My Super God QQ

Chapter 1107: Robbing the elite

"Superman" is a racial creature in the outer realm, and Li Qing is also clear.

It seems that it comes from "Krypton Star", so I really did not think that this Hongyun Taoist is quite powerful, and the key point of the problem was found at once.

If you don’t know the world civilizations of the universe, Li Qing is a little ignorant. He may be at a loss when faced with this problem. Now, if he already knows about the civilization outside Yuyu, what if he takes his wife to see a doctor?

"Okay, thank you, senior, I will take her out and see."



"Are you going to leave the fairyland? If so, what if those foreign races invade the fairyland again?" Hongyun Taoist was very worried.

"Give them ten guts, I'm afraid to be afraid!" Li Qing said confidently: "In addition, I will immediately find the kind of tool that can be contacted from outside Yuyu. Then, as long as I am in the universe, I can receive the signal. I will come back as long as the fairy world is in trouble. And, senior, this time, I am just to treat my wife, and if it is good, I will rush back immediately."

"Okay!" Hongyun Taoist thought about it and nodded. "Then you should be careful when you go out. Now, Xianmeng, no, the whole fairyland cannot be without you. If you are not there, I am afraid that those wolves who are ambitious will definitely Take advantage of it."

"Then trouble seniors to watch it first"

Li Qing doesn't want to be a nanny, and there are many talents in the fairy world.

Now, all he thought about was his Xia Mo sister.


The first stop of Li Qing came to Jingji.

Feeling that his appearance may have been known by these races, he changed a little before entering the world.

The Jingji people are at the forefront of the most advanced technology in the civilized world. Here, they seem to have come to the future world of the earth.

All kinds of transportation and facilities are dazzling and unsightly, which makes Xia Mo Can Yue look dumbfounded.

"Is this an alien?"

"Hahaha, isn't it?" Li Qing thought of something and smiled.

While on Earth, there were countless people on the topic of aliens, discussed countless times, and even some foreigners emitted signals and wanted to contact aliens.

This is simply the act of finding death!

If the technology of the earth is still backward, and the signals are received by these aliens, then the earth will definitely be eaten up.

what? !

Are aliens friendly?


Let’s not talk about aliens, compare your heart to heart. If you meet another person in the wild, this person has the wealth you need, you have a sword in your hand, and you have a gun in your body, and you will not be afraid of committing a crime if you kill someone. Will you be emotional?

There are eight or nine out of ten, which will definitely be exciting!

So, you will be excited, will not aliens? Just kidding, just when the earth is in, the United States of America is so powerful, they are relying on the power of science and technology to constantly plunder other countries. So, if the earth comes into contact with aliens early, then it is definitely not about acquiring scientific and technological knowledge from them, but disaster.

In the extremely refined world, the currency they use is also composed of the nuclear star's original liquid. Although it is only a trace, it is also a chemical currency, which is called refined currency.

The denomination of refined coins is very small, but it is very convenient to exchange currencies of other worlds. This is like the dollar of the earth and rmb.


It’s not because people’s scientific and technological strength is strong, as long as they understand the enjoyment of creatures.

What Li Qing sees is all a manifestation of the comfort of technology. For example, here on the streets, there are more robots that serve humans.

As long as you lie on the bed, there will be robots that can do everything for you.

If you want to eat or cook, the robot will cook for you. If you want to take out, you can also let the robots run errands for you. Their intelligence has reached a level of horror that is no different from that of humans.

As long as it is in war, robots will also replace Jingji people, but unfortunately, Jingji people are really cunning and exported to other worlds. They will never join the combat program.

There is a blue sky above, a large number of warships or aircraft floating in the ground, and futuristic buildings of various technologies abound. They even see more robots than creatures here.

"What if we don't have money?"

Walking on the road, they looked at all of them curiously, Xia Mo Can Yue suddenly asked.

"Grab it!"

Li Qing was also influenced by Wang Lin, and he immediately thought of grabbing.

So, he saw the tallest and most beautiful building walked over, put on his own translator, otherwise, they could not understand what they said.

When walking to the door of this gate, there were two noble and decent black clothes blocking Li Qing. Their clothes were not suits, but they were tailored to make them look more beautiful.

"What's the matter with you coming to Zhongxing Technology? If it's okay, please leave immediately!"

"Yo, it's quite amazing! I want to find the person in charge of your technology, the biggest one..."

"Please leave immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being welcome!"

Li Qing said in this way, but they just didn't let themselves in. More than that, this robot is quite humanized. It actually has a mocking expression on its face. It seems to be saying that anyone can enter?

"Okay, a good running robot..."

Until Li Qing saw a head picture carved on the side of the building, immediately, Li Qing thought of something, smiled, and asked Xia Mo Can Yue to wait for himself here and disappeared.

In fact, he is not teleportation, because the gravity of this world is too strong, and the space is also extremely strong, making Li Qing almost impossible to translocate, it takes a lot of effort, but the transformation technique It's not so troublesome, just change into a tiny creature, Li Qing enters it.

Small star gate?

Li Qing looked at the telepresence array in front of him, and had to say that the company's strength is really strong. He could actually build this kind of thing in his own company. Knowing that this kind of Stargate has been heard is of great value. At least for the Devourers, this kind of star gate, even if it is a small town, is not eligible for it.

Jing Jizu is really rich!

Entering the highest marked star gate, Li Qing came to the uppermost floor. This is a building hall with a semi-circular ceiling slightly recessed, with a total area of ​​500 square meters, and all sides are decorated with rich and beautiful, along the silver Looking at the innermost floor, a middle-aged extremely fine man dressed in black was sitting behind the desk, burying his head and operating a 5d tablet with his fingers.

In fact, Li Qing doesn't know what that is, it is directly three-dimensional, much like a tablet computer.

"Hello there!"

Li Qing came behind him and appeared directly, putting on an interpreter.

As long as you wear this thing, the words spoken by the other party will be translated into the language you understand and hear.

"Ah, who are you!"

"I'm here to borrow some money from you. I think you shouldn't refuse to start such a big company!" Li Qing smiled, his body burst into coercion and covered him directly.

It was such a hood that he almost jumped up from his chair and looked at Li Qing in horror: "Aren't you afraid that you can't control me and attract the police?"

"You can give it a try! By the way, you should not be in low status among Jingji races?"

"Yes, my father is an elder among the elite."

While he was saying this, his hands had been put down, as if he was groping for something, ready to call the police.

By the he thought in his heart: "The ridiculous person, thought he could control our elite people, wait for our artillery fire..."

"Very good, then you must have heard of the exploding fairy people eating the world, Li Qing"

As soon as Li Qing said this, his hand froze directly and was set in midair.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

Li Qing is now well known in the major civilized worlds outside Yu, especially among those high-level.

In an instant, the eyes of this Jingji tribe were rounded, as if being pinched by the neck, and his face was pale with fright.

"You actually want to make small moves? Well, now I don't just have to borrow money, I have to borrow something else..." Li Qing smiled and narrowed her eyes. In the eyes of the Jingji people, it was simply the smile of the devil. .

It's a new week. If you think this book is still in your eyes, would you recommend a ticket?

End of this chapter

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