My Super God QQ

Chapter 1108: Devour the world, the advanced civilization of the universe

Devouring the world is the first time someone who has broken into such a daring act, even a star thief in the universe, that is, pirates dare not to accept the light of their investigation and obediently stayed to accept the investigation of the country.

That's right!

The six fleets saw Li Qing’s spacecraft very unique, and without adding the mark of their devouring clan, they called a light meaning that they accepted the inspection obediently.

However, this light was believed by Li Qing to attack himself, not only to hide in the past, but also to "rush through customs."

They froze for a long time!

It was this stunnedness that Li Qing had already rushed to devour the world. Then, while the other party had not chased himself, he rushed into a dense forest and quickly put away the spaceship.

"They are chasing! Transform!"

Li Qing told Wang Lindao that despite his anxiety, he still forced himself to calm down.

"it is good!"

Immediately, the two brothers tacitly turned into two fleas, and quietly waited for the spacecraft to fall.

The Devourers did not land the ship on the ground, but jumped directly. There were thousands of warriors. They all exuded the coercion of the Great Luo Jinxian Realm, and there were even six Devourers who were top tiers. Bianjin fairy realm.

Unlike the brutal collision of the Devourers who invaded the Immortal World, the Devourers here were actually culturally literate. After lining up, the six Devourers directly scanned the jungle with their consciousness.

If it is found, Li Qing will immediately put Wang Lin into the qq bookstore and directly explode the "planet demolition stone".

Fortunately, their consciousness swept through and did not find it, or thought it was just two ordinary fleas.

After being swept away, the six devouring clan looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Gurry card..."


They communicated with what Li Qing and Wang Lin did not understand. Obviously, this is their language.

That is, after the exchange, they may have left a spaceship to watch here because they could not find Wang Lin, and all the others left.

So, Wang Lin and Li Qing quickly left this place.


A thousand kilometers away from the jungle, both stopped and became humanoid.

"Don't you blow up the world directly?" Wang Lin asked, thinking that Li Qing would start soon.

"No! It is a rare first time to come to a place outside Yuwai's civilization. Of course I have to take a look at what is going on here. Let's go!" Li Qing smiled and was curious.

"That's right, well, let's go, just, we are like this?" Wang Lin looked down hesitantly and looked at his figure, which was obviously different from the people who devoured the clan.

"In my opinion, this world is so big, there are so many spaceships outside, there must be more than people who eat the clan, there must be other races..." Li Qing is very sure.

Compared with the civilizations of the fairy world and the earth, people obviously have evolved to a certain degree. It is very likely that their civilizations are already universal civilizations.

Well, in such a high-tech cosmic civilization, trade is affirmed, not to mention, he has always suspected that the ten races that invaded the fairy world knew each other because they rarely saw the battle between the races in the fairy world.

"Then how do we make it look like a devouring clan? Also, I found that the spatial stability of this place is very high. If you want to teleport, you must at least use a force that is more than ten times stronger than the fairy world." Wang Lin told Li Qing what he found here.

"Yes, it seems that their expansion of the world has changed. Not only is the solidity of the space more than ten times that of the fairy world, but also this ground..." Li Qing stomped down with his feet, according to the degree of this strength In the fairyland, he was enough to blast a fissure fissure over ten meters.

But when they devoured the world, they just cracked a little bit. It can be imagined that they must have swallowed other worlds. What is called "nuclear star power" has strengthened the firmness of their own world.

This made Li Qing wonder if his planet's ruined stone could blow up the place directly.

Wang Lin also tried it, stunned, apparently did not expect that the ground would be so solid.

"It seems more than this ground space, under the blockade of the atmosphere of this world, it seems that the aura of this world is more than ten times more powerful than the fairy world..." Li Qing felt faintly guessing why the other party invaded the fairy world, except to fight. In addition to some resources in the fairy world, engulfing a world can enhance their own world.

"Aura" is the foundation of a powerful world. Li Qing has no doubt that if Immortal Realm also knows these things, there will definitely be strong people meeting together and robbing another world together.

Of course, Xianqi is called Xianqi, and the name of each place must be different, but it is the energy of heaven and earth.

"I don't know how they plundered other worlds..." Wang Lin curiously interested.

