't help but scolded him on the spot, and then looked at Li Qing with complacent eyes: "It's still a good nephew."

Li Chuan was scolded, but he did not dare to be tougher in front of his elders, but the worry on his face remained.

"Relax, now Buddhism may not be able to take care of itself, and it is hard to protect itself," Li Qing said with a smile.


Western Buddhism will certainly not be able to please. Although the invasion of the three aliens will make the fairyland appear more troublesome, but that is the latter thing. Now that he sees Western Buddhism bear the brunt, he is in a good mood.

Don't say anything, regardless of the overall situation or something, Li Qing is not the kind of Virgin Mary. Now, all he can see is the people of this city who came to the fairy world with him.

As long as Li Qing can keep this fairyland in his palm as much as possible, he feels enough.

"what happened?"

Li Pang surprised.

"I just..." Li Qing wanted to say that he had just returned from the Western Buddhism. However, thinking that they did not know, thinking that it was the Buddhism who sent the people to provoke themselves first, he wouldn't even mention this and change his mouth. : "I just received news that there were three alien invasions. In addition to the previous blue blood man, there were two other alien creatures who did not know where they came from."

"Ah!!!" Li Pang was stunned by the news.

Others are dumbfounded.


The next day...

Li Qing received the news from the partner "Feng Wen Pavilion" that fairy world has already invaded alien creatures of ten major races, and their goal is nuclear star power.

What is the nuclear star power?

To this end, Feng Wenge also explained that the nuclear star power is the power of merit, the core of a world, which is similar to the "geocentric".


The world is self-conscious, so they can reward their own strength to a certain kind of creature, which is what human beings call the power of merit, and in the eyes of these outside creatures, this is called the nuclear star power.

They are constantly attacking other worlds just to get this kind of nuclear star power and strengthen their own world...

At the end, Fengwenge requested to join the fairyland in Li Qing's palm.

Why would they so request?

Because they can't join other mysterious forces, and then according to their powerful intelligence capabilities, they know that Li Qing's strength is not lost to those mysterious forces.

Of course Li Qing agrees. Furthermore, with these eyes and eyes, it is also possible to strengthen the power of the fairy country in the palm of your hand.

It seems that the atmosphere of the catastrophe of fairyland has made countless people smell the crisis.

And after Fengwenge applied to join, one after another, there were uninterrupted requests from some forces to join Li Qing's immortal kingdom...

Each of them showed enough sincerity. At this time, Li Qing's palm fairyland has actually become the "ark" to avoid huge disasters in the eyes of everyone...

Watching these forces continue to apply for joining, Li Pang couldn't help laughing anymore, which means that Li Qing's strength has been recognized by the entire fairyland. He is pleasantly surprised, happy, and proud!

Li Qing no longer cares about it, holding more than seven billion yuan from the merit pool and entering the qq mall to buy treasures...

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