"That's why, I want to go and devour the world to find out the real reason." Li Qing said with a smile: "It is impossible, you don't want the earth to become stronger?"

Wang Lin nodded seriously and agreed: "After all, that is our hometown, our earth, and the place where the blood of China lives."

Everyone is patriotic and loves their own earth, just how much they love. Assuming that if the earth can be made better, they don’t think it’s troublesome at all.

"Then how do we get it to become a devouring clan?" Wang Lin asked the question again.

Li Qing didn't ignore the past, thought about it: "No, we still keep the appearance of small animals, and then explore whether there are creatures similar to humans, and then make a decision. In my opinion, there are blue blood people like this There are certainly human species that are almost similar to us."

The two became very small birds and flew to a town in the distance. At this time, even if they were flying in the void, the attraction of gravity was very strong. If they were not strong, it would be difficult.

The two looked at each other with incredible eyes.

It seems that the predatory nuclear star power is too important for a world.


Flying into town, finally, they saw a guy similar to humans, even they are closer to humans than the blue blood people, that is, the pupils of the eyes are blue, the hair is different, there are gold, blue, various hair colors .

"It's not easy?"

The two directly changed their physical appearance and characteristics into two humans with blond hair and blue pupils.

As for how to communicate, Li Qing saw that these races similar to humans are wearing a headset-like thing, which seems to be used for translation.

"Looking like you, you actually want to find a place to buy? No need to buy, just grab it..."

Wang Lin saw Li Qing continually glancing around and immediately knew his thoughts, which was very contemptuous.

Li Qing reluctantly smiled bitterly.

He had forgotten the character of Wang Lin, his body, and robbed him.

So, they tracked down on the edge of the two humanoids until they reached a very remote place, and directly started.

Their strength is not weak. Fortunately, Li Qing's strength exceeds that of the other party. They just stun each other in three or two hits. If Wang Lin watched Li Qing's face, it would be possible to kill him directly.

In this way, the two people put on the instrument and understand the usage of the instrument.

It seems that what they say can be directly translated into what the other person listens to, and the ears will also be automatically translated, which is a very intelligent little machine.

"You said, if the roar of animals, do you understand?"

Suddenly, Wang Lin whimped and asked.

"How to say, just like human beings are advanced animals, then animals with spiritual thinking are things that produce intelligence, and they should all be understandable." After that, Li Qing couldn't help but think of the two huge starry beasts.

Assuming that these races can cope with the starry sky, it is very likely, so as to prevent the destruction of their world by such powerful creatures. Even Li Qing wondered, did the starry sky beast want to get some benefits from Immortal Realm, and then people who come out of Immortal Realm can't understand it before they will be killed by it?

As for whether it has not benefited, has it stayed there? No, the lifespan of the starry sky beast is too long. It is normal to stay in a place for hundreds of thousands of years. It's just that people from the unlucky fairy world have just encountered it. If it knows where the fairy world is, then it will definitely go to the fairy world, because the main food of the starry sky monster is also the nuclear star power.

They generally find a smaller world, devouring nuclear star power, similar to the history of the Devouring Clan, where dozens of starry sky monsters were about to invade and were killed or run away.

Starry sky monsters are so powerful that they can be said to be standing firmly at the top of the entire universe food chain.

The two had this translation software, such as fish and water, and quickly learned from the residents of the town that the currency and living environment are custom.

For example, the currency here is dipped a little bit with the liquid of the star core's intrinsic force and then casted out uniformly. This thing can also be used for their cultivation, even faster than the absorption of the natural energy in the sky, so Will become currency.

In addition, they also have more powerful cities, such as the capital city, which is where their king lives.

As for why the Devouring Clan has so many foreign lives, it also has a lot to do with their habits.

Devouring means a greedy character. If they can come into contact with external life, they generally look at the strength of the other world first. If the overall strength of the other world is not strong, they will directly devour. If they are strong, they will choose civilized exchanges and trade. That's how they grew stronger.

"It's a bit different from what I thought before!"

From the perspective of Immortal Realm, the Devouring Clan is such a brutal collision, and its strength must not be dripping. It is only after this that he realizes that the characteristics of these Devouring Clan are bullying and fearful, and there are also hard and soft means.

Very different!

Knowing oneself and knowing the other can only win a hundred battles.

